Resolution 04565RESOLUTTON NO. 4565 OF INTENTION TO CONSTNUCT AND iNSULL A STREET WGHTUNG SYS TE 7.,T__ - S'__'1rrF,,VT HOW= COUSTRUQTTOX ASSQSVENT I DISTRTUT0. 1 (19;Q_ BE !T RESOLVED BY TH7E, C"'UNCIL OF ThE CITY OP AWEDA that in its opinion the public interest and convenience require, and that it is the irtention of said Council to order the following iTprovements to be made in and for a portion of said City, to -wit: 1. The construction and installation of a street lighting system., including poles, electroliers, lighting units, cable, conduits and other suitable and necessary works or appliances in Hi7h Street and Post Street from Otis Drive to Calhoun Street. 2. Said streets and highways are more particularly sHown in the records of the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County, California, and shall be shown upon the plans herein referred to and to be filed with the Clerk of said City. S. All of said work and improvements are to be constructed and installed at the places and in the particular locations, of the forms, sizes, dimensions and materials as shown and 011neated upon the nianci ns and speficans tiotm o be ade there, for, as hereinafter provided. 4. Said contemplated inprovements, in the opinion of the City Council of said City, are of more than local or ordinaiT public benefit and said Council does hereby make the costs and expenses thereof chaiyeable upon an assessment district, which dist Act said Council declares to be the district benefited by said improve- monts and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, the Mundaries of which district are shown on the map entitled "Dia'gram, Street lighting Constt rucion Assessnent District No. 1 on file in.the office of said City Clerk, refer- ence to which is hereby made for further particulars. 5. Notice is hereby 71ven that the City of Alameda intenis to and will, purchase the assessment to be made and issued in these proceedin7s. The unpaid assessments shall be collected upon the tax rolls upon which re neral taxes are collected for the City of Alameda and shall bear interest at the rate of one per cent (1%) per month from the date of filing the original list of unpaid assessnents to the next succeeding 31st day of December of the tax year for which such roll shall have been prepared. 6. Except as herein otherwise provided, all hereby made the above described worb.- shall be done pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, Chapter 5, Title XIX, of the Alameda ft unicinal Code. 7. of eronce is hereby made to the proceedin7s of this CornM and tc the petition filed by the residents of the assessment district intended to be created hereunder. S. Said improvenents are hereby referred to D. H. Maynard, asSuperin- tendent of Streets and the officer h2v1_rg aharge and control of the ccrstructioll of public improvements in and for said City, and the said Superintendent of Streets is hereby directed to make and file with the Clerk of said City a report in writing, presenting the following: (a) Plans and specifications of the proposed improvements to be made pursuant to this resolution. (b) Engineer's statement of the itenized and total estimated costs and expenses of said improvements and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith. (c) Diagrant showing the assessment district above referred to and also the boundaries and dimensions of the respnctive subdivisions of land within said district as the sane existed at the tine of the adoption of this resolution of intention, each of which subdivisions sha]T be given a separate number upon said dla7ran. (d) A proposed assessment of the total anoont of the cost and expenses of the proposed tmprovemerts upon the several subdivisions of land in said district In proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by such subdivisions, respectively, from said inprovemerts, ard of the expenses incidental thereto. 0. If any excess shall be reali7nd 1.3 said assessnert it shall be applied to each of the parcels assessed nnless the Council shall hereafter other- wise determine as providod by law. M WIN 170ES: None B 7 IN'AS , None TTI Yv,ITNE�'SS I lh,ave here -unto set my hand and a""'iXe(I 4 -he offic-Lal seL_ of said City this 16th d,ay of Apr1l, 1952. (SEAL) �')TTTRT,F]71- -1. City Clerl,: of the C-ity of A_Rmeda i hereby cent if -v th-,at the fo-,r,1o!-_­j,7 Is a fu,111 tr-,1.c and correct copy of M T 0-1 T�7171?1`171-07, "l- �0­ SIT LL A "T.R.11',"El T 1. T I NG -1 "Ro2oli.,itlor No. �51')5p 17,� T 'P N, D i IT A �T 11 r -,'S 71�11,j A C1 11 T-1 T ro - -rST`TCT (1952)", 3YO ---- (� r: , , I'll I , , I - 1. n J 11 ducod and ador)1L-1Qd,' bv 4_h( o 151u'li dety, of'52- �, ". :�, 1-1 1�p 0 JV o A C ter C le, xi of '�'Ihe Clt-v of Alameda m il the undei-J-.7,ried, liereby cerl[;ify that the fcre,,,��olm-, Resoluticn was sul-v and -1e[-,u.1_ar1_v In'Froduced an.d adlo,,)ted b`IT the Council of' th�A. t v al- e da in r-t-ular ri-etirig al,lsembled on. t'he 15-th day of AT)r,,l, 1952, b7 the follov.-Ing C) vote", t0 1"I'l, t .. AY".�S Councilmen Andersor F) s 1 c h e I d T Uo-.nes'. Sweenoy and T'res Ident Osborn, (5). . 170ES: None B 7 IN'AS , None TTI Yv,ITNE�'SS I lh,ave here -unto set my hand and a""'iXe(I 4 -he offic-Lal seL_ of said City this 16th d,ay of Apr1l, 1952. (SEAL) �')TTTRT,F]71- -1. City Clerl,: of the C-ity of A_Rmeda i hereby cent if -v th-,at the fo-,r,1o!-_­j,7 Is a fu,111 tr-,1.c and correct copy of M T 0-1 T�7171?1`171-07, "l- �0­ SIT LL A "T.R.11',"El T 1. T I NG -1 "Ro2oli.,itlor No. �51')5p 17,� T 'P N, D i IT A �T 11 r -,'S 71�11,j A C1 11 T-1 T ro - -rST`TCT (1952)", 3YO ---- (� r: , , I'll I , , I - 1. n J 11 ducod and ador)1L-1Qd,' bv 4_h( o 151u'li dety, of'52- �, ". :�, 1-1 1�p 0 JV o A C ter C le, xi of '�'Ihe Clt-v of Alameda m