Resolution 04485nps=7727 PC.MR1,11 &17 7:7;Tlj-G 7IFn S "Y77IC5 CT9- �] 7J", AM A7F7K7Y'-q 7:7 1 177077 T- 7757= 7� 77] 371727 7� 77 977Y U : M: -VA tMt !Qs A. 7p--er be, nrid Ono is hmeby, ar-ohn"M Denut- 71�v MA 00 tin alty of Wa-qda, tn act ns ruch withc"t correran0lon. 7Mr- M, "5h�77n, tint the V-sVicns of Senior Mronrarher-Clerk Rrd Oerut7 0 ty CNN, in tne Wolce of the W17 Clerk, to he corbined and l4p nore, nersn- rmy hold both of said mc! Ams, Inc W L said cormyned 7M Orns SM11 be ent! tied, "Snn! or 00 COPY - 17 Ir" P7770 :h!F7!A= tiont all rensl7ttons, nr particns Ocroof, in conflict herewith, unC all app, to thy ent-nv 0- S701 coro]!V -�17. �Qret7 manIV00 Ono arlulled. TV 140 once-simcd, hernW7 ccr"!Q i4aL the porn7olop Asolyllor nor &nd ro-ularlyintroquond anK QorW b7 14a ln"nol: c� the MY of Annsda in -Paula noetIQ apsmyhled ca the Nhh day V -n-orbor, K51, 57 "h2 foilcwir7 vntp, to-nih: m7n 1 nor nron "F -A m17CAM01 �0-vsl Nwe-m7 nnd )rmldnrt, Warn, (51. n 1,1", 217; KTKC?, 1 have zmreu"to so, ny MM aro a=xpo "ho pff 7 ma I sra j rp r P Id C 1 ty 14! a M say of Avel oc r, 1751. rn At7 Mort cf,the'jit- of Wanoda m