Resolution 04038MR
0 """ROL Mn SPECIAL Pu3n!C'
h3zoTl MA TQ ths ShLn2AL AULD 0I M CITY 0-i'
cortain moneys have been delivered tu and received by the
Git; of nlamen fran the Atate of Caiif=Lia und 1eposit6d in the Special Public
"ualth Fund, julsunn! to the provisions of Sections 1100 to 1145 of ths Laaltn
and sufat! cute of the Stute of California (Chapter 1562, Statutes of 1947), and
=0 PrOvisiuns of Resolution hu. >50, uuoptud by Z.ij council on hovcabur 18,
1947; and
u1;,sun of j),W0.00 has been expended from the Goneral Fund
of the jit; for the purposes authurizad in the act reforrud zo und in suid reso-
lutioni hamul'., for pubiic health purposes;
1- TL - AE M h1juL&D �V 01 = CITY UP ALA�W-,,
,. , � , i �- �, , E�2 "I I
Mat the swa of Q,j0j.U0 be, and the same is hereby, traniferrod from the
�Ilpeciui Public Malta 2und to the aeneral Fu.d of the City of Alameda.
The Auuitur am ;.+ _?n Y..Treasurer are hereby autasrizud and directed tu
make said transfer UL tLuir ra8pective ouoks.
1, tne undersiSned, heieby certify that tho forugo&S Resolution was
uu1j vi nn rugulurly int2oduced und adopted Q the Council of the City of Alameda
in re"aiar Moetill" ussam olud an Wo 21st dal of june, 194y, by the followin,,'�
vote$ to wit:
"5 ,,:s Councilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney and President
Arunscneidl (4).
UUM: None.
A36ELT: Councilmen jones, (1)
it wITLESS i have hereunto set :W hand una affixed tne uffi-
cis! sail of said City this 22nd day of June, 1949.
1 . P j LA Rill -
C -"'.t:', '�Iurk of ta'e, 6ity of nl"Weda
* >''•d
i haruoy certify t"uz the furogoing is N full, true and correct copy of
"Resolution LO. 4038f TuAL82WING $9,jo1.00 1'Rclll-" 1UK10 HEALTH DUM
, 11 U lii-� Fill!) OF ME MY UF ALAMIDA," introduced and adopted by the
Council oL one blot duy of June, 1949.