Resolution 04724 A4.84 RESOLUTION W. 4724A TRANSFERRING 1250C.00 FaM STREET ASSES=7 DIATEICT NO. 1 (1912) RKVOLVIKO F04D TO TH-E CAFITAL OBTLAYS WIND I, C Resolution No. 4569, -na of �!,,2500.00 was transferred from " REA6 � ,? the siL the Capital Outlays Fund to the StrPet LiFhting Construction Assessment District No. 1 (195 2) Revolving Fund for the construction of the project, and all asses3ments made against prorerty owners affncted have been received and deposited in the City Treasury; BE IT RESOLVED 3Y THE C07NEIL OF THE CITY CF ALAMEWA that t sum of 0500-00 be, and the sarle is hereby, transferred from the Street Lighting Construction Assess- ment District No, 1 (1952) Revolving Fund to the Canital Outlays Fund. The Auditor and the '',rreasurer F.re horeby authorized and directed to ma&� said transfer on their respective books. T5 the undnrsl7red, hnreby certify that Lhe foregoing Resolution was duly and ro-alarly introduced end adopted 5y M Ccuncil of the City of Alameda in remular npeM7 nqsembled cn the 3rd day of February, 1953, by the followins, vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Branscbeid, jones and President Osborn, NOES: None. ABSENT: Cauncilman Sweeney, (1). 7:77HE-ECF, I have hercunto set my hand and affixed the official sapl of said City thin Qh day of February, 1953. (SEAL) SAIRLEY H. TENat IER City Clerk of t-,hLe City of Alamieda i hereby certify that the foregoing is s full, true and correct copy of "Resolution No. 4724-A, TRANSFERRINU 12500-00 MY 6TRIET LIG!7I,,'F ASSESS72NT DISTRICT NO. 1 (1952) REVOLVING WUND TO THE CAPITAL OUTLAYS YUND"', introduced and adopted by the Council on the Ad day of February, 1953.