Resolution 045874587 jJ'i,'J'EMLG CITY TZIES 01, il7i,UPE111,711' JtC',",UIRED 3Y WE STATE W 021MCMIA YOR y STWE HICRUAY t1 follawing descrind zeal property, situated in the Oity of nlaneda, Gounty of ilameda, State of California, to -wit: issessor's .loch 1, Plate 2, 1/6 interest each of isabelle holte, Lary Pingree and h. A. ickean in Lots 7 and 13, block 1, Stratton Survey, has been assessed heretofore for jity purposes and taxes and penalties levied thereon are uncollected and unpaid, to -wit: fiscal ypar 1951-1952, bill ho. 2, 0.37,' fiscal_(,year 1950-51, bill ho. 2, original tax Q1.29, sold for Q2.37; and after the time said taxes became as lien on said real property, tO-wit, oh Ju1Y 13, 1951, said real property was, by Mal Decree of Jonua2nation in 2e Peoplo vs. Von Harris, et al, as to heche, et al, recorded on july 13, 1951, ih tke office of the jountyAecorder of ilameda jounty, acqui2ed, and ever since Las been and now is beinA used for public purposes, namely, a State highway, and because of such public ownership is not subject to sale for delinquent taxes; BE IT RESOLVE!) W AM GGIRWIL )_ ''IF -L, J'17'f 01P 4ith the written consent of the City Attorney attached hereto, tliat all luicollected taxes KarGed or levied for city purposes upon the aforesaid real property, to- getAer with ponaltics and costs thereon, be, and the smue are hereby, cancelled, and the Auditor and Tax Collector of the City of Alameda are hereby authorized and uiroated to cancel Ua same on their respecLive books, and to remove said property frun Qe assessment rolls. 3E, !T it Ri],"',("L`y D, anthing in this resolution to the contrary notwithstandinZ, that tAis resolution und order shall not us cuhstrueb as oun- celling, or authorizing the cancellation of, any special assessnent taVes levied aCain3t said rual property by th-e jity of llwaeda pursuant to t2e provisions of the ""cuisition and improvement ict of 1925". il j. P. ilarki My ittarney of the City of Alameda, Mate of JU111ornia, do hereby consent to the cancellation of any and all uncollected taxes anG ussessnents and penalties and costs thereon, charaed or levied for city pur- poses upon the parcel of real property described in tKe within resolutioh. Dated: ;..,ay 6, 1952. j. P. Clark City Atto-T'lls'y of the City of Alameda * * W * * * * * * * * 1, the undersigLed, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was auly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in, regular meetinS assemoled on the tial day of Lay, 1952, by the following vote, to wit: 'iYES: Councilnen Anderson, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (4). HUES: Done. AMSEIT: Couuicilman 3rcinscheid., (1) . 114ITEE3S ',T1­1hREUF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 7th say of may, 1952. (SEAL) SHIRLEY K. MINIM if Cik laity Glerof theeCi ty .4 lam e Alameda da IM M I iiereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of tt --iWIIERTY IUI i 3Y T" lE ST.C�ITE OF ,6,'Osolu�iol) 1�0. 4587, C;EaLll,,G CITY TAX�ES 01 ±ovll 4 )TiTE introduced and adopted by theCouncil on the 6th day o -L" I,ay, 1952.