Resolution 04652M M AESCLUTICK HC. 4652 AUT1105MRS! c7liy Sa _ I'l -i'-I "7('11 S Til. DMECTOR CIP FIVITRZ CK MILIM CF 111,11 1-11"I"'L C_'P, YCR 13211711 117GIS7ATTE 11 DZYMINS COLT CIO KIM =571UITIGN OF BUD UnUE STWEN MUM MT 70. !V QMEM NU. 47-0 =MAS9 the Stato of California, under Chanter 479 Statutos of 10441 Wth Extra Sessink) has npproprinted funds for allotment by the Director o''I' Finance to nrovide Tinanctla a-sistanne to local AgcnVes defTned therein a-, countlesp cities or cities nnd counties for tho pyrposn of dsfraylr7 rK no excned one-half the cost of preparinq Pn7Invn&r7 field rurveys, on-Inve-4-7 or architecturn! des -1 -r -s, Und warAW7 nrd dotailod drs,wings nrd spnV71natiors (he-rinaftcr called "Plans") required for post-war PWIle works projects dascrIbM a2 "r-en7fic projacts" ®n said Act; and MWEASY the City of Alamoda desires to ap-ly to the Direptor nf' 7na1ce and/or the State Allocat!-n loard, as the cqso nay In, for an allotment of the Stata's shorn of the nstimatni cost of prnpPrIng the cnmVIeted plans horeinaftor mentinned, and there hac been prnparnd and pirsertod to this Ingislativa Body for considnration an ap7licatfcr for ruch rurpotis e; and WKWEASP said City her pinvidad, or will make available upon apnrovY of the aforerentioned application, sufficient funds to prepare the complotod p0ns heincir mcnWoned; BE 17 475CURn Lhat raid City submit the aforesaid alo,licuolon to the Diroctor of Tinancq and/or the State Allocation Board, as fhe caso may be, roqueoling n1lotment of 04,750.00, being not more than one-hnif the cost of pycpaWnE said corplated plans, or for sinh armunt as rmy be arprcvnd by the Director of Finance and/or Mc Unto A17cention ThOnK9 (said allotmont to be usad Car the rurpasy of dnfTsyInE thn cost of preparing said conploted plans ncqu!red) for a specific rrojent to be iindertahon by said City and doscribed ns Project No. 47-30--BCND :23YE 17 KE 17 FURIVA MEGYVED9 that the nst7na"ed cost of prnnaring such plan,-; is W2,500.00, and thab snid City has made provision ror png!ng one-half or more of the cost a? preparing such plans. TV W FURTHER VS01=5 that for the purpoces of this apPlIcatiOn, the City 17anagor W tho City of Maneda be, and he is hexaby, designated as �Ve authorized agent of snid City and is hereby authorlznd and directed to sign the nbove nentl(ned npulloallor or heAalf or sW City nnK suMit the samn to the 91rcator of Man& nni/or the Mats MVOWIrP Wrd, ta7nhor with a vtntayarL of Lhe t- „t cost of pr-pnrlrg such winns and such cthnr informatiOn n3 nay be r-qw1yed: 9rd sold MM717vd Rnnt is further anthcVzod and Wrectod, ac the repreFertative of said City, t conduct all nr7otlahinns and conclude all arran7nnents, !rMuding submission to the Director of Finance of appllcat7ons fcr inTrWrsenent ror Lhe State's share of the n7ponditure 7nde in preparingnal"J, ccYr7nWH y1ans. To t4c undcrsigned, hornby certify that the WTOVOW :WOMIOn wa' Gvly and raquInrly TntroduW nn! aloptod �y the Coun&l of the My of Oamoda, in rnqular era n_ n-sprIcInd an the 11101 via," Of A11911st, 19M, by the V0101 tc Wit. ATQ: Councilmen Andnryon, 3ran rcheld, lon( s, Sweeney and Provident Cohorn, (5). KC73: Nano. ATV77: Norr. -7-1 1W7110119 1 have hererntc sct ry hand and offlind t ho 000010,11 - SW of said CHI thic 20h day of A77ust, 1050. 21=7Y F. �WRVK City CUM of the My 0" Alamnd'01 ear d f o'l ol', n a i 1 17 1 15 o 0, - -n c t 041 1 id 'a c -I T) t a , of, C 1 m