Resolution 04037I= REMLML. �U- 4037 TRALS21halW1153,430-41 MuY THE 11 LIEU Tn-',, c:'rtniL moneys have ueen deposited in thu in Lieu Tax Fund, pursuant to the provisions of Hcsolutiun Ko. 2167, adopted by Mis Council oil MY o, 1943; and -the sum of Q153,430-41 has seen expended from the Gonerul 2 u11 of the Oity for the purposes authorized in the Act refenred to in suit:, resolution, namely, for law enfurcement anu the regulation and ountrul and fire protoctiun of highway truffle in one City of Alameda; "I !T ALou,110 W !L! COW!! UP Ti� OITY U2 AIALEW thut We swa of 6153,43U.41 be, un: the swae is hereby, transferrad from the in Lieu Tax Fund to thu Uunurui Fund of thu OiLy ol Alameda. The Auditor uLd Uhu Treasurer are hereby authorizod and directed to mae saia transfer CE their respective books. * 0 * V A + * S * 0 * 1, the undersi,ou, hureby certifo thut Ghe foregoinj 2esolution was Uul; and Pujuiur�y i=cducea uhO ad.3ptud by the Council of zhe My of niamcua in ra6alwr Meeting assenbi.d on the 21st aay of june, 049, by the folionin,,,' VOL 3, LO wit: AYM: jouncilmon Anderson, Morn, Swcune� and President Aransoneid) (4) - nuLs: hone. AWM: Councilman jones, (1� i lave nercunto s(A my hnna and affixed the Mi - Kul sea! of naid City tKis 22nd day of jun e, 1949. Wow Cit, Cj,j.i,a (3f t, .�Ia dity of Alameda -i- i nereby certify that the forogoinG is a f ull, unu e and corruct cupo W "KesOluti= hu. 4037, TRAAQLnR!.G $153,430-41 FRG� TEA !� LIEU TAX MD To qM L2 ILL WIT! U2 ALA.�jh," introduced and adoptad by tAe Council oil the list day of june, 1149.