Resolution 04544M RESOLUTION NO. 4544 APPCIKTTNG h!'_ AC'_`_-'TN,r, 1M 19E ABSENM'E' 0-i" 171-H7 C'Irlly WPM, the QQ Managar, Carl 7roerer, with the pormissinr of the City Council, will be absent from the City of Alameda for a reriod of approxi- mately one week, on City businnss; T9 tho undorol7nod, heroby cortify that the foreqoW7 Resolution was duly and ro7ularly introduced and adortHca bj the Council or the CW7 of 0amoda in re7uiar meeting asserbled on the Ah day of February, 1�1,52, t PollovinF votep tc wit: AYES: Councilmen Andorson, Branschold, jones, Tweeney W Presidant Osborn, (5). TOES: -Ono. WS4771 Kone. TK �TTAESS W479M7. 1 have hereunto set rT hand and aPPIxed the o f M c l a l sea] of said City this 00th day of Oebruai7, IMP. (SRAL) SHIPLEY H. 77077'�' City Me& of the City of Alanodt,,, 1 hereby certify that 1,11-Ull 17 !T RESOLVED 1Y THE 1.x01401I, OTP 7'7�_' (,,'!TY M'7 AN KTIVS MY C"�' �7"T"'_' SETY MAGER". introduced and adopted by the Council on the 19th day of February, that j. P. Clark W3 and he is horeby, nppoirtnd Wlr7 City Fana7er of tho C07,, of Alameda durinn said absence of the City Yann7er. T9 tho undorol7nod, heroby cortify that the foreqoW7 Resolution was duly and ro7ularly introduced and adortHca bj the Council or the CW7 of 0amoda in re7uiar meeting asserbled on the Ah day of February, 1�1,52, t PollovinF votep tc wit: AYES: Councilmen Andorson, Branschold, jones, Tweeney W Presidant Osborn, (5). TOES: -Ono. WS4771 Kone. TK �TTAESS W479M7. 1 have hereunto set rT hand and aPPIxed the o f M c l a l sea] of said City this 00th day of Oebruai7, IMP. (SRAL) SHIPLEY H. 77077'�' City Me& of the City of Alanodt,,, 1 hereby certify that the forewir7 is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution Yo. 4541, APPOTNTUr AN KTIVS MY C"�' �7"T"'_' SETY MAGER". introduced and adopted by the Council on the 19th day of February, 1952. 4-41,