Resolution 04022L022 C�UITA j3n _IWS LWnh ADYMISM �L_ CITY W 11-1E .1WAL Y�AR 1949-1950 7�. . CUM11,11, ,,,ITY Q' AIALZ& thut said Couacil will receive snaled 5ids un to the hour of F:C5 P. E. or Tuesday, june 7, 1949, for the Mlicution if alllegal advurtisinq of said City durin,--.; thn Mae! yuh ending June 30, 1950. Mch advertising muit be published in a nowspuper of gencral circulation publishod in the Gity of Alameda for a period of not less than onci ye,,-.ai' ini_­a-,'diuteiy preceding the makin3 of such bid and huvin3 a bcna fide paid circulation of at least 2,500 CoPies. Said advertising Mull be in accordance with the followinS specifications: (1) All udvertisoments shull be act in solid sin -point (non- parvil) type, in columns of24 SMS to the Knu and 144 ens to the snuare, e�cupt thut jy rc"ucat of the officcr authorizing the some such advuytise- meDt way be jet in such lurqur type and with .tea uch inocing between linus as ouct offluar way airuct; (1) Titles and sub-headinZs shall be sot in sin -point capiVls (nannnreii), black -face typo, or in such larlEy type as mal bo 3pachied by tho oMcBr authorizing Uo advurtisumunt. Aiddurn Mull Me in Voir propunais Per dainq said lu,! ad- vortisinA the price oar s uu2e of 14L wao, set in saiia six -point (nDn- pnrull) typu, in cohmns of U ems to the line, according to the schuuule A price par squ"ye for t5e ist insurtion; n rrico -ar suyre for We 2nd insertion; A �Qce P,r squuru for the 3rd and for each subseluent insertion. Mus AM ba nresented to the City Olark, in We Sity AM, Alameda, jaliforniu, unner sonlea cover and Mainly morked an the autslue "Propoaal for Waal Auvn.tisinj". 3otfor such lej nract al advertisin7, if awarded, will 1..7 is awarued suDjoct to the provisions of tts Churter of snid 3ity, to the responsible bidder Mo submits the lowest and best aid. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. The newspaper publisked by the bidder to whom such contract is awardud shall be knuwn, for the torm of such contract, as the -Micial hawspaper" of the City for legul advartising. The City 31ark is hcreby directed to ndvertise, in the Alaneda. Timus- sUrl a notice callina for sealed Mus in acccrdance with nho arovisions of this runclution. 1, the unjur.Qnsa, h.paay certify that tKa orcaoina Rusclutjo7l wao duly ant reSularly inoducud and adopted bX the Co=il of tLo City of Alansda in rujulur meatin; a-..r,aWd on tho 17th day of Nay, 1949, by the, following vote, to vit: AM: Cuunclimen Anderson, Toncs, Osborn, Money and President Aranscheid, (5). Wals: !Wne. .103150 Lane. W nIAMUS G&MA i have hareunto set my hand und affixed the oMciai soul of said City tnis 18th day of Pay, 1949. (SELL) City ClIerk of the City of Alnmeda i hereby ccrtify thut the foreqoQ5 is a full, true ura correct copy of Wesulution to. 40221 UALMNA Mn WDS &OR LMOL ADVARTMI10 ?QW -UM CITY OF as I 10"i -L011 10, QW.n 21WL Y. A2 1949-19501 introducad and owop- the Council on thu l7th duZ a2 �., 1949. 771 4,