Resolution 0398514SOMPTON 70. MM-)
RESOTNED, by the City Council of the City of Aiamnda, Alamoda CounLy,
Cal 1 Pain K , that,
WHEREAS, pub0c PoUce has Men 71ven in the manner provided by law call -
07 for sealed pvo7nsals for tho jorchase of the bondn to be iscued upon tho unpaid
assessmorts under HasoluKon of Mention Po. 3717 of this Council, and no sntlsfac
MT bids have bocr incelvad;
MUTA39 said bondu have Men orderod issued in tho amoqrt of 019069.0%
and Hannafarw Talbot and Eason Ms. have prosontod thoir written Mer to our-
chaso sal d bonds _for a7l, 269. 00 a L pap a L Lhe rate M 41 or annum; anu
appours ,.,.,,..,.ti.said ariount is adoquato for the paymant of bM
rumaindor of the cost of said projoct and that the -,ubllc inUroct uIll bo served
by its accoptance;
:4211 0TRIUMUM, 1T 1S GADEAM that the Mrac in the anount of 721260.20
he1cound puitsunnt to �nroiuticr of intortion Co. 3PI7, and that said bundc Iso, aK,,,
they are hnroby ordorci sold to Nannaford P Talbot and Eason Bivo. frP Lho sum Off
019209,90 in accordance with their bid dated 11arch 03, 1049.
7 horeby corthfy Kat tho f3ingoln7 is a true copy of resolution Me - Pt r d,
bd - tic City Cc"rcll of the My of Mamoda, InKfornia, at a Epnclal meeting
tl'iercof hold on tho 23rd da; of Larch, 1940, by the Milowing vote:
AYES; and in favor thereof:
and Prosidont Branschold, (4).
TOES: Mon.
MSET7: Ce"nellron jonon, 11).
Crouncilmnn Anderson, Morn, Swenne-,,,,
j. F. MA
1 hercby corMy that the forewinq is a full, true an] corroct copy o.i.
Wrolut! or M. 1995, ITAUDI V SAI 4 C? !UDS, "introducod and a6cTked by obe Counel'i
oq the 23rd My of VaiTh, 1049.
UtylCloph oT the City of Alameda