Resolution 04460159 (j0 151711asi the Alameda Chamber of Conraime is willin7 to undnrt9& thn work of adverttsl, the C47 of Alanedn and to carry on all the necessary 7-uhlicity for sai.d City drri-7 tho fiscal year crdinq jure ZO, 105P andil, 27,70111 Qn prodnotior of suct Pdvertl&r7 and 1w.b4city requires specia], servines of a proNssioral and technIcal nature and spec%3 mchnical skill and fa&ITtics; as 1159 0! 17 70CV701 nrB correct copy of AIATWA VHAYBV',� CP CUNENE WCAR ADVARTTsiry wo Ty,',,, the City of Alameda artor into a cortract with juNa 30 19521 ATD ANIC2AIATT701 Q75500.00 POP SIM", 9 carp, Ting on by of Commerco 77F PPWST. of all necessary public 151711asi the Alameda Chamber of Conraime is willin7 to undnrt9& thn work of adverttsl, the C47 of Alanedn and to carry on all the necessary 7-uhlicity for sai.d City drri-7 tho fiscal year crdinq jure ZO, 105P andil, 27,70111 Qn prodnotior of suct Pdvertl&r7 and 1w.b4city requires specia], servines of a proNssioral and technIcal nature and spec%3 mchnical skill and fa&ITtics; 11000011 TITY"OTERY thnt a for" of contract to be onterod i -to by and be- tweer t4o Waredn CharMar of Cannercn nn! the Wh- of Alareda, sub-Itted to the Council ard fl,00 with the 707 Clerk of the C07"of Alaneda an SepterSor 1R, 1951, and the terns, alreen2nts ard provislors theroof be, and the save arn hrreb7, approved. 1Z,, (' _!_"_ ) I _1171911441 that We 16yor V the City of Kameda is hernby no- thnrl7ed end directed to execute, ard the City INK to attF`9t, or Wbalf nP tbe " I 1hy of Alameda, a contract substantially in t4a form and contalnlr,7 the covonantp, S_reern7tr and provislors set forth in the afoimsald Porm of cortr"ct. C __ w. r1 , "'i T t-int rursuant to "rWranne To. 6411 Ynw Sories, Rc amonled by CrUnnion no, 962, Tow Aeries, t1n par.of 07,500.00 be, and is Kerwb,',,­ aprroorlatod out or the Orneral Turd of the City to be need Nr p"blinity on ndvnr-- t1sinc fo- Wd Wt7 for the fiscal your ondlcZ jure 50, 2952, 1- thq rnrnor ard fnr t"o -ur.noso, providnO ir Wd CrUnnnoe 7o. 041, T%w Terins, as anrrdnd. 12 thn bsroby nertify thno thn frr2qoTn7 -esolution wnc7 W17 and reEriarly introdrced and aicytcd by the Correll of the City of Alancl-, ir regular nastK7 nsspnhInd on "he Uth day n Septfav nbnr, 1251, by the fc1lowin,-, Vot"5 to -wit: AK33: Councilmen Andorson, 3ranscheld, Sweeney and President Osborr, (4). 704s: 7orm. A79RW: Cornclimar innes., (1). T7 TITYMS 41210019 '1 have herennto set ry hanO end nfflynd the offi- & a 1 sea! of s a! d City 01 s Vth ci,,a"­ o."' (SnAT.) City Clerk of t4n C07 of Alameda 403 7777RHANW1 0! 17 70CV701 nrB correct copy of 7TV 771 COLWIT.i,_ AE PT ATAEADA that, the City of Alameda artor into a cortract with the Ainmeda Chamber of Commercq fo-2,�' the carp, Ting on by of Commerco 77F 0 of all necessary public H7 and advertis- PUPPSESI" ing nr behalf of the City of Alameda the Councillon for the fiscal jurc 30, 1959. the 20th day (of' Roptanbor, 1051. year ondHE 11000011 TITY"OTERY thnt a for" of contract to be onterod i -to by and be- tweer t4o Waredn CharMar of Cannercn nn! the Wh- of Alareda, sub-Itted to the Council ard fl,00 with the 707 Clerk of the C07"of Alaneda an SepterSor 1R, 1951, and the terns, alreen2nts ard provislors theroof be, and the save arn hrreb7, approved. 1Z,, (' _!_"_ ) I _1171911441 that We 16yor V the City of Kameda is hernby no- thnrl7ed end directed to execute, ard the City INK to attF`9t, or Wbalf nP tbe " I 1hy of Alameda, a contract substantially in t4a form and contalnlr,7 the covonantp, S_reern7tr and provislors set forth in the afoimsald Porm of cortr"ct. C __ w. r1 , "'i T t-int rursuant to "rWranne To. 6411 Ynw Sories, Rc amonled by CrUnnion no, 962, Tow Aeries, t1n par.of 07,500.00 be, and is Kerwb,',,­ aprroorlatod out or the Orneral Turd of the City to be need Nr p"blinity on ndvnr-- t1sinc fo- Wd Wt7 for the fiscal your ondlcZ jure 50, 2952, 1- thq rnrnor ard fnr t"o -ur.noso, providnO ir Wd CrUnnnoe 7o. 041, T%w Terins, as anrrdnd. 12 thn bsroby nertify thno thn frr2qoTn7 -esolution wnc7 W17 and reEriarly introdrced and aicytcd by the Correll of the City of Alancl-, ir regular nastK7 nsspnhInd on "he Uth day n Septfav nbnr, 1251, by the fc1lowin,-, Vot"5 to -wit: AK33: Councilmen Andorson, 3ranscheld, Sweeney and President Osborr, (4). 704s: 7orm. A79RW: Cornclimar innes., (1). T7 TITYMS 41210019 '1 have herennto set ry hanO end nfflynd the offi- & a 1 sea! of s a! d City 01 s Vth ci,,a"­ o."' (SnAT.) City Clerk of t4n C07 of Alameda Wly,glark of the City of Alameda i hereby certify that W fore7clng is m fall, true nrB correct copy of "Ypsolutior 7o. 44603 AU74CITZI71 NA427TIOE P7 PJAJI"IHTEVIL "" -I?"- WTr"'1'_1'1.1111',,Y,,' 71) 1� 77F 0 1952, 1V A?Pn0PR1AT- T71 �75500.00 PCs TUCH PUPPSESI" introduned nrd by the Councillon ' adoutod the 20th day (of' Roptanbor, 1051. Wly,glark of the City of Alameda