Resolution 04026WE ACCEPTTNO CCNVENAHCE PROV GEORGE WALOSTROM, A 1S(-', KNOWN AS GEORGE MALSTRUM AND AS GURU 0. TAUTROVI* AND NAOMI YAIXSTROV,,ALS0 KNOWN AS VACM! PALS-n0l,", HIS WIFE) OF CERTAIN RBAT ?ROPEITY AND 007UNT10 TO TUE R7C0RDA7T07 =307. WHEREASP a certain deed, dated the 3d day of Lune, 1040, made by and between George Ualmstrom, also known as near, Valstrom and George 0. Lhlstrot-r and 7aomi 77aimstrnrc, also knjawn as Taomi Talstrom, his wife, grantors, ard the City nf Alameda, a municipal corporation,was, on or about said date, executed an6 dcVvereci by said grantors to thn said City of Alameda: b - ,i S I - said deed said grantors granted to tho City of Alansda Q-11, that certain real property situated in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, VaLe of California, and Tore particularly described in said decd; 001 B7 IT HES01VU BY TH7 CFET&TI, i ST7Y 00 ALAF10', tKat the aforerentinnod deed he and the same To heroby, accepted un behalf uC the City of Alamein, ard said City Co-noll, acting for and in brValf uC sa3d City, Tre-eby consynLs tothe reunrdaHon of sald deed ard oiVers this resolntlDr to be a0ached theVii' ta, as requi-V by Section 1158 of the Vvil Rode of tho Hato A" Cal'Vrnia. is the undersigned, hereby certify that the foreCoing desolutior was duly and -'-ritroduced ard adonted by the Council U the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on thn Ah day of junn, U49, by the following Votn' to wit: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, 00res, Hborn, Sweency and Presidert 7ranscheid, rcys: Hne. AASATT: Tone. 7"',-, "a S, S, `,-'J"7ERETF, 1 have hereunto set ny hand and affixed the nffi-. n1al sea] of said City 07s 3th day of junol 11740. — j. -P. , C (SEAT 11ty Clark of the City nf Alameda Q t; of the City of Alaneda I hezab, certify that the foinCoing is a full, true and correct copy o -f "Ie'or tion To. 40269 ACCEPT17G UNVATAPICE PAX aRCRU MAUSTS07, ALSC UCOY AC, CUPP 0"I'VAt.i, ND U01,14 0 VA117071 ATSC E701 A AS . C797AT7 REAL PVC7727Y AVD =VITT71 TO 777, introduced and adopLed by the Council on t,"I'n, '-"t'�-L Q t; of the City of Alaneda