Resolution 040519M nNSGWYFW Ku. 4051 �AOPTM 01001MATIM 4:1 MVISMS Pw:L P I J " �_6 -, 1_'� i "'� i 1 ],'aU� ma CIT" CY �LKnnl j�WTAML 0;i,L1103 WA) Mt -MM"; WW,' 2_1,"l'_ 11TE DA 11ILKLIN 11171 OA_Lih� 2UA AUS AD 01"ECTIM 5..E& 21s MIYALE"h TO "JUKI 1.h Ah 'i " -z" 02 TEA UITY OF AWLAoh thal Lho Specifications sna Provisions Yor purchusin4 from the City of Iamoda: MUM 1. One MUCOU nLUSe (PLrOel 11; Mom 2. Cne !-room Anopuhou3c (Purcul and frul.'-! their location an LiLcoln KY, Mud in the office or the City clerk U. june 261 lVQ, ba, ,l s.': unu swiu are herc I oy, approvea ana waup-�,jd. RE0,1MI Mnl..R, thut the Council of Lhe Wity at Anmoua will receive SUS!ju bids US to tUO hLUr Uf 00) O'ClUCk P. L, Un Tunsduy, july 29, 1>40, Mc Qu purcause ban the Cit: JZ iaAeua of: Itud 1. Me Stucco HOU00 (Para,, 111; Ma 2. One 1-r,om Store-uuso Warcei 7), uLu zemuvinj suiu buildti_ as from their location on Lincoln Way, in accoruance KUL saidspecificati.ns na Privisio.E. Mus nuut be prCsontad t. she Cit; Clerk, ill ,hu jity Lali, "ianeaa, A-Mi.iJ, unuu2 soulad cuver und Mairl; EwMu on the "Prupusal under sunied cover uad pluinly Mankad an the ouusiva, -Proposal ounsiuep for rurc"jae of juildlz�s on hincoln aay", or similur uasianatiuL. juntract auadjtinA bia, if unuraea, Wili be uoaraea suwjoct to the pro- visiuLs of zLe Ghuolu2 of 6lia Oity, tu tno rusnonsiolo Hadar �no subaits Lae nl3hoot and onst uia. The 2iSht in pes.rvud uj r6ject any or u i L 5ius. 1.0 City CLern is hureby airected to auvennioe, in the iIamedu Timus- star, a notice culliny tar Aoui.d Masi iL sucorLuncc nith tne pruvisions N Vais res'luniaL sna cz adid 3yo1:.,ilicuLions aLa ProvisiaLs. 17 too hupeby cortiv; thun We forazoins Resulution onj do!, and requiafi; innrcuucua and udogtod by the CuunoLl of iL6 siq w AiauuuQ in adjauzLe" rujulur wuntinS w.senjiad an toe 260 aw� of jute, 1§49, Q the foliowin� vosc, to hit: Aynj: CuuncilmeL Andurson, W.nnn, Osborn, Mooney und President nruLschaidl n). LL�.S: hone. 0011IT: tone. 1A 41TAZLO _' _r_nve hareunto idt my hanu und MOW tho Mi - cid! asul OY SoW MY .,..t_;.. 29th day of june, Q49. (00.4 MY jlcr'k the wity of hiumcml 1 hiroby CwrtiQ h.t Ue fayujulnj is a full, truu and correct copy of "Aus0lutius, Lu. 4051, nsupTnG 1P..mjAW!Q6 .�A lot MIMS 1WPOWASIAG At= 1M Cil� 02 �,1,0_ao GnaTAIN a,'Ijy!LaS �111_. 11TE DA ni!Goiwl DIRM11M Ahlo MY OLIVA TE AV.zMA Th� 5..E& intro- .,M) aucad aLa uantcd j� tnil COUnCii 1.....i.We 28th uu� of june, 191171,1K. f f - nrywo GlarKof tne 01 1 u