Resolution 04546M 'T-_,',S0TTT10N It. 4546 1' C 10,FwITZ7 �' _11'Q CIVTI DEFEM","', FROY S72TE OF CAMYOMA ,'11_71RTlf�s- 1-1he Civil Doferse lennrtmPnt of the City of Alameda is Ln need of Aoscz��e �-`]ql I -,ho 'V-'alue of Rich is in the anount of 13,822,35;and, 1I S tlie Tederal Rovornment has allotted to the State of CaRfornia certain monies to assist local communitins of 7he Mtn in the purchase of sqch Rosoue QuipmBnt, under the terms of which participation the sum of 11 R79 35 will bo allowed the lit- ol Xlannda in the nu-chnsn. throunh the State, of the aforesaid Aescue Equipmert: 1 7' , T-rl,,Si-�-l-i�C)'?77' -7 RUCTORD BY M7 CCUNCIL 00 THE MY OF ATAMADA that tho Civil Defense ferartment oP the City of Alamvda be, and it is herpby, authcriznj to purchase Prom the State of Caiifoimla, 7esoue Equipnent to the value of 13,922.35, and ho trnnsmit with the purchase order tharefor a warrant of the City of Alareda in the amourt of 51.050.00. in full pa7rent for said equToment; aK 17 TT that by reason of the City's ability to purchase such equipment w2th approxirmtely fifty per cent qovernment participaticn in the costthereof, it is the oninion of this Council Mt the interests of the MQ, of Alaneda will be best s;rve& by purchasQ7 said equipnent in the mannor afore- said rathnr than by advertisSng for bids thereon, T1 the und2rsigned, hereby certify that the foreqVni Thsoluticn was My and rv7ularly Antroduce3 and adontad b7 the Carroil of the City of Alameda in rc7ular 7eotinF assorblcd on the Ath day C. "ebrunry, U52, b7 the followinr7 Volel to wit: AM: Councilmen 4nderson, Branscheld, jones, Money and Vresidert YM: Uono. AMAKT: None. 1N WITNESS 5775=9 i hove hereunto set m7,,- hard ncn6i affixed tM KPIVal seal of salLJ, C',_71,-�,­ tli-Is 20tt day of 'thruary, 1032. (SEAK S17RIFY U. TENVElh? City Cle, yo oV thn City of Aia"oda 1 herohT ce- lify that the fore7aing is P full, time and coriect ccIT of "Qsolntlar Vo.-MV59 AU1TrT707_'7 �7� (71 (MITT, M1777711 70077 AAMPIANT TPOK WnT C? C , ­ �1 introducnd and adortod by the Council on the Mh day of , Tybruny7, 1952. City Clerk of Be My of Alareda