Resolution 04050M RESUM16" �U. 4050 PAM3100 ...a D) P�Ah� STnAIT, SOUTT UP OTTE DRIVI) C3 -MIG 202 AIDS AM uIRIMIG J. CITY CLERR TU ADVIETIAE TEE SAM W0,05, public intefest and neuessity require Lae itstallution of -a SUMM SeWSr Un the OLSWrly SidO Of Pearl Sti" eUll South of Otis Drive, and WOM su.splemental Mereto; and the City Zngiueer Los prepared Specificatioas, 4pecial pro- visions and Plans _.0-. jaid work, w.ich Specifications, Lumbered 1W 6-49-14, wcrc Mud in Ue office of the 3ity Clark on jute 23, 1949; w! THE CITY V hWn±_C_A that the afurusaiU ipecificationca, Special Provisions and Plans, numbered and filed as uforesuidl be, and the some are hereby, approved und uuopLod. REMM, t -at j pefformunce un, cumvletiuL of thu work specifiod in sLid Gpecificatiuhs anu Provisiuns us, and tnu Some is Murub'' authorized. AW�hvzo, 211UMI Wiat zhe Cuuncii oz the City of Alameda will receive seuind bids up tu the hour of 6:05 o'clock P. Z., on TuesdaW, My 19, 1049. for the furnisaina to the City of Alanedu of all lunor) materials; Mutnousl tin d pzoousses, impiewunto, tuui8, mauLinuyy un& equipoent, except as at,orwise speced, necessary for the work hereinabuve referrun to) in uucurdunce With saiu nuicificauivau and FrOvisiOnS. 3ids must is preountod to the jit: Clerk, ih the city Ha.11 in rlamedu, jalifornin, under soiled cover and piainly marked on tau oulside "Prupusui for 6unitury sower in puarl 6trse1., suut" 02 Utis Drive"I or Awilar desiznbtion. wintractl if =Uruodl wiii he uu"Puedi suiject to Los prOKKOUS 01'', Wo 6hurLwr of Lae •My of �lanedal to Uas resfinsfuie Maer 0.1 unbuits the lowest and nest old. The ri�ht is rejurved W reject any or all oiaa. Said specifications and provisions my he tau by any jrospectivc:, Diaducir Uan upplicatiun tj LLS Olt! EnqiLuer, "t Lis UMOU in the •My Hall, "iUndaU2 Mifuraia. M City olerk is Luruay direut.0 tu a0vurtises in the Alameda Times- nutiou CaMLA Zar sualed Uiusy in wacoraunce aita the pruvisiahs ui' this C06uiutiuL and of owid 3pecif1_cations Una provisioLs. 1, u_ 'e undorsinud, horsey ce tify that the f02690L! 1=01MW Was CULY aud Mul"11Y in=duced und UdOptad oy Me Kuncil of Me City of niameda in aujuur.nea regalur meeting assembiou an the MA 05 of Whe, 1949, 01 We failowing vote, t wit: "Y.S: Councilmen Anderson, jDnos, Osborn, Swedney and President, Aranioneid, (5). ZUES: None. "330T: 10he. it ZT100 i Auve hereunto sot my hand and affized the offi- Val soul of 6uid My this 29th Quy W june, 1145. 1 nereby certify inat We forsquina is a full) true and Wesulutiun La. 4u5u, nAIPTIM WMAIMATIM, .t.. J-_ PAGMIJA LW j!22W GnALIQ r1, PZAAh MAIT) 3017_L 021 21213 D01 DIAS AAJ j"WUTIOU TL. CITY CLEAL TO " I Q "I by thu Council on tho 28th uay of june, 1049. correct copy of J il PLAV 7 3w:,' so; YW� p4 nEd udupted