Resolution 04865Q41, RESOLUTION NO. 4865 111TAWRIZIM! Ma 711210; 03 A RA VAT WOR A MOM WAU3 A = CIT7 01' ALAIMA 711177 12171 201010" 1M CHM35 31' M UTIV��'1) 'thu City of AlawadP reonivas annually from zhe Mato Departmen"It, of Fuhlic Zorks and tAu State Lotor Whicio Dep�rtrant cortuin moneys, the amount of which is determined on the busis of Lhe pupulation of the City as shown by Yst Nodern! Msua; and Cnaptu_ 470, Watutes of 1949, page 818, provides that any cjQ,7 Woes poDulaticr kas been oubstontially incre.Be d since tie lust Moral Census mHY agQy to Ue UnAtod StQtas Vqra�u of the Census to daternine tho increase in. populatkn, tnd Wat tho cost of the Mina of such censns shall be � propen chnry;e 2nninst uhe City; and JIMA, since the Wking of the last Federal census the popuintion of' Vn City of alamum Las subsWntially increased rnd the deterninutilin and ccrtific;v- tion of such inareuse sill result in increased paymonts to the Citytim the ...3 1. WpartqnDts hereinbefore referred to and it is tuerefore in the nublic interest thst such lncruEse in populption to officiolly doteaTdneQ ond certificd; an�0, `Ilronu of the Census has set the cost u7 c srucial census a,,r thn,My at tLe sar_, of ",),300-00 Wd requires thnt the CAY's %t _1 in the vrount, of �3400,00 snnil 1"i"le request for such vVeHol consus, U00n roanipt of' unick �Wye will bn Munrdnd to the City, for exechtlon the for,Y! rnreryert uitll the huycvu u2 the Unn3ua for the tukinC 02 Snid SpeCial ConsUs; 1. ThUL GMA Vnuarz!,,l Cil,,,y ',.c,naZer, he, "nd to is here6� PuzKorized on --i, dyrwateA on behulf W tAe City of Alenedni to roquast the jurenu W Vp Census zo brioul: A unqsuv up ��u City. 0C 0107 ! �n: !or hn, � 06 ko A a LQr00 � WMC0 to �nncutN I W MICUM! 2P220VY 1 & oroof by t. i a C ouncil , tin n qj�enent A V'-_ tLe 0102011 0A 00 Cv�sus fOr the Qhi"g of Mo special cansus. 3. ThPt Qu sum of Q300§0,uo, vnd Qu suLe is hereby ryTronritted fra,,: AoonunL 1,8--aeseTv0s (Con0glent And , �3400.00 at wldc'k .'o}?,.._ t, sivil he forwpr�nd to Qe ji-Mous Won UPC MAP 07 00.0ityls Yaquyst Way 000 snocjy] consusl _ Dd Ae %!Paco CC which ywount, Y500.002 sh-31 he Q-trosite? or othwrwis,., Vult WHY in SCAMnity Wita the provisions of A0 1,00 pent !YMP00001" rnVrrud to. 1, 0w undursi,A, k,,:. 5{',a- C,rtiyj tont tKu foreWn� hesoluMcn. VVS My nad Ycauln!Q MIrMucuG vnd vdaptod by thu Csuncii Of too City or nlopAn in requinr n-Wuc 0q Ae M jay of Mruary, Q54, by o:w 11cTin. yotu, to At: jvu.�Oy, !!:VU­tnA1Yn41 Mnraon5 junos, YCA-11) yozvni �Q prVA0011"', it: 4 t NOT) 1 nnv" 10POUnIc met EV V70 -W ryMad W 1" 2 0� 000 WZY tAs 3rd d�y of 3nbru"ry, IY5A. L -01V�Wln� is pal 1 tnue cc nv�-M copy a K�A tic- 0 -A Sin 6 P� on