Resolution 04048USUMIZ -0 - 4048
ANEW1.1._E-1, U2 1 1TRAM WPMii LVW_,j
Jk.,12,002 FOR
FIML Yh.n -:W.ZO KULA 30, 1950, nhi)
M�USE,65 tie -1macau jhnaa.r 01 is, wMinE Ls undertake tRe
work of aavertis!L, the jiuf �Iuwedu ani to cri; in oil the hecessary Pu I a -
licit; fur said 6itl durina ILe iiscal your ondinE june 3U, &50; and
nLEah"S, the Prouucrion of such uavortisiLS nd pub0city requires
MOM ssrviues uf a p2ofesslunal anu tochnicil nuturu und speciul technical
skiii und facilities;
i' riLSUMD W 1ILS Q 1001L 02 TM CITY U2
that the Uit; of .� ilamodu antor into u contract with the .ixiuwua. Wanber mi''
joaaurce for the carryina on oy suid Chamber of Ou�mnrca of all nocaujary
pubii0to und udvortising on behalf of the City of siamoua fur Lhu fiscal yuul,
andina jupe 30, 1050, pruvided the obliZation of the City for the Proauction.,
of such advertising ana publicity, unu the services anu work to be performad
said nuvoMsen incluaino reimbursement to Aavurtiser for Us ovorhoau expunses
in pioducina such putlicity and advartisiag, sLull not e,caed in too u�greAate
1-10 oui 0i'
AhNIVID1 SuRs.02P that a form of c,ntruct to so entorod into by and
baLuaoa thU "MMM MnULY Uf COWAbrCe c1 the My of miume.eta , submioted to
tac 00uncii ana filed witA ILe My Clerk of the My of Alumeda on june 2d, 1949,
Una LLU tUPWS, UgfOUnenCS L. P10ViSiGnS thnrOW to, on" Lhe same �re ha.Lr aby,
'Lnat Una :.ajar of tie City of Slu.euv in dole 1 0"',
M.urizeu unn uiructna LU uxecutul ana iLd City Gierk tu attest, Un umalf of
Wu Uiq OIa"uaw, u cuht2act Substuntiully in thu furA and cunLuMna the
UUMMLIS, U;rensunw ana Provisions .ea zorL� in 1LU afozusula yorz of contruct.
OnaLLVI"i M! nh) lnUt PUISUM! tO Lruinance La. 641, h.W Sarius, the
swa W 04,40--0 ue, Una is neyubya Prupriat3dr. out 02 =0 "aherul Mu of ".(-,
MV to bu 11 :a for ouOicit, or odvw2uiwin� fun said GiLy .L 7.." t.0 fison! youl,
andihS TuAu N, 1,5u, in Mo manner sna fur w"c pdrposso providod ja saju
ordinsuce h". 6401 �cw Series.
!, Lae unduruijnud, vuruby cerLify WAt tKo foru,', inA Assulution was
dulyand rLaularly intruuucud nad adooted b� We Uouncl! ol the Citof "iamuda
in WOU"eu reluinr Muting ussunuih W thu 28LA W Of Juno, 1M, ,3 z' the
follu�Tny Mel to sit:
U'ounciimen Andurson, i.neu, usuoro, Wene: u:sa Frusident
wSj: Mie.
., MALT: Lane.
IS,,, 1 Lavo larounto sat my tuna nd affixed the offi-
cial sea� of said My Lois QLa My sz juna, QW.
(3n.n) i . P.
1 neruj�
the f0welcina io
U fu2l) true
Und coz2oct cupy of
Ku. WE,
Mn 30, 19
)_ Q, ',ID Arm-
POISTIL& YL,)00.10
6L too Mh W of
r.,d adoptud
"A", jouncil
, 1'77 -d