Resolution 03953WIMITARI the 2tntc of California, under Chapter 20, Statutes of 2046 (Pirst Extra Soss',nn), as aranded, has appropriated funds for allotment to provide, fnr PinnInc ial assistnnee to Local Agannins, dofirod thernin as countlos, cities and., countics or citins, so that they may engage in a lar7o public works constructior, rrngrbm in order to pravont an.6 alleviate unomploymont; an(.,, - t1 --c City of Alameda has h.cretofore applTod to the Statc, Director C:;=1Finance for an allotmant of �138,750.00, at that timo estimatod as being not morn, thnn ono -half the cost of the corstructinr of said projoct, and snK Director of' �Inance bas allocated to sold Qt; of Alnmeda the sun of Y13S,750.00: andl WHEAEASI the My •of Alameda now desirys to mato a sunrlerental applica- tion to the Director of Finance and/or the State Allocation Board, as the case may 509 for an additional allotmort of State aid for tim construction of said project, and thorn has been propared and presented to thiv iegislative Body for considera- tion a supplemontal application for such purpove: and OHERKAS, snid, 3ity has rade provisions for paying that portion of the cost of the projccb rot requestod as an allotmnnt from tho State; Vcwh TIM111FORE, BE X RES017ED, that said City submit Lho afornsald sup- plemontal application to the Director of 4nance and/or the StaLa AllocaLlon Vonrd, as the case may ba, requasting the allotment of additional funds amounting to 010,750.00, or an allotmont of such amount as may be allontod Q the State Alloca- Qcn Boapd; UE TT PTITNER HESCT ETM that said City horcby cartifics that the Lotal es - timate of cost to be paid for the construction of the Rcay Farri Island Sewer Syston Majoch No. 20-6). for which snid My 1c making a supplcmcntni application undor said AK9 is �3155000.00; I 'T 1'17,11,171EE ESSCLVED that said City of Alameda hproby requosts thet, atc, to pay Lho State's sPare of the total actuni cost of construction of the projoct for which said City is makin7 application for aid; 1M 1T FURTHER BESOINADI that fer the ti of this supplemental applica- tion, Carl Procror, City Lhnagor of the CitN nf Alawcda, bo, and he hcroby is, do- signated as the authorized agent of said Citj, and is hareby authorized and directed Un slqn t.. µ:7S.. hnroln nentler od cad pplemon0i application of said City and to oubmit t• ,.£5 same to tho State Director of Anance 9 togother with a certified statoment of thn total estimated cost to be paAd for construntlor of the projncU horoir mcntionad and such other information as may be requirod; and sold authorizod agent is further authorized and directed, as representative of saTd City, to conduct all rogotlation,,,; and conclude all arrangements, with. either the State AllocaLion Board or the Director of Knanco, includirg roquests for paymort of the Stabalo shnim of tho cost of the constructiono i t?n aforementicned public works project. & Ve undersigned, hereby certify that the fop c,irg Hosolution uas duly and reqularly introduand and adopted by the Council of tho City of Alamoda in ra7u7ar meeting assembled on the Ath day of Tcbruar7, 1042, by Lho folloving Vot03 to wit: AYES: Courclimcn Anderson, Jones, Usbarn. and President Branscheld, (4). HGES: None. ABSENT: Courcilman Sweenoy, (1). !F AITTESS THERROPY i bave hereunto", ry hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 16th day of February, 104P. (SEAL) Im _j . P. CLARK City Clerk of +thnne "City of Alameda 3053 AL7U0RIZ!Nn CITY TANAGER APPLICATTOT,11 TO FAKE SUPITTEPETA!, TO STATE DIBECTCR Ch' C? DENAIT TIN CIT? Cl�l ALATADA ASSISTANCE F02 STA7Z TT DEYAUING CCST SF CON- ST7aRTTON 07 THE 3AN FARM TZIATD SEWER S=VY (FEVEC1' To. 20-6). WIMITARI the 2tntc of California, under Chapter 20, Statutes of 2046 (Pirst Extra Soss',nn), as aranded, has appropriated funds for allotment to provide, fnr PinnInc ial assistnnee to Local Agannins, dofirod thernin as countlos, cities and., countics or citins, so that they may engage in a lar7o public works constructior, rrngrbm in order to pravont an.6 alleviate unomploymont; an(.,, - t1 --c City of Alameda has h.cretofore applTod to the Statc, Director C:;=1Finance for an allotmant of �138,750.00, at that timo estimatod as being not morn, thnn ono -half the cost of the corstructinr of said projoct, and snK Director of' �Inance bas allocated to sold Qt; of Alnmeda the sun of Y13S,750.00: andl WHEAEASI the My •of Alameda now desirys to mato a sunrlerental applica- tion to the Director of Finance and/or the State Allocation Board, as the case may 509 for an additional allotmort of State aid for tim construction of said project, and thorn has been propared and presented to thiv iegislative Body for considera- tion a supplemontal application for such purpove: and OHERKAS, snid, 3ity has rade provisions for paying that portion of the cost of the projccb rot requestod as an allotmnnt from tho State; Vcwh TIM111FORE, BE X RES017ED, that said City submit Lho afornsald sup- plemontal application to the Director of 4nance and/or the StaLa AllocaLlon Vonrd, as the case may ba, requasting the allotment of additional funds amounting to 010,750.00, or an allotmont of such amount as may be allontod Q the State Alloca- Qcn Boapd; UE TT PTITNER HESCT ETM that said City horcby cartifics that the Lotal es - timate of cost to be paid for the construction of the Rcay Farri Island Sewer Syston Majoch No. 20-6). for which snid My 1c making a supplcmcntni application undor said AK9 is �3155000.00; I 'T 1'17,11,171EE ESSCLVED that said City of Alameda hproby requosts thet, atc, to pay Lho State's sPare of the total actuni cost of construction of the projoct for which said City is makin7 application for aid; 1M 1T FURTHER BESOINADI that fer the ti of this supplemental applica- tion, Carl Procror, City Lhnagor of the CitN nf Alawcda, bo, and he hcroby is, do- signated as the authorized agent of said Citj, and is hareby authorized and directed Un slqn t.. µ:7S.. hnroln nentler od cad pplemon0i application of said City and to oubmit t• ,.£5 same to tho State Director of Anance 9 togother with a certified statoment of thn total estimated cost to be paAd for construntlor of the projncU horoir mcntionad and such other information as may be requirod; and sold authorizod agent is further authorized and directed, as representative of saTd City, to conduct all rogotlation,,,; and conclude all arrangements, with. either the State AllocaLion Board or the Director of Knanco, includirg roquests for paymort of the Stabalo shnim of tho cost of the constructiono i t?n aforementicned public works project. & Ve undersigned, hereby certify that the fop c,irg Hosolution uas duly and reqularly introduand and adopted by the Council of tho City of Alamoda in ra7u7ar meeting assembled on the Ath day of Tcbruar7, 1042, by Lho folloving Vot03 to wit: AYES: Courclimcn Anderson, Jones, Usbarn. and President Branscheld, (4). HGES: None. ABSENT: Courcilman Sweenoy, (1). !F AITTESS THERROPY i bave hereunto", ry hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 16th day of February, 104P. (SEAL) Im _j . P. CLARK City Clerk of +thnne "City of Alameda Immm Im 7 hernby certify that tho foregoTrg is a full, truo and correct copy of "Resolutior pin. 3953,!AUTHORIZING CITY RAFAM TO KAKE SMIRKS= APPIJCATICN TC STATE DTRACTCE CF PTIANCE CN BE,,,AJJ'-41 C-""-" 'I'll" iii -ii,' CIT7 OF AIAREDA FUT STATE ASSISTANCE T"J DERRAYING CCST UP CCHSTRUCTICK T11E 'BAY iSLAW SEM SYSTEY (PROjECT NG. 20-6)," introdwed and adopbed by the Council on the 15th My of February, 1049. City 119% of the City of Alamada