Resolution 03954AUTHCBTZING C171 MASER TO TAKE APPUCATICE TO STAT], DTRECTLTL 010 FTNATICE AIAWM';I, �7 FCB STATE ASSISTANCE it DEFRAYUGMST OF COESTRUCTIOC OF ATLANTIC AVENTE (PBOjECT XC. 20-7). 'WIDAIURAT35 the State of California, undor Chaptar 00, Statutes of 1046, Wirst Extra Sossion), as amcndcd, has appropriated funds for allotment to provido for :l a1 c_lal assistance to local Qencics, defined tMinin as countics, cities and counties, or citics, so that thoy may ongago in a largo public -,ac�rks coristnucl;iorl prolram in order to prevent and alleviate unenployment; and now-nAo "AMLA.1 tho City of Alawnda desircs to apply for an allotment of State aid for tho consLinction of a public works prcjcct nndcr said Act; and TBEREAS5 an applicaLion to tho Stato Dircctor of Manse for ouch an al.- lotment hns becn preparad and presonted to this Inegislative Body for considoraMon; WIMREAS, said City has made provisions for paying that portion of the cost of the project not requested as an allotment from the State; 1"I'l 1;11�1` _111 13TE' 11P11 RNSOMD that st aid Ciy submit the aforosaid nppll- 1Z"(I 1C� 'I cation for StWe aid for construction of a public works project to tho Diroctor of Manse, requesting an allotmont of One Bundred Twenty-four Thousand, Ninety-fou'r zlcx 94/100, (Q0,094.04) Dollars, or an allotmort of such amoimt as may be allottad by the State Allocation Board; 13-10, 19P _IF1,J,1?'T11T'_F,R ERSOLVED that said City hareby ceitifies that tho total esUanta of cosL to be paid for the construction of hhe Atlantic Avenue Sanitary Sewer (Project To. 20-7), for Mich said City is making application under said Act, is Two Hundred Si xty-nino Thousand, Eight Hundred Party-fivo (1269,845.00) Dollars; and BE !T FURT]HEE,,R 1_'.J.'_i:SCI,V__,;D that said City of Alameda hereby requests the State C` o pay tho Stato's share uf tho Lotal actual cost of construntion of the project for which said City is ..a,.fig applicatior for aid; 1" J thnt for the purpose of this request, Carl Proeror i'll I RESOLVED City Yana7er of tin City uf .tis lanodLa. , be, and im heimby is, dosignated as the au- tharized aqont of snid M7, and is haroby authorized and directed to sign the herein mentioned application of said City and to Mmit the same to the State Director af Finance, together with a cartMed Matoment of 1,:,`._,.e total estinated cost to be paid for ccnstruction of ..tho project heirin mentioned and such ot1wr information as may be requirad; and said authorized agent is further authorized mid directed, as roproson- tative of said City, to conduct all nagotlaticns and conclude all arrangements, with either tho State Allocation 3oard or the DirocLor ofPinanco, including requests for payment of ths Stato's share of the cost of the constriveMn V the aforementioned pub '.1-11,c prcJ,,ect. A the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City M Alameda in regular meetinq asschblad on the 15th day of February, 1940, b•y the following VOLIT, Y to wit, Councilmen Anderson, juncs, Osborn and Prosident Bra nschold, W. hGES: lone. ,fl BSNKT: Couisilyan Swooney, (1). it UITNESS 021MR4 1 have harounto set uV ,and and affixed the official seal V said City th!s 16th day o -11P 11,7;4y. i. 0. CIAR11K (SEAL) 777y Cloph of tho CITy- of W-inanninedia 01 W m Im rt L"\r -nn' correct cony : t"', q t fm,(— P Ln*- 1 -- q, full, truc a C, 0, I'Llt 1 on 1`595,1 A ZJI T`] C ITY I. sA A G, L" I CN I- , I- A .1 �l -, " S �, 1 11 � �, J I✓j � r Cl� P L Y c 71 A y..".hr l r, Tl�l 7T? 0, 1 1 C�, 1, � " k ,I P -', � 1 1, L, U,�L, X� - 171, z IY c"i 20-7 �,T C,,F -"''LA.El -1 ,, L�, Uj,a 'viJ� � tl�,- -r, �v I I I'IA UECT !r,t;rcd,llc(.,d al' .1 adoptccl b,,.- on t"ho, lith day (,Jf Februari,,,, '194,-'). C 1 t rl -y of Alaurieda k of tht, C -It"