Resolution 03993is
1 1T I v A
Alk !IDA = �v M SC HIT! D1 W Rij T
follonlra inscribed rnal rr ty, cltvatoo in the 31tr
of Ainnnin, Wato of GUMrMn, to WK:
Wrtinr of lon 11 a5i 20, sont!c� 10 , awnwhip 2 spyth,
Aan7o is Vost -2 1 sumt Kqnblo Rnso and >erldinn, it, :r.. 2 W`
Wit inrch anj T�Ao hov2ac, bo§rvnjr7 in Marqoction
71yc cf Tot 13 wit" a Moo raralic] Mth Torthnart Mno of
SoMal Avcnvo an! W foot houthyeat: cry cn Iritill WOW?
foot; thence 7oct 40Q fonU; 14crco Wrt�. "IN fcal: Ocnoo
Aast 64P Hot: thence :Vrth 10.30 foot: tKenco Arth 331
171 W Kast to Mrthwa2h Uno oP lot 13; thence Sonthenst',
tc Vn�t 21-c of lot 13; thovcc SYP4� tn W7!rnirg,
has Man assnsyrd horntr9o7o fnr Mly pn-7"Pr3 for tho f!scn] 7nar IM -1049,
taxrs javina thaTwor 7r W con vC �52,10 arc -7crijoUnd and nryu!d; n,.,
7KMAST aftir Kw Wor nald Wer bocnnn a 2 inn on sn! 0 r2sl vrrporty,
to 11t9 un jainapy 26, MP, cald real nronarty was, 107 doed racordoO in thn Mice
of the County Ascordor of AlanednC-Wrty" on Wunry 23, ]P49, jr 2cov 5731 of CM-
cial Recoyou at pane 1CO (AD 5551), acIvIrK, and evo, Onco has boon, and nrw 1c,
cannd by the Alsynda 1rificd School District, and han boon and row is beirM "sod
fop o"blic ��rposns, n -W baccuon of svc� :nbllc warcp !a rot cubjoct to
11''cr AcKnounnt Woos:
vVA' ' !CW 1270 77 C !0 11 OY Wn � 2 M C '' W I MIS,
uTtn the rjttn5 ocroort cr Re HU1 Marrol attaMW inroto, Lint n33 uncollocto,''',
Wman charjod or inviod for city purw2nin uxa On afOrOsnld Mai Py"VrQ, to7clho-,,
Mn ynnalkips nid carku Mormon, ho, ard the anve are hoivby, cancnilad, und the
Auditnr an& Tax Calicctor of W, WK- of Alameda are horuby auhboW zod and dirocoo"'J"
4o onacni the nonn on tncir varyovLAo books.
No lancum anytM7 V Ms ro2ointlor to tKe cratrary ncn-
vlthstandin7, that tKa resolution and order shall m corrLrued as cnncelling,
or nythoriz7a Wo oanonlianior of, OnT special aosessront taxos Invind a7nLrst
said read rrcrarty by !no Sit; of Alameda rirsnart to M nrovisigns u" On "Ac-
McItion ant MWArnrt Act of
15 Manley D. 01 Lney, CT L7 Attarroy for tho Me qf Alameda, Stato of
411forria, dc hersby ccnsovt to tho cance3laticn of any and all uncolicchod taxn.,
ani iosnosionts or penalties and cort� tho-con, n I har-od or lovied for city -"rrcsn,
�pwr tho narcol K roal rrorcrty doscribed in the inoolution.
Datod : April 5, 30411'_}
MN Attorney V Lke City cf Alameda
Tj the undore l7noGl horcbn ccrtify that :he forwoIc- ArcoIntion was
AWy nwd ro7uiarly inKroducod ona nhr"od by Kho Courcil of Oa_ city CC WaM00--',
In rogular EeotU7 ascowbird an tne 5th dar of A7P! I , 1040, by ttc Poll ovjn7 vnhp
to wit:
AYES: Courcl)ncn Andcrson, "onns, CHOW-"-, Rwnnnoy nn� 'ropMent,
AUM Para.
ABSA7�: Tore.
� N 7 11 =s 102 MCI? I � ha voc ho on un L a a- t my hn V =6 a Of 1 mod On M r!
Mal sea! of said My Ws 2th W7 of April,
WNA L City Work of the Pt; c7 Waneda
It, C 0 y
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