Resolution 04613mm
i7',SOTUTICY NO. 4513
T"," MEMORIAM T' joii"'T "]11711io-11111,
VTTH PROFOUND SCERC&N, the Council of the City of Alameda records the
dnath of one of its outstanding and long-time residents, CAPTA12 WIN �. S"WM'
United Statei "fetired. Captain Strohm was responsible for the orqanization
nnd establishnent of the police plsicc] o-,-, Btay island in 10W, and since
that time, activoly aided in tho training program which brought widespread
recognition to t Alameda Police. 'Departrient for its firearn proficiency.
=9 THE&FORE9 BE 1T NESOLVED, that, in acknowiedqement of his untirinr-,
efforts in this self-appointod task for the benefit of the local Police Department
and the conrunity as a wholes the Council of ":ho City of Alaneda Wraby expiwossos
its sense of personal 2oss and its sincere gratitude for the worth while servine
so unselfishly and efficiently rendered by Caytain Strohm.
K !T TURTHNE HS20=2 that this Pesolution be spread in full upon
the minutes of this meeting, and that a copy thereof be transmitted to the fanily
of Captain Strohm, that it may extend to Its -,,,ni,,,,,,`b,,rs a sincere expression of
sympathy and condolence; and
it the undersigned,hereby certify that the forepo ng Resolution was
duly and regularly introducad and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in
on 1,1ire 17th dny nf junn, 1052, by the followinr vote,
to wit:
A770 Councilmen Anderson, Branscheld, jones and Swooney, (4).
NCES: rone.
AWIFT: Precidenn Osborn, Q.
17 TITTISS WSTOWAY 1 have heTrunto set ry hand and aWixed the official
sea! of said City this 18th day of Jurn, IP52.
City Clark K the City K Alameda
1 hereby certify that the foroEolng is a full, true and correct copy of
"Yorrlution No, 4613$ 111,11" "I'."I".",ra',,',,:-�t,.',,AM 70 SIPWN Win W. Sqq=", introduced and
adoptod by the Council on the 17th day of june, 1952.
City Clnrk of the City of Alameda
9E 1T
irTWINED9 that when
this meeting
of the Council of 2 l
City of Alameda
it shall do so in
to thn
ramory of CAPTLIN jOHIT
W. Z72CH19
Stat., _s,
it the undersigned,hereby certify that the forepo ng Resolution was
duly and regularly introducad and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in
on 1,1ire 17th dny nf junn, 1052, by the followinr vote,
to wit:
A770 Councilmen Anderson, Branscheld, jones and Swooney, (4).
NCES: rone.
AWIFT: Precidenn Osborn, Q.
17 TITTISS WSTOWAY 1 have heTrunto set ry hand and aWixed the official
sea! of said City this 18th day of Jurn, IP52.
City Clark K the City K Alameda
1 hereby certify that the foroEolng is a full, true and correct copy of
"Yorrlution No, 4613$ 111,11" "I'."I".",ra',,',,:-�t,.',,AM 70 SIPWN Win W. Sqq=", introduced and
adoptod by the Council on the 17th day of june, 1952.
City Clnrk of the City of Alameda