Resolution 0398514SOMPTON 70. MM-) ANARDIN! SATE CP ROAD,-) RESOTNED, by the City Council of the City of Aiamnda, Alamoda CounLy, Cal 1 Pain K , that, WHEREAS, pub0c PoUce has Men 71ven in the manner provided by law call - 07 for sealed pvo7nsals for tho jorchase of the bondn to be iscued upon tho unpaid assessmorts under HasoluKon of Mention Po. 3717 of this Council, and no sntlsfac - MT bids have bocr incelvad; MUTA39 said bondu have Men orderod issued in tho amoqrt of 019069.0% and Hannafarw Talbot and Eason Ms. have prosontod thoir written Mer to our- chaso sal d bonds _for a7l, 269. 00 a L pap a L Lhe rate M 41 or annum; anu appours ,.,.,,..,.ti.said ariount is adoquato for the paymant of bM rumaindor of the cost of said projoct and that the -,ubllc inUroct uIll bo served by its accoptance; :4211 0TRIUMUM, 1T 1S GADEAM that the Mrac in the anount of 721260.20 he1cound puitsunnt to �nroiuticr of intortion Co. 3PI7, and that said bundc Iso, aK,,, they are hnroby ordorci sold to Nannaford P Talbot and Eason Bivo. frP Lho sum Off 019209,90 in accordance with their bid dated 11arch 03, 1049. 7 horeby corthfy Kat tho f3ingoln7 is a true copy of resolution Me - Pt r d, bd - tic City Cc"rcll of the My of Mamoda, InKfornia, at a Epnclal meeting tl'iercof hold on tho 23rd da; of Larch, 1940, by the Milowing vote: AYES; and in favor thereof: and Prosidont Branschold, (4). TOES: Mon. MSET7: Ce"nellron jonon, 11). (22AL) Crouncilmnn Anderson, Morn, Swenne-,,,, j. F. MA RT 1 hercby corMy that the forewinq is a full, true an] corroct copy o.i. Wrolut! or M. 1995, ITAUDI V SAI 4 C? !UDS, "introducod and a6cTked by obe Counel'i oq the 23rd My of VaiTh, 1049. UtylCloph oT the City of Alameda