Resolution 039949 WO
HTEON71 07 -C . 3OP4
inyoul 'T P4 TAWATTCT CP X W., 127 3TWA7,
C WT STE1.19 . :T I TO TY 17"YOR 110 0 W W VY ZTWT .
AERARARO the Council of Qo Cjt7 of Qamrdn did, an tic 15th dny of
Nbrnnr7, 1940, pass its Enrolution of 1rhortion Tu. 3046, Occlaxdw PC intontlorl
to ardor Lhe vacation, clocinn and abandcnmont of tRoso contain porLlcrs of the
fo7ic-rin-1 narad ctrWs in 1 c Wt7 of Ainmodop 9oanty of Ramoda, Ftatc or Call-
Yrnia, aescrived as fol2ons"
(a) All that PoMinn of Clay HrW rrom the -ast !inn 0,7
Foand mraL to the 4ost !Inc or Wourt Tyont:
th) All thqt portion of To7it Street Prcm the sowceh 11ra
of aalhoon Street to tM north Wre of Ols Drive;
All whnL parklor CP Yc"ntalr Strant frOm On 3V )01"-
Ynn of 2111nor- ELPq0t tr tim nnr�n A17P -0 CtO 101VO,
01 thai 7rOWn W Ca2hnun Wtrnnt frcn 00 Onct Zno
of so�rh sLrect to a nNO 100.0s foot WnwLeT97
the wcat Yqo �? 77h Etront.
is ahmn?a swKnis bel, -n port! ans of rtrrevc as wKoon on �qr of 'th,
?nwn of Alnr&n a, d adjaccrt Tandr �7, A, �7 70y Is Ourvoy) ; a
17=AS3 Oc ocrticrs OC snid strcnts to bo vacand and abarOoned ana tho
intmic uf 2"N vaua�lcq arc �cTv rhown uron n Ynp bvarlr7 tAe legend:
"Proposed Vacation W Fortio-r W Qlay QrnnL, Con& Street, Vo)ntaln Ftroa! and'
CaNcun Street% which nay was by sold vesojuticr of ntcrtinn apnroved for thn -ur-
pnoc of th!s rroceodtn7 art vas ardorid Pled in tho rfPce of the City Dork of thc,,
Ctty cp Aiamojn np& �nr�od "71"al Nh, 13, 1049", nnd which rnn war TP said MsOlu-
i1or rcPnrrnQ to for fqrth-r -nr5!P"1nrs an to ttc rro-Pcond vanntArr; and
&IRTNOS9 the City WWO of the WLy of Alamoda causnd yr of"
Wnnhign to hn wW24edl in tno -nnnn- prnrcribod by law for the publishW7 of'
o;Olrancov cf the OV rP Alamoda, ir "he Linnoda4ros-Stnq a daily newspannr ol'
7-nrral Nrculution -abPn4od and OrnplatoO in snid city nnW the official newp-
na,rr thorcof: nrd
04AW59 the C0,11, ZOO of the ,_L. Y Alamndn caused to be posted con-
spicuuqOy alcn7 the Ono uf said stronts and parts thernof -ro7asod to be vneated,
notic-s Pf snch vacaticn, in the form ard nanner -1 Ztrect V2=51.or,
Act or j9di of the StRte of Callrarr7a, as amorded (OhnIntop 2501 Ftatutes of IP41):
a r
VHWPAS, -Pccf of sn36 o"bi'vaticr, in nvidnrend b7 an arfidaYL of publt-
nation roA on fPc in t�o o?flne of We WV7 Clerk of unla City: a4l
proof cf Wd pos!07 of such nPoloor is cuYnrcod Q Yn affl-
&--Pt ol" Wn -orrc" qort!nn wn'6 -Wcss, nYch nfPTGnv:V rcty forth the factn re-
nar!�n vach 7r7tirp; ard 72 "nv on 7110 in UK, "=cc o" the CIV7 21ork of onid,
in an! b; 7-1� l000l0lon of Twontip the Cr :Ei! 1 rf the 7 Q of
Alaredo Vim& thr 15th day of Enron, 1245, at nYC c1clock, _. : . of said day, Or
thn acyncil gOnbar in 14c VAL7 &11, at the rorthwect cornar 0 Ennta Mora Avrnr(-,
nnd SnY Street, Ajamcdq, jaPforn4a, as tly tir- aN Wacc Or hoarin7 by t�n Coons!]
N snid Ytv of all 7orpons !PtcrcsW in cr objoctlin to the nronrsoj vacation: ,...3.
77MIRAW1 nh3 -a�wr of Pnid --crornd vacnWor c=o on roquinQ7 Pro- hearlq
Veforc tne Vovncl) r7 "Ac �'t7 �f hlamban at 70 rc7u2nr rrni!nq �cld on thn 250i
6ay of :nrch, H40, anj at tho ti -n and n0co fixed Tr a -!A Acsolution of intenticn,
nod no nrotert or opposition to cald -rkosrO vicntion havir- been -!led Q any
worvon or Qvrc-rc 74rTr2nvP-, ind rc rarcc= ay7curH7 ot +.. i.. henring to object
Us PWR -ronnsed vncatlon; it srat hnarlr7 tho nAlj Wo�7cll heard Cho evidence of-
fornd H supncrl of try pn4 stroct vacation, and an onpcMunity for foll hoaplq,
thornon havinj bonn 7!v -n tc ary narrorc 1ptrroctod Yhorairl arA the -atter bein!7
cyby!�toj for
"117, "NOW, n, SE W !KE"NY 7v ATATEDA that
Wd ScinW7 "cocky flrO nnd Ontrr"Ines, Cron all Oe evidonco oubmlt0d, that tno
atroats and narts thorcof in sold insclotion of intention nnA herolrbcTarn "ore nor -
Ocularly Qorlhod, W, an� the sarn nrr unnocessn, for rroscct and prospect !vo,
--,trcot porposes and thut On nublv intorest rnTWros the vncatSon of c9K rorklons
'T polo ct4on.
7: 17� 1,177W RWC117D that t." "PrOcns CC t�a strontr in P07i OSNUHO�-1
oP IrLontion anj Vonl7onfore -ova Vart!culnrly Apvcribed W.1 ari the sarn aro
vacatol nni a5anOonel.
1 1 Oe wdwol ma I, he roby cc it! "y thnn 149 Parr -Mm-
dulp and m7mlar!7 irtrw3pred in! noortev hy tK" covnw7l of t,- City or klnvvj"'-�
to w7ulur weoVr7 asnombind cq t4o 51h W7 of lmArl by Or YoPowlnc,
MO Cou=Ymcn Ardcrson, uonss, Obvrry Avroney in& pr-slonr+
�rq�cnWdl (5).
772: Vno.
141 1 Aa vo V c m u - t c c c t r7 Ami A ir j af f 1 no A t hc rf f
ON! coal of said City th:r Oth day cf ApYl, 1010.
j. P. 7121�
MT CAN N thn My V Alamckt
thit L�n furnja7w U a full, tvau na comon
"Asolullm !V, 35M, ONDT=� 'M! TACKITU vp Q� WAY =NK71 C
t nA adn7toO >V !A Covr-
V! on Mo Sth. day V April, AC43.