Resolution 04021UM 1'a to .021 ADOPTIEG SPACUICKPIONS UD PROVISTUNS PON RASUNFACING WD PEPAIR OF ASPHALT W-) U11"I ill", ("ITS 1012,1. 'I"]z !PTSCAL Y]AA 00110 4)11OE 30; 1950$ CALLING VON BIDS AED 01RACTING TRE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTWE SAME 1 public interest End necessity require the resurfacinp and repair of uspLalt and bituminuus pavament in streets of the City of Alameda; and 1011WATEAS1 the City Engineer has propered Specifications and Provisions for rosurfacin, and repair of asphalt and bituminous pavemcnt for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, which Specifications and Provisions are numbered Pd 5-49-11 and worn filcd in ths office of the City Clerk of said City on Lay 17, 1949; NOVI THILWaEj W !T RESULVID 3Y Till 00TRICIL 0Y THE CITY OF ALLy, ADr"� that the aforesaid Spucifications and Provisions, numbered anO filed as afore- said) be, und the same are hereby, approved and adopied. nASELVEDS TURTEZR, that the performance and camnletion of the uork specifiud in said Specificubions unu Fruvisiuns be, and Lhe some is hGroby, auWorizea. V 1,'Ta __,ffH2R that tit Wuncil of the City of Alameda will re- cnive sealed bids uP to the hour of 8:05 o'clock, P.O., on Tuesday, June 7, 1949, for the furnishing to the City of all lubor, materiul and equipmenz, nocessury for resurfacing und repairing asphalt and bituminous pavement in the strecto of the City of Alameda for the fiscal year ending juue 30, 1950, ill accordance ivith said Stecifications ana Provisions. AiQ must be presented Lo the City Cl ',`k in he City Hall, in Alameda, Culifornia, under sealed euver nn u plainiy lurked an ths outside "Proposal for Asphalt and 3itum1nous Pavement", or similcr aesiqnution. Contract, if uvardcdy will be awarded, sunject to the provisions of the Charter of said City, to the r"sponsiole biduar who submits the lowest and best bia. The riqht is reserved to rejact any or all bids. Said Specifications t Provisions may be had by any prospoctive bijaer on upplieDtion to the City Engineer, at his of�ice in the City Hall, "lamedal 3alifurnia. The City Clark is hereby directed to ndvenzise, in the Alameda Times- Wur, a notice calling for sealed bids, in plc coruanue with the provisions of this resolution and of said Snucifications and Provisions. * * * * 1 * * * * * * !, the undoinigned, Weby certify that theforegoing husolution. was duly unj ro,larly introduced and adupted by the Council of the City of slamedu in ruguinn meatina ansEmled on the 17th day of Uay, 1949, Q the followinq vote, to ait: �Vhs: Councilmen Anderson, JonLs, Osborn, Sweeney and Fraoident jrUnschoial 15). ZUES: None. WANT: tone. ih SITIEW" ZiOZECF, I have h. rounto set my hand and Wfixed the 01ficial soal of said CitV this 18th day of Eay, 1949. J. 11. CLIdd, City Clark of the 7TT7—of Alameda 1 hercoy certify bhut she fore3oinq is a full, true anu correoL copy of' "Resolution to. 4W, "JUPTUA 5101.10ATIUIZ 20 100VIST Nj PUn PASUIFICIRG AN,i) :11'k," JITTK=WU,� " =- :301 1950P W"Llial FLA AIDS n10 7,3 CITY CL�nT TO Aeau AaT1w.xis QAWE," intro- ducod nnu udoluted by the Council on the 171,31h, dla,��' c'f y;01jtk of the 4ity of Alame