Resolution 03948RESOIMTTON TO. 3948 AUTHCRIZTNG CTTY MANAGER TC MAKE APPliCATTCA TO STAT,!'a DTHECTOR Cli' IFII,,Yi`,,-CE Cd,,` BEIMIF Q 'PEE CTTY C? AIAEEDA 70H STATE ASSTSTATOR TN nwhAYING COST OF PLANS PCH CUSTBUCTIQ'` a],IDE STORM WATER UUMP119 FIAN711P 1w'C'a`,JPHI AEn OUTFAU (PRURCT NC.,47-22). ViHE under Chap)' er 47, Statutes of 1944, 0,IflEAS, t"Inc State of Calif oxmin (4th Extra Sessich) has appropriatad funds for allotmont by the Director of Virance to provida financial assistance to local Qencios deVined tharein as counties, cities or cities and counties for the purpose of defraying not to exceed one-half tho cost of preparing anginnoring field suxweys, engineering or :1 n! de - ns, and working and datailcd drawings and spocifications (haroinaftor called hans") raquirod for post-war public works pr1jects describod as hpcclfic proj- ects" in said Act; and ,,­TIHIRT]AS9 th,c City cC Alameda dosires to apply to the Director of Financr,_, and/or the Pasb Var Public Torks haview Board, as the case noy be, for an al-Intment of the Statefs sbare of the cstimated cost of pirparinq the completed plans herain- aftor mentioned, and thorn bas been prepared and presented to this Tagislativo Body for consideration an application for such purpose; and WHEREASY said City has provided, or i'�,iake available upon approval of the afoymmentioned appYcation, sufficiont funds to prepare the completed plans harein mentioned; 11CRIY THEIVIRIOCREY BE X RESOUVE-D. that sold CUT submit the aforesaid appli- caLlon to the Diroctor of Finance and/or the Post Nar Public Works Review Board, as tho case may bo, requery sting allotmcnt of 129000.009 being not more than one-half tho cost of proparing said conqletnd plans, or for such amount as nay be approved by the / or thB Post Ear Public Works INview Board (said allotment Diroctor of FinaYice Cr?; I to be used for tbo purpose of defraying the cost of proparing said completed plans inquired) for a snecific project to be undertaken by said City and described as -n, 47-22 North Side Storm dator Pumping Pinnt and Cutfall. 3E 1T FURTIER RESOLVED, that the estli-,mtod cost of preparing such plans 3S 54,000.00, and that snid City has made pi.evisior for paying ono -half or ii. oro of the cost of preparing such plans. BE 1T PUat, HER RESOIXIDS that for ptirpuses of LhTs application, Carl Froerer, City Manager of the City of Alameda, be, and he heroby is, designated as 0e authorized agcnt of said City and is barobX authnrized and dirccted to sign the above mentioned application on behalf of sold Ulty and submit the samo to the DI- roctor of Finance and/or the Post War Public Acrks Review Board to7aglee r with a certified statenent of the estimated cost of preparing such plans and such other infornation as may be required; and said authorized agent is further authorized and directed, as the representative of sald CItT,, to conduct all negotiations and con- clude all arrangements, includinE submission to the Director of Finance of applica- tions for reimbursement, which may be necessary to scci_.ire. re,,Tnbursement for tlno State's share of expenditure made in preparing said completed plans. TY the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and reFularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular rmeting assembled on tic 15th day U Yebruarl, 1040, by the following vote, to wit: AUS: Councilmen Anderson, jorns, Osborn and Pre sidont Brorscheld, (4). ARnENT: Councilman Sweeney, (1). TT OTTIESS THEBEOPI i have herounto set rT band nnd affixed the cfflclal scal of said City this 15th day of Vebruary, 109. F. --- J. P._CLAPI> (SEAL) clty Cler],., of thm, City of Alameda BE 131 m T hereby certify that the fore7oinq is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution No. 3948, AUTHORIZING OTTY VANAGER TO YAKE APPIWATION TO STATE DT - OP jlf`� - 1� 01'�' FINANCE ON BEHAIT OF THE CITY OF AIAVEDA FOR STATE ASSISTANCE !U DEFRAY- TNn COST OF PIANS FCR COWSTRUCT101 OF RORTH STOD11, ',,",AT -17,',R ]PLAN7 ANID OUTFALL (MiECT UO. 47-20)JIntraduced and adopted by the Council on the 15t1 day of February, 1949. City Park W the City of Ajameda