Resolution 04540Aw", AASUL67ICK NO. MCi, AMMYS SMCTI W-TTO�s I SMATAL PACUSIM UD Xn�,!s �Gh MAM(W �nz'721Q 0�) MSCQ"7"�! 010 7W HAUG! G"�L= 0" it! A ==, 510S nED %0�7= =7 CLARE 1C �DYMT= Mydkklf the City Mrnlronr Aas 7irparad Fyociflontions, Special Provisions and 21ans for paintiriF and decoratArq yorticns of the interior of the, Hoalth Qntcr EMM7, which aro =bgred 20 2-52-2 and were filed in tho offim-, of Ehe City CleAr on jebruary 5, 1CM, Rk. MMEM&A 1 11 17 WCUED 2"-,- ("-: w 0"'; that the aforesaid'SaccUicationa, Snocial Provisicns and 21ans, numbeird and Med as aforesaid, he, and the same -are he ;u move and adopted. VAIMMI)i 'MIM: 0, that un nerfoynnance and conDiction of tho uo&,, spec;Lfled in said S-occoficationz aid Acvislona bo, and the samn Ls hercby- nuthorized. IVIM10159 11U:17404 that the ocyncii cf tne City of naamoda Mil rncolve snaiDd hids n7 to the h of 0:05 olcicoh P. Y. on Tucaday, Ycbrnnry 1j, 1750, for the fvrn1jA1uq to t4e City of -lascda of all labor, natarials, tothods and procosses, touls and oquiyncnt ne3osvary for the "caQ hnnninabovo rafnrrod to, in accordance vith said Specifications and Provisions. Bids must be prosertcd to khe City Clrk, im the City Will In Alameda, 3aliTcrnia, undur ocaicc cover and plainly marked on the ontshe Oroposai Tor valrtinr and Decorating intorior of Malth Wantcr luildW7% or shillar 6osl7nation. Contract, if awarded; will �c awardnd cubjost so tho provisions of khr, C4a7ter of the Gity of Manoda, to M rosponsibic bidder nho subMts the lowect and best bid. Me ri7ht in roc2rved to 01' all Said Spocifications nnd Provisions ray So hv6 bv any prospoo Ave btWor on arcaticn to the City Winear, at tin office in the City Hall, Alameda, California. Man Ulty Cie:k is hereby dircctoa to advartice, in the Alameda Tines - Star, a notice calling Per scaled i:31 W.,. in accordance Mn the provisions M Lhis resolution and of said SpecificuMns und Provisions. 11 the unceivinnad, hereby carMfy that the foinq,ying lk�olvtlar vas duly and requi"riy !Mroducoj nnd adorted by the Uouncil M Lho—ity of Alameda in ru7uiav rnctirj asnon.bleA an nhe 5th.day of vabrinry, 1050, by the following votc, to wit: AUS: Councilinn Andorson, Wanschold, joresv Sweeney and 11usident, Osborn, W. 'E of 10.< 7510AW, T have Mnsunto aat rT Van! ,,ii C, adtlxed the offlc!Wl soul of said City this Gth day of jebruary, 1952. (SCAL) SUIRL&Y H. MUM Gity M�pk of the My of Alameda i VeYnhy nortify that the forcroing is a full, true and correct copy of ' "Hosolution i' o. 4540, Aoup=j EiMpic-TICKS5 SPICIAL MVISIGAS �TU 2111,! h"M TVMM PAMIM AKE) MG(MUM G? 72 MaMl CATTIA UUMM, 2226 SA17A CIAM MT&I UmI.ING Y02 MIS AND 21=11M CITY GLIRK TC ADVART:SE SAW, introduced and adnnte6 b; tho Cotmcii on the 54A day of lebrunry, W52. .. .. . . . city clan of tho City of Alameda