Resolution 04871n�60LUTM 10. 1232TING SPISIMMOM 202" 30100:03 PITSM 72C 17E CITY YIR" DETV&SIM03 MaWaG FOR =5 ;GB DIRACTIEC CIV UhM TO ADQRTISE SW_' "_`:112 0071all. W 72 CITY 07 thut Wo SneciPications End, Frovitions 2or fur4inkina rarts for KuZra�v Pumper Ws wMa" in SouKrhve Corporution Pnrts List :060 a --Zoo AnAine 78975) Lo Me City of "!Lnodw) Mr uN Piro Durartmunt, i�:"� Wed in MW office of My Uity Clerk on iobrurry P, 1)Q1 02 nne sone nre �n�yhy ny7rovod ant Rdoptod. t Go 20uncil of the City W h1ranov will yeceivc- Foried bids up to tic hour of 8:05 onjock p, L, oc cuerany, Fobrunry 16, 19% fo,_, 00 Vur�inQn� to 00 Gito of YErts for jonrruvo Wper, in accordowee with Wd bpeciMcmious nnd Provisions. Ads must be presented to 0n NQ Clark, in W city, Hall, Aloye;L, C-liforniF, under seqlud covor W plainly qarVed or UP outside, "Proposp! Qn Pyrts Wr �opCrave Purper", or similar oesi�nytion. Contr%ot, if nMrd0d, vill bu Mnrdud s�Wct W rke provisions W W,: WOrWr Of Me City, to tU wesransiblu UK= w�o suNits tAv jownst and bost bio. Tno 71��t is rqsurveA to neject nnyor v±2 Ms. VRO City Clork is naveby uiro3ted to Wvc2tise, in tho -lamwo Tirss-Wwr, tKice OrKin- MY Y"0& Ads in racardynco with th� provisions of L�jw resolutic''n rn? 07 nrit AvociflaWans %no provisions. �he andurAqued, �Wlnby ccrtify V. 6 Uke foroaDinn ausolation Uns 60"-'r K �a!E 1 Ply intnMucou ; PC mD ' Mud bY uVE Muncii Of Ve City a, in reaulnr "notin roswn�ljd on Un W Cry of yebrurry, iyn4) UV t a fMovin- VON, to nit: jonys, nco: 11 , on mi DTOSS 41 40%, .............