Resolution 04592RTSOINTION NQ. 4592 TWNSFEWTUG 275514.50 FHOV THE SPECTAL PUITIC HFATTF FUND TO THE GENERA!, TURI) WETIOTAS, certain nnrnys havo benn delivernd to aiA received Q the City of Alameda from the Stato of California and. depositod in the Slecial Public Health 7und pursuant to the provisions of 2ections 1100 to 1145 of the Realth and Safety Code K the Vats nf nnilfornia (Chapter 1562, Statutes nf 1947), as amended, and the provisions of 2esolutior No. 3650, adopted Q this Council on Novenher 19, 1947; and —he S"M of 07,514.50 has boon exPended (,r i?'." the General Pund for the purTnses authorized in the act referred to and in said reS&Uticn, namely, for public health purposes; 7 rlTll'"" R "E BE TT BTFOETED 7Y THE UOUNCJVT� 'Cl-,'C-j—,P'Y' i C I thnt the sum of 07,514.50 be, and the same is hereby, tranderrod from the Special Health Pund to the Conaral Fund, The Auditor and the Treasurer aro hereby authorized and direntod to maWo, said transfer on their respective books. TS the undorsl7nnd, hsinhy cert3fy that the forngWng Tasolutinr was fir and and repulariv introduced and ado-oted bar the Council of the Cltv of Alameda in rnFular mae&nC ans9mblod or tho 20th day of May, 1952, by the fqAlowing vote, to wit: AYES: Counclinen Anderson, Sweeney and President Osborn, (3). nE S : None. ATSINT: Counclinen Branscheld and jones, (2). 11 7TTTESS 17700]0 21 i have hereunto sot my 1.ar.d and affixed the o0inial seal of said City this 21st day of Wy, 1052. NVAL) SATALTY H. TINNIER City Clark of the City of Alameda i hereby "Resulutiss Tu. 459-2 TO "T1 017CRAI 7TOD"; certify that the,foragoing is 511.40 FVCV introduced and adonted by the a fall, true WE SWCTLL Council on and correct uATTU the 200 co.y of QnF) day of toy, 1952. city Clork of tho of Alarnda M