Resolution 03981aEGOLUTIM hu. 3961 AI)MMU SPEOWICATIUM YOR MKISHINU FILL LOTARIAL M T11", CIT" U2 QAnhDAJ GAnLiLd 23a AIDS AND i)!I:LEbTIIJAx' Z_11, CITI CLERK !U A•DVERTISE ME _�h` 'HE 02 112 Cin' UIT 1MALIMA that ihe Spacifications und Provisions for furnishiLS Fill Laterial, for Washington Park jeach, to the My of Alameda, Nu. M 3-49-2, filed in the office of the City Clerk on Larch 15, 1,49, be, and the same are hereby, approved and auopted. RZOMAD 2ayMER1 thaL the Council of Gyle it of Alameda will reccive s.alod bids up to the "Our of 8:05 o'clock P. L. On QuesdaY, APril 5, 1949, for the furnisting to the Citg of Zill Material for lashinZten Park Deach, in accordance with said SpeaMoations anu Provisions. Aias must je piusented to tho City Clerk, in the City Lail, Alameda, Caliwornia, undoy sculcd cover and plainly murhcd on the Uutsidel "Proposal for Fill huterialn, or similar desiqnatiun. jontract, ifawarded, will oa awurded, subject to the provisions of the CLarzur of said City, to the responsMo biader woo suuuits the lowest ana best bid. The right is reservou to reject any or all bids. The City Clerk is hereby airected to advertise, in the Aluzeda 2imes-Star, a notice cuiling for swalad bids, in uccordance MLA thu provisions of this rasulu- sion and of saia Specificubions und Provisions. !, the undersiqued, hereby certiQ Mut the foroluin; Resolution was dul; and re,ularly introaucea anu udaptod uy the Cuuncil of the jity of "lameda in regular t, .:..,i assembied on the 15th day of .Ca 'lily 1549, by Lhe followinZ votal to wit: "YES: GouncilmeL Andersoh, Meney und President Osborn, (3). !Mi: Zone. AnShM Councilman junns and hayor Arunscheid, (2). Ih JIMMS lizvIbA i have hereunto set my ha= and affi.ud the offi- cial soui of saia My Me 16th day of McL, 1049. M� A J. P. 3QQ JTf6Cior_'4 _e;TQs aity—of raaeda * * 0 * * * 0 0 * * * i hereby certify thuL Lae foruSuinq is u full, Lruu and correct copy of "Resu_Lulion to. 3981, ADUPTIM STEUMMIGhS 20a 1`,L1K 3 .M2 TO ONE SITY OY ALALMAJ :ALIMM NCR MUS ALL DIRECTING THE, CITY insAn.Tj ADVEHTISE SALE& introduced and adopted by the Council an the l5th day of nurch, 1949. M