Resolution 03987m
7U !EASE TQ (R)-30331 Th 1= �AVETTATIO W A MAT'c�
Wz� MI-iCK3 CLUUM =0 AS TWITT KY !V� A7,",
71TM0115 cn thn ?st lay of Octchor, NO, h4m My of Alamoda WasnA U�
tno 'MtnO Unhon (T Awrim cnrtain , proTLcoo Ynwv on Puran! F nnC Cnreal
Qvqakn Tn 0" ZVI of Aln"00n, county n2 hinmoda, Staho cf Wtrvrmla, Yndcr Wase
n4jeh prorlson wo nonnor17 knoor vs Keyinle; Snph: nnd,
04TUMpt said Tnam Ann fvcr line to Mma bnrr ronownd;
MRSASY 17 mutun! arronnon! bntannn the partion to WK More Tn
born dmWrYAnq6 to 1-minahn rold Mare effectl7o m of nldrt-hl the Fist My of'
jorn�, Wis; nml
=77AYI in accr&nrco vith Tyrnwnrh ? n? said [nano, On `0 of
�as 7T -or notion that postrratinn o- 0, y7nnisar oil! bo rcqo1rod7 nn.11
=47115, in 17cm of ro0cration, On UrVoy COW of Anorlon Lou n7rom , i
MA on -Wch SKI inalp6m an allow -
to -ay to the My Q Alaneda the sm of 22 a
9-ev Q :00C,05, boinn nn,,,�jvajont to r1rely 'CC) days' ronLai to apply in full
raLlsfachi.tan for Noo np use ef the prailloor dwirl cm pap7ownroe of On mpLorn-
t 1 � r : a n (J",
7371131 t�e in-nc of Q�o swocnol? Mown Kh" P&W ston"s of Avrrim-,,
and tho Wt� PC Mvmc6a hnve boon vrOrM3 !n a 3upplanantal Aorenront to lcam:)
�CTTEDIOA, 11; W public VOrnst tont nald supp:nmMal a7rowport
117, 177MUmv, im in, :ammo, :11 'Ym noTcly C - P�E am- CY mmm
21TPInTartul p7mAnont bUnewn hnn MY of Wancon nqd tho Wted statos
�T K;m1qCa bc OnLolvi TrU0and Mnt
2 tho Yaynr -V Op My of Mamod, W,
!r Vncbj, aptViAzoi nno d1ranoW to oncow1c cYj s,Tpirmantal a7romont on bnhalf'
of 4hp M� cf Alarndq, wK tho MY Werm in vornhy nn4%vr1zoj tc attont two canp.
is tha urfomigrad9 hors07 mrt'Q thnt 0o farcmin- �vrplytlnr wvs
dyli and "70aNY Tr
"02=00 arW n§071ej 0 thO Cc-ncl] of M VIT of AlaynM-1
"r s"Wal r -q,177 avvr�&-v �r ��W 2110 MY of TAITO, 1712, hy 07
Vol-, tu OIL.,
217d: Z=01-nv Arlery,7. ;0burn, Sononn; nod PrWOrnt 1ranschold,
K _475= 71MY79 1 Wee haynnMy son -1 �nqw ana aprined tho ufrl-
clay cm] 03 SaV Y�7 !h:n 2=1 �ny of nalmh, 174"'s.
f Alanodzn
1 heraby carliFy thnK the foromln7 in a full, trrn =2 curyvct copy A`
"Peru! -Mor 1c, ZT27, A -77C 7771' 77 7714700� "I' A 717MN7`nT
1.7 0:1171TAY 7:7777 i:7 :IV!? Mv"07.71 " W -i.m :-c Tv�-, " introduced am"
adoptod by t2r Cmrs;71 or the 21rd M7 of Yvrci, 1910.
My (Onry of the My'af Alamodc-,,