Resolution 03980In RESuLdI101 AU. 3980 ALOPTIhU SPECIP10ATI610 ith, bi,,,E DEEP SELL TUREVE 1113IT TO LLa (,1' :' Od,' GOL? COUASEI CALLILa TOR aiN3 AAQ DIRACTIAG CITV CLEK TO ADVARTICE QN0 i RE",("L'VED TnE VY 1....E OIT� 02 ALA�IDA that the Specifications E, and Provisions for furnishing one (1) Deep dell Turbi.,..,ic PtL�ip Unit to the City of "iunuual for tLe Municipal Colf Course an Say Farm island, lo. ES 3-49-1, filed in the Office of the City Clerk un LArch 15, 1149, be, and the aame are hereby, upproved una Wept= RES31,133 2URKLR; thut the Council of the Cit; of Alameda will receive sauled bids up Lo bhu hour of 3:05 o'clock P. 1. on Tuesduy, "Pril 5, 1049, for the furnishina to the City of one (.a ,14 Deep Well Tuioine Pwun Unit, in accordance with suid Specifications and Provisionse hias must ue preshtea to Lhe City Olark, in the City Lail, Alameda, California, ander sealed cover and plainly marked an the ouside, "Proposal for Deep dell Turbine Pump Unit", or similar dosignutiun. Contract, if awarded, will be auarded, subject to the provisions of the Charter of saia UEt to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest and best oid. Tiso riaht is reservad to reject any or all bids. The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise, in the Alameda Timesmur, a notice cuiling for sealed bias, in accordance with the provisions of this Resolutioh and of said Specifications und Provisions. A thu unaersigned, hereby cortify that the forogning Resolution was aul. unU regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the Cizy of Alumeda in regulur musting assemolud on the 15th day of larch, 1949, by the following vote, to wit: Councilmen Andersc)-in,­',-oweney and President Osborn (3) - huhs: Lone. ABSILT: Councilman junes und Eayor Aranscoeid, (2). l I h. -Ave hereunto set my hand and affixed the offi- cial seaof said City this 16th day of Larch, 1949. J. P. CLAN, City 1 huruLy certify thaz the forsauing is a full, true and correct cop; of "assKution No. 3980, !0U!Ti1vG Oil DEEP ..E....:..a TUn=,,,, 2`d!P jL11 !U = CITY U2 ALnLED, 20R T1111, ..Z 2un jIj3 AKD CIIY jLia" TO ts,VlnlijEQALE& introduced and adopted by the Council on the l5t1i duy of Larch, 1140. Y"XI"', City ClefR of He citup ME("