Resolution 04049I= RI&LNIK hu. 400) MUM!& GITIch U2 MMATT M.1 Mhiz �AzIEW, by suid option SaM hasKim Liman qrantnd to the CHI of Alwaeda an option to purchase all zhat certain reul property situutad in the said City of ala"Idu, uhd more particularly doscrijEd in sjiu oution, on condition that said uptiuh ou exercised by the said City of niumedu on or befors August 10, 1049; and VU02IM31 the Saiu Oily of Alameda didl on or about Said date) accapt said option; RESILVAD ZY BY NA 011� OV nUILD-A Qut the ufutewuntiunod Uotion be, und M some is hurebl, uccepted on oahalf uf the HL, of -ala nuda, una ,..quid City Council, uctinS for and in bMalf of suid City, sareby cunsents to tna recordation of said uptioz and oraurs this resolu- tior to be attachod souretc, us raquireu by Section 115W o tho Civil jude of tue nt'Le of California. I, the undursignua, zwruu� curiify zhuu We fa2aguinq Resulution was dUQ wRu requ!"rly introduced 3nd adoptud o5 Lie council of the city of iaaeda in udjuurneL regular ne"tinS ussembied on the 26th day of june, 1949, by Lho, fuliuWing VOLU, tu WIL: miss: Cuunciineh nnderson) Junesi usborh, Sweeney und 0asident wrarsuneid, (>). LOW: tone. I" MEET : hone. Ia y 1 have hureuntu sct wy nand und affixea the ofzi- ciai seul if Uaid jity UK 29t� aaN of June , 1, 49. 77- - I".e- * I KLanSAS, a certain L forw"UiLn oDtio n uf purohase of real p�aparty autud the day U nay, lj4q, nude by and betvaen hasnin KiraL, u sih,le man, as party of the Z -11! C, TKA !"MUDKIah 01A!," introduced und adowtud by the bouncii CA the 28th day o2 first yaM, Ed the Oit; of hlaaedawl, a municipal corporation, us party of the secoLd part, was, on or about said dats, executed and delivered by suiu hashim Kirun to tLe City of �laweda; and �AzIEW, by suid option SaM hasKim Liman qrantnd to the CHI of Alwaeda an option to purchase all zhat certain reul property situutad in the said City of ala"Idu, uhd more particularly doscrijEd in sjiu oution, on condition that said uptiuh ou exercised by the said City of niumedu on or befors August 10, 1049; and VU02IM31 the Saiu Oily of Alameda didl on or about Said date) accapt said option; RESILVAD ZY BY NA 011� OV nUILD-A Qut the ufutewuntiunod Uotion be, und M some is hurebl, uccepted on oahalf uf the HL, of -ala nuda, una ,..quid City Council, uctinS for and in bMalf of suid City, sareby cunsents to tna recordation of said uptioz and oraurs this resolu- tior to be attachod souretc, us raquireu by Section 115W o tho Civil jude of tue nt'Le of California. I, the undursignua, zwruu� curiify zhuu We fa2aguinq Resulution was dUQ wRu requ!"rly introduced 3nd adoptud o5 Lie council of the city of iaaeda in udjuurneL regular ne"tinS ussembied on the 26th day of june, 1949, by Lho, fuliuWing VOLU, tu WIL: miss: Cuunciineh nnderson) Junesi usborh, Sweeney und 0asident wrarsuneid, (>). LOW: tone. I" MEET : hone. Ia y 1 have hureuntu sct wy nand und affixea the ofzi- ciai seul if Uaid jity UK 29t� aaN of June , 1, 49. 77- - I".e- * I Lerouy certify taut L forw"UiLn is a fuli, trus and corruct copy of hc. 4049, AMEDMA OPTIOA 02 P=hash 02 CARIAN HX'11� PLu-P—L�':T"'- 77 hi�j Z -11! C, TKA !"MUDKIah 01A!," introduced und adowtud by the bouncii CA the 28th day o2 jute, 1049.