Resolution 04033ME RESCLUTIM KO. 4033 ITITMORMOUG 71111TI&MUTilicill-, OF OF ,AGREEKENT RITE THE 3TATE OF CALIFORNIA F01? EKDADDITME', h°1. 'C"ri-iS T.,X ALLUMT& YUa CITY STREETS JOR Thz 2IM"! WEAEAS) the itate of 3alifornia Lai submitted a Lemorandum of Project agreezent for the fiscal year 049-1950, fOr uhe enpeMiture of Gas Tax Allocutio,,,i for Vajor City Streets; and ozecuted; it is in the public inerust that .raid A,reemont shoulL be i _0 , sits 11' NEWL&I S" ( -, j] -, �- - ]�-2 11 ZP E �; "Z -L �-)2 thut Sulu —ei:,o!'u.adui-�,. of !Sraewent for Expenditure of Bus Tux Allocation for Yajor City Streets fur tLu fiscai Your 1149-1950 be entered into, and that the jayor of the City of Alameda 'jj, u,o-d Ahn- IS hersby, auttcrizsd and diructud to execute said �areeueat an ushulf of tue dity of Alumeau, ana the City 31erk is nuthorizee, to atts3z Wo same. 1, the Unaursigned, hereby curtify Kat the furdjuinj VesolutLun was dumY anu Legalurly intruoucea and aauptea by the Council of the My of Alameda in reSular maKing assembled on the 21st day of June, 1>49, by the following vote, to WiL: Osborn, Aween, anu President aranscLeid, 1 (4). �;cuncil.=L "ndar8on, AU03: hone. 01020: Councilman jones, (1). Lave hereunto set my huna and affixed the offi- Mal sea! Uf saia Oit; Win Kau duy of june) 049. (jz.v) Cit: lier , K ol, -E'7'e� "2"7 J)f 0 * * V nerob; curtif! that tte foreSMLS is a fuji I true and curruct cupy of "ReSolult-WEL pT 101, 02 A&n!�LLAT WID:i nu- 4W& MMU101"W Tuo sknuu-P Mn ST,Tz W GoLlluh-.'.j-js - - i ,J],'AhLOWIT10A YL= 1hi0h CITY Wh.,,TS !"jR' FISCAL yi6 1949-1550," introduced ana aaft ted by tie Council u1i tns 21st day of dune, 1049.