Resolution 03976Is RESOLUTUh Nu. 3976 ACCAPTIAG C0VEYANGE W�,'uL,., J. i�,�C,,,,i i:JND KAA C . WWI, HIS aIFE, 010 PROPLRIITY AKJ CWEITLt: TO THI,' ('_xtain deud dated the 21st day of 3ebruary, 1949, made by and between August J. Zroiniu and Mae 0. Kro-ii,il his �,.",We, grantors, and the City of Aiameda, a municipal corporation, was, on or about sala uatu, ozecutud and do- livureu by said Zrantors to the said City of Alameda; and WREW, by said dead said grantors grunted to the City of Alameda ali that certain real property situatod in the City of nlamada, County of Alameda, Staue of California, and more particularly describod in said dead; _LI!EIIEf0zV& BE K AsSULVED jY USA GOTMICIL Of TKE WIT 02 ALANEW thaL the aforementionea do be, and the same is hereby, accepted on Achalf of the City of Alameda, and said Cito Council, acting for and in behalf of said City, hereby consenza to the rocordatioL of said dead i. {..L orders t,is rosulution to be attached thereto) as required by Section 1156 of the livVii. Code of the State of' 3aiifornia. ItLe undersigned, hereby c , ertify that the ZoreaoinA Ausolution was duly and regularly introauced and adopted by tne Council of too City of Alwaoda in zegular _.a assenuled on the 15th day of hurani 1149, by the following vote) Gu wit: :i 11 Councilmen Anderson, Sweeney and President Gsbornl (3). "LAS: hone. 23SENT: Councilman jones and LAyor hranscaeid, (2). W NIT&00 QwHEM I have hereunto set my hand and aflixeu the offi- cial sual Of saQ City wis l6th day of Larch, 1949. (ShaW J. P. CLARL City Clerk of ike CiLy of Al,wmeda I aersby certify that the foruguing is a full, true and correct cup; of' "Resulution No. 3976, ACCEPTUG CONVIYAWE 2RO! AUjU3T j. 1�i,i] C. WE) UE CARInih REAL PROPERY]" :`,I',_',3 DENT WG TO THE RECORDATICN THAREWO introduced and aampted by the Council on the l5th day of Larch, 049. IM