Resolution 04676W hESOL'Tr ION NO. 4676 ADOPTIN? 3P1'&IFICATIONS FOE VANISHING TO TdE CITY OF ALAMWA 0101) DNS -HALF (j) TON, LATIST MODEL, PlCKUP T_.iiFOR GOLF DEPARTMENT, CALLING FOh BIDS AND DiEnCTiNG CITY CLERK TC ADVEhTISE SANLE RESOLVAD BY THE COUNCIL OF THA CITY OF AWWA that the Specifications nnd Provisions for furnishin7 to the City of Alameda one (1) one-half (1) ton, latest model, pickup truck, for the Golf Derartment, No. 1YJ 11-52-15, filed in the office of the City Clerk an November 5, 1952, be, and the same are hereby, anproved and Wonted. 5WOLVnD. XUWW, Wab the Coancli of the City of Alameda willreceive sealed bids up to the hour of 8:05 P. M. on T-Uesday', November 18, 1952, for the furnishin7 Q the City of one (1) one-half (1) ton, latest modol, piclkup truck, M accordance with said Spelfications and Provisions. Bids must be presented to the Ciby Clerk, in the City Hall, Alameda, California, under sepled cover and plainly maiTed on the outside, "Pronosal for i -ton pickup truck", or similar designation. Contract, if awarded, will be awarded subject to the orovisions of Lhe Charter of said Gity, to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest and best bid. The riqht is reserved to reject ares.or all bids. The City Clerk is hereby directed Lo edvertise, in the Alameda Times - Star, a notice calling for .,,C. led bids in accordance with the nrovis ions of this resolution and of said Snecifications and Provisions. !, the unwersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly ':Ind regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in rejular mcetin7 asserbled on the 5th day of hovember, 1952, by the followiqg vote, to wit: Osborn. AYES: Councilmen aierson, ranscheid, Jones, Sweeney and President NUES: None. A6WAT: None. W �ITNESS WhEREOPS 1 have hereanto set m7 hand and affixed We WSW. seal of said City Wis 6th day of November, 1952. (3SA Q SHIhLEY H. TLNNIQ'1� City Clerk of the City of Alame• da I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of' "Resolution No. Q6763 ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS FOE 15ENISWAG TO THE CITY 02 ALAVIDA ONE (1) ONE-HALF (1) TON, LATEST YODCL, PICIUP ThUCK, W GGLY XPAWMINT, GALTING FOE 3103 AND DWACTING CITY CLERK TO AWERTISE SAFE", introduced and adopted, by the Gouncil on the 5th day of November, 1902. A, City Clerk apAhe lity of Alameda