Resolution 04299M M HIRCLUMOT TY. 42M) CATMAWATO MY RATO C7 YWGPMvY RC47A� 7V UNI -77D STLTAS C7 AP79TUR. 174TVASI ca-UnIr oval proDerty 00pated in the CK; N Alanodn, Courtl 0' MnRda, 2W7 nf Califcrrin, and 6evarlhod on Asporsor's Poll C, Fn7n 180, 1250-IT51, 7ax 9111 1106W; Arrarsor's W! 41 Page W, 050 -IM, Tax Pill I Q97. .-a ussp2sed her"taforn fo- City purposes fcr the fiscaa ynar 1050-29pl, i9xyr levied tn. qrqon in the sum of �40%09, and punalMes in tic sun of �15204, ore u-nolicoted and unnald; aW� j TOP A S . o.70r tho tire sold Wes becnnr a lien Pr WK real rro-enty, W -wit, on jure 22, 19502 said real rropenty was, by feW recerVed in t4h chice of ths lownty 2coarder W Alameda Ccurrty on jurn W, MO, ncquirod, nM ever sinne 6bnvnnd by t4o �41W.Staycs of Anorina, anC bacnine of such een, P -d rrw is, public owrersh!7 is not subject to sale for dollrauort taxes; Too , M777707_',`,`r� IRS00" 71' 00 747 CT -V (7 ATAT"DA5, sit> thn wrItUn consnnt of the My AtUrnny n7tanhed hernto, that u 641 nf Mamed. tyxps or acsesyrnrtsi anc PeNaini`as arC costv thereon, snoWn! assarsmonts leviad under the rrovisinos OP the 'Acqu-sitionari 7;nrovenent, At N 102E5H bo, and the somn ars hereby, cancvIlrd, and the Auditor and the Tax Collector of,the My cf Aiame6a arn NrnbT qut�nrWd qnd dIrmntqG to cnnenl spid Hyps, assnssm9rts, ynnaltier W ccstE on thpir respective boots. CONOWN U CA if Stanley D. Ahinney, Wty Attorney of the City N Alamedn, State a,,,,,' California, do hereby consent to t7c cancelIntion of any an! all unenlInKed W:sPs,, ard a9sessnorts and peralties and costs thereon, ntarqed or levied -or city pur- posos upon t4u parcels of rpal piagerty ns described In tho within resolution. Do too! jarwary 2, 1251 . City Worney.o7 the.City W Uarcda :9 tin urdorrigred, hereby certify that t"n forp7o'rq Insolutirr was duly apd rt qularQ hArMuced u ado -Led by the Couroll of the Pity of Alameda in rR70ar meoll-S arse -tied or t�e Prd day of janwary, 1951, by the foljowlrp, vroap bu-ult; AYES: Wounclinen Andprpop, Sores, CSOOrry Sweeney and prnsldnn', 9runschOd. (5). AM: Vhne. 13,07M Norn. TV' 1777ISS M2140T have hereunto snt ny Mud W afMnd t4o o7fl- Wal snal M said City this 3rd day of jaryary, MO. S17PTRY H. TINFIT", , � 7-77 _,,� -,7 ork of the COS 0 Alameda 1 lereby certify that the fore,lr7 is a full, true aM coriect copy M Q T 71 Onsolutlyn No. 429- 77 -7 TA �W P77 "'7 _F', �7 T 1-11, 9 -AWS 0", AETWAY introducedard adopted by the ..r o1 on the Pndday of Knuary, 1951. -,r-k of t1-i,e 001 of Alaneda