Resolution 04644M RESODUTIM XO. 4644 ADUMM MUMATIMS, NECIAL PROVISICAT will AID FIAHS subject to tho provIsUns of tho Chartcr of the City of Alanodn, TTA ME WCUMTEUCTICT 02 POST STAWT FEN WAG7MT0',1,,- TC, 7 50101109 CATUNG FOR WDS AND -Y�1)11;017 and best bid. The riqht MOM T! TV! CITY CLEW AMPTIM to rnjeat any or all Ms. N the City Engineer has prepared Specifications, special I ,, � Provisions and Plans for the reconrtrla. tion of Post Street from Tashington Strept to Yadison Strent, which nin numbered PW 8-52-12 and were filed in the office of the City Clerk on Auquet 5, 2952; N1101"'."T 7! 171'a -` .TA :-iCl 107 1 Trq 19, B'Y MUNCIL CF 17,7�I.that the aforeenid Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans, numbered and filed as aforesaid, be, and the seno are hereby approved and adopted. TASCINEDY ""` UT111,1171 R", tloat the perforrmnce and carpletion of the worrk speciMed insaid Epecificaticns and Provisinns be, and the same is hereby authorized. RESCINED, ,r ^' that the Council of the City of Alaneda will receive senled bids up to the hour of 8:05 ofelock P. M. an Tuesday, August 19, 1950, for the furnishing to the City of Alameda of all labor, muterials, methods and procespes tools and nocessary for the work he-(an above referred to, in ac,ccrdanc(.,,, with said Specifications and Provisions. Bids must bo presented to the City Clerk, in the Cltv Hall, in Alameda, Califoxmia, undar scaled cover and plainly marked an the cuOside. Proposal for Reconstruction of Post Street from Oashington tract to NaWson Street," or sWilar designation. Contract, if nwardnd9 will be awarded subject to tho provIsUns of tho Chartcr of the City of Alanodn, to the reEponsible bldOer who s,,ul-�mlts and best bid. The riqht is reserved to rnjeat any or all Ms. Said Speciflontinns and Provinionc ray be had by any prospective bidder or applicaticn to the City Ynginner, 2t his Mice in the City eta 11, Alaneda, California. The City Clerk to hnreby directed tc advartinc, in the Al"aa neds, Tinec- Stnr, a notice calling for sealed blis, in accordance with thn provisions of this resolution and of said Cpacifications and Provisions. it the undersigned, ha7uby certify that the fti, regoinr Resolution was duly and reti. larly itai roduend and adopted Q the Gouncil of the City of Alameda in rpFular meeUng assei-ribledl, on the 5th day of August 1052,by the Callowing vote, to wit: AITS: Councilmen Ande=cn, Branccheid, Jonen, Swooney and President Cobornp (5). Runs: More. MUNT: Nonn. 1:: MIMES VARIMICIPI i have hereunto set rg hand and affix,ed the official sona of w. ......-.x City ,h _A, Sth daT of Auqust, 1032. (SEAL) SHIRMY H. City Clerk of the City of Alameda 1 hereby certify thmt the 4ore7olng is a full, trqe and correct copy of "Resolution No. 45449 ADM= SPat 171CATMNS, MCIAL PRUMONS AND PIANS F01", ME NZONS75TWIti_ K C? 22ET STWT 7W 7WHITIM STRUT TO 117TS017 51-177T, MUM FOR 5152 AND DIRECTING GITY CLUK TC ADWRTISK SALE", introduced and, dcptod by the C aounc3l on the 5th day cf -u7ust, 3052. City Clerk of the City or Wanoda