Resolution 045334'UMT101 NO. 4533 AUTAUMING CITY TC, !!,,YiE'E APPLICATION TO STATt-" I - TKYFUMI 0-r-1 �11_111 'ITY OF -RECTOR W? 2111INCE 01 C S,`.,`,'E A - ,___S' , 7' 1',- COST 02 PIANO 701-t' iL 1� ! r]liou OP SAN "J_ "J"'-' 21,Z01,', CH'ES jT L L,C01 -',T .1,0 1 T S T TO MORTOU ST'_JE1`]_,],`1L', z'J`,_') 0_0 1.,:(',1',TO-,'rT S,),11 jOSIE' AVENIE TO SAN ANIONIC 'ivE11`10-1] (1:ZWECT NO. W 30) ZYMAS tile State of California, under Chaptur 47, Ssatutes of 1044, (4th Extra SessioA) As alTropriated funds for allotment by the Director of Finance to provide financial assistance to Local Agencies defined U. in as counties, cities or cities and counties for the purpose of defraying not so exceed onc-half the cost W proparin7 engirecring field surveys, onginearing or arc hitectural deslans ard working and detailed dranings and spec-1ficatihs (hereinafter called WRAP roqunred for post-war public works projects described as "specific pro - Jac is Pg in said Act; and A.. 1_.. the Wtv of Alameda desires Wapply to the Director of Finance and/or State n1location Baird, as the case may be, for an allotmont of the State's shain of the estimated cost of preparing the compinted plans hereinaf Wr mentirned. and there has Men prepared and presented to this Iagislative Body for consideratinn an applicRtion for such purpose; and 'AMIALY said City has provided, Cr will make available upon approval of the aftsremo?Lt ionad application, cufficiont funds to prepare the completed plans herein unntions' d; NOW TUEKWCIi`_� i!WGLVAD1 that said City submit the aforesaid appli- cation - to tho Director of Finance and/or M State Allocation Board, as the case may be, reqi.estinE allotment of U635.93, being not more than one-half the cost of preparing said completed plans, or for such amount a--mM-­ be annroved by the Directcr of Mronce and/o, the State Allocation Boarl , (said allotment to be used. I r for the purpose of Mrsy1rg the cost of -renarins' said completed plans required) _7 for a spocific rrojoct to he undertaken.bI saW City and describad as Project No. _,,1',,,CGESTRWT1VE 07 SAN ME AVE31UTO FROK CHESTNUT T AID UP QUM SYMAT YAKA ELL! ME AVETTE TC MF nNTGNIU AMM WiT 17011HAR MISCUED, that the estimated cost of preparing such plans is Y19271.973 and that said City has rode provisinn. for paying one-halfop more of Lhe cost of preparing such plans. W !T that'Vor the purpeses, of, i'l-ALS t"he 01ty Manager of the City of Alamuda bo, and ho is harnby, designated as the author- ized agent of said City and is hareby authorizod and Masted to sign thn above menMoned a7nilcuLinn on bahalf of said City�and subnit the sane to the Mentor of Finance aid/or the Stne Allocation DowA, together vith a cerMied statermnt C. f tho e`it inated cost of pimparing such plans and such other infornntion as nay be requirod; and said authorized a7ent if furthar authorized aM directed, as the, repnesentative of said City, to c=duct oil no7otlatlons and conclude all arran7e- ments, including submission to Me Director of Ananco of applications for- reldbursariert, �hlch nny bo riooascAP7 to cocure 7el1'abuvnement for the Motel,-, sMne of the expcndlture made in T-cpArTnF sold completed plans. SMAIET N. � ATRIA" (SqA Q GUY Clark of the Ulty of Alameda is We undeinigned, he7aby certify Mnt thn fore7oM7 ANsolution was duly aM Paquiurly introduced and adopted by Khn 6onncil of tho'City of Alameda in �ont!4q aLsciMled on M 5th day of Jobrunry, 10529 5y tho followinq vote, ju7uiar to wit* AMC: CounoWnen Lnderson, Oranscheld, Loves, Swoeney and MHdont Oshorn, W. AS34IT: Nuna. 17 MY= 101079 1 h�ve j� c sat rW hand and affiKed the official soal of snid City this St� day of Pobruary, 2952. SMAIET N. � ATRIA" (SqA Q GUY Clark of the Ulty of Alameda j Ameby certify Wt the fore7olzq is a full, true ind correct copy of "Resolutim No. 4333, ZUTHPAIZING CITY �.LWO 1C !AKE A MiG.037 2C DUAMUZ UP ?7WICE CA! 0001'a 1210 112 CRO W UAMM 2OR STAT2 AUTSTM2 1-]""' ITIAZOT121 My.? CY MITS Mi A-MCK==yU. Q, VOT jC53 CMUTUY n,ETUE OQTI SORM, W MUM S77H�!T AND Q FUTCh SIM77 '�JT Sk- jUS2 A�TALE �t LAE tPTQF7G LVIEU-111 WGUMIC. 17-30), introduced nnd b- the (�ozi,.cil `h�e d,,-, adopted 0 �7- )f Tebruary, 1952. F1 31ty Glork 4 the City of -1amda m w