Resolution 04809UVESOLIMM NO. 4809 RESOLUMA SETTIM FORM TVE POLIGY OF M CITY OTP ALAMEDA 1M THR YATTIR OF TV CONSTRUCTION CF SAN FRAICIM MY CROSSINGS MEPEAS, the construetlon of ad&tlonni bey crassInEs is of vitni impartonce to thp San Francisco Enj Area and the camriniMes therein; and 071000S, there has been a long &M7 in the cormencenent of constnuction because of cantroversiei over the locatior of the Seconj Bay Crossinj snd its onDroachns; corstruoticn of nn additionRl Me paraliel to thn Posey TM,,N, under ths Fst"ary, connecting the Cities of Alnmedn and Dahland, will norroct 7he most anarevated defintency in the MIMMs State HinhwnySystem, nnd the seconi tub,,'', Minn the most sorely neeOqd imcrovement in the My of Alameda; an,611 MEMO, Assenbly Bill 2563, coymonly known as the 01M vill, whink wn�3 co-sronsornd by Assnmhlymnn Rondsl F, DicPsy of the City of Alamedis wns nn3iod thn State Lp7islsture nnd has become law of VP Stazo of 703fovnin; and WHEREAS, said Assembly Bill 2543 contains in M srMsiong Me constructle'n cf a paralle! tube in the nppronchns V tyn CortLprr �rnsslnq and sets F-rtw "hy loca- hion if the Muthern Crossing Ps beinq fron Third and Ainy Streets in 0e City a,,i County M San Francioco and Bay Farm island sontherly from the MtQrsnn4lon of CounLy Fend nod Kilkenny Road, Nith hhe provision that the route of the SoMern 0ross!n_,rt mn; be ahanqed under cerLair conditions; and 14111M.art , the precise 0vation of the SoMwin C"ossing is of utmoit 1-nop- tonco to tke City of Alameda; 1107S TMEREFOPE, V V 77SO&D that the City of Ainmeda does horeby Pndorse the DMIding M a soMhern crossing between San Frsnclseo and the Kant My nrc�a botween the noints orescribed b7 s id DoiM hill, on conAltion, however, tbah a second tube between Mw MUM of Oakland Ad Vane& ..11 he built ano Myo on, forthor condition thet the masterly terminus of snil secoau. e bvy orort, sinr s4all be pinced at a point meetQ7 with the approval of tqe City of ,Aa lamedR; and ,M !T PUP 7 `,!*,--`I,-,�� that tKe tityUnunell of the City of Alameda enrnest- ly urqns the San Francisco My Area commonitlen to unihs their offort, s in order Mt the Ponstructlon of n soo7hern crossing may be comnenced in the innedinbe future; and LE 13 1� MMER RESUMD THAT WEE My Cronvil of the City of Alnmnda wishes to nxnress its appreelahion to the lonornble Pqn6al F, Dickey for his effopts in Me intorests of this City to hRve Assnobly Bill 203 ennatev into low; PQ M IT M&M, NMOLVAD that the City Coinvil of the City of Alameda solicit-, the aid of nil My Area Commanithes, State agencies, and Federal wovernment to support it in hav%F Ponstruction on hhe second tube coomenced lAmedintely, and flnqncod fron'.1 tolls on the existinj brjdRn5 which one maln nogsiVir andpr Vo lav h; M ensatmon', Of Assenhh Bill 2§43; nnd M-0 IT 909130441? EESOLVED that we necoynize the necessity of P third kay urnss- inp in the irnedinte vivinity Pnd north of tin oresent San Francisco-Oskjand My Bridge Rod we ur7c that rroner nraveedings be hqd to the end tnat Lim YnncMetion of a third San Prancisco My crossing north of the nronent San Fran&Rco Bny prjmq''-' he constrnctod. M is the undersigned, hereby certify thnt M fore7olng Resolnt!on was My 9nd reFuinrly introdived and adonted Q the Council of tne City of Alpredn in, snecial meMing nssembled on the 10h day of july, 1953, by the fol%winr no to wit: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Mall, Toresi, and Ppesident Speenen (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: 7one. IN WATUNNESS WHEREOF1 i have Wreunto set my hnnd and affixed the Wficial seq! of amid City this 15th dRy of July, 1953. (SEAL) SHIRLEY H. TENNIER City Clerk of the City of Aia7edn i hereby certify that Ie fore-ainj is a full, true snd Porrect copy of " rte solaticn No. 4809, St' VLUTWq ETTl FORM THE POLKY OF THE 7147 OF ALAYERA D THE VATTER 09 TOP POISTUCTIOn Q SAN MUMS LAY CROSSUGS", intro0ced and adnpted by the Conneil an the Kth day of Kly, 1953. My Clerk of the City of Alamedn