Resolution 04058I=
RMOWT10h �b- 4056,
Ily WMAMW 02
• ZMCA, the Asuncil of Wo CitS of Alw"eda rocuras the
death of uno of its faithfal wmpi,yues, A,2H,L U, 3T,, nhT, w4u sorvud in tKe
Itrawt Department of be City for a pdriod uf NftcuL yours.
lu-"n I -OW -0 of servicel UhO Council of the City of Alumedu neruby expresseo its
awn6e Uf Porsonul loss and ita 3ratituum for me jolaiLy 02 M3 deceased wa-
pi�aueu. he was an uUtntandiL; exampis 02 friendliness anu nus Lila!! respected
!Or As spirit uf ouoperutloL und depeaduoility in carrling on is wurk.
n! 1`1 2 1K,.-Ak NOMMIG, that tUis ResolutiaL be spread i__ ruii upon the
�Mutes of tnis Meatinz of tho Council, and th't n cop! Lbefeuf be tranwittod to
tnu "11, of " itewart We U SiLcuru Wressiun of sinpatny and cundoloncu.
BE !T Mnw�, WM.I.v,Aj tinst wa-en Lzis nestinS up tta jouncil Ujourhs,
it j�ull uu Su iL rusyucL to the sawry of "WALL A. NEWT.
A too unuunsigneu, hereby cortiQ that Lho LUL uguina pesoLutjon w u s
dul; ana rajaiwi. troaucau And woupLaa jy the GDuncil uf We City of Alameda
17 -d , y
in YeAuiur neetina &SSOSJ1UL U- tLu 5th day of july, 041, b; Zhu fullowiag vote,
to wit:
AYES: Gouncilmu" mudurson, Funus, Morn, Aweeney "us Prujident
jranscneiq A.
L�16: huno .
nnwE"T: Done.
it !M ') &KAbow', i nuva �Orvunlat. sob "y tuna ana Mixed ths offi-
sewl u! su" dik t-ij Sth dW -f WKY, 1149.
WAW 1. P.
L' G
hweby curtif� tait Lnu furj�uinA is a fAll, true nod co2ract cool uf
"tusuiutiun Vs. 4J58, ii, G. STEUART)" 1LO,
01 1hu juuncii un the M duo of dull 5, 104).