Resolution 04016Um A ZSCINTIOU 10 . I D16 A.S01NOD B""", CU:,ri'�-Uh V RIG CITY OF ALARADA that the Slyecifica- tions and Provisions for furnishing: (1) Class "A" Portland Cemont Concrete Transit PORTI.&D 00111-10 COEUET11 Uass Lax w THE CITY OF ALAMED,,,"9 TUR THK JUS 00 FUCAL Ton JIDAUTING -In' 110110 THE CITY JDA.:.:. 01,2RK 30, 1950, TO ADUATISE 1ALLI10 ZU-1), A.S01NOD B""", CU:,ri'�-Uh V RIG CITY OF ALARADA that the Slyecifica- tions and Provisions for furnishing: (1) Class "A" Portland Cemont Concrete Transit Lix; (2) Uass "A" Portland Cauent Concrete det Lix, deli, to City to City Trucks at Plant; Plant; yix"$ or `rad (3) Glaws "3" Portland Cement Concrete Transit Transit Eix; (4) Class "3" Portland Cement Concrete 4s via, delivered to City to City Trucks at Plant, Tlunt) to the Uity of Alameda for the fiscul year endinG Tune 30, 1950, Ko. WS 5-49-8, be, and the some are hureby, approved ana adopted. -.S,Lvlj) 110011-1-1 Lhat the Comiell of the City of Alamoda will re - calve sealed bids up to the Aour of 8:05 o'clock PON., on Tuanday, tLe Ah duy of dune, 1949, for the furnishinq to the City of: (1) Class V" Portland Cament Concrete Transit Lix; City (2) Class "n" 2ortland jemcnt Concrete Wet Ein delivered to City an the ounside, Trucks at Plant; yix"$ or similar aeoignation. (3) Class "A" Portlund Caaent Concrete Transit Mix; (4) Class "Y" Portland Camant Concrete Not Eix, delivered to City Trucks at Tlunt) in accordance with said Specifications sna Provisions. 3ids must be present - ea to the City Clerk, in Us City Hall, Alameda, California, under osuled cover und niainly murked an the ounside, "TrOposal for Portland Gaaant Con- efete yix"$ or similar aeoignation. i Lave harsurto sot my hand sad a0ixed tne Wficial snal of said City this 18th day of Lay, 1949. Guntract, if awarded, will be awarded, subjcct to the nrovisions of the ihartor of said City, to the responsible bidder w10 subnils the low- e�t and be.t oia. The right is 7rae3erved to reject any or all bids. The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise, in the Alameda Tiaes- stur, u notice callin' for 3caled bids in accordance with L Provisions of tviu rsoolution and of said Spocifications I`1 Lt, Provisions. * * * * * * a * * 0 -r- !, ;.he underaigned, hEreby certify thut the foreSoing Resolution ns duly ana reaularly intrQuacd anu adopted by the Council of the City nf Alamaua in resular meeting assemblud an the 17th day of ,.A. 1949, by the folluninA vote, to wit: hy"&: Councilmen Annur3on, juncs, 4sbu2n, Cwceney and Ppvjident 3ranscheia, (5). hChs: hoLe. "JoEAT: tone. ][] i Lave harsurto sot my hand sad a0ixed tne Wficial snal of said City this 18th day of Lay, 1949. J. F. CURK 7,7-- e I , r,,,-- o u M U T 7 u f A,, 11 aami e d � i * * * * - * * V X * - i huroby acrtify Lat thu foregoing is a full, true anu uor2uut oopy uf to. 4016, ALUPTIE1 SyEC!F!jnT!= 10D FROVISIONS FCA �TURISHING PORT- CCIAZATE LIN To ThE CITY e)..3 �,��13CAL YwAv ENDING JMTE 30, 1950, CALUG YOR 5!j! A DiRliTUG THE CIT --,- , 1,0 traduced ana adootad by the Council an the 17th day of May, 1949.