Resolution 04326M M ATYPNORTST! G AITY 7AKVVR To) APIMIATIK 0) LM SON& 1GRASTLY ul, 0 r J=,1 "'I�' TINTO AhSIST� jA E JWnWr I jWK 02 is VWWTY� 02 01,0�30 WAKE 12 TILKLUT KMT TC ( 2 1 C, C, lot) AQnAJ_,7_."' - t"`. C -"' - _, - 4 7 - 3 .&LOU -.an) the itate of julifornia, under Jnaptar 47, Statutes of 1944, {1i tat. !x0ru Session) has appropriated funns for allotment uy We oiractir of Kina"oe to "iaviue financial assistance to socal ;encies uefiaeu therein as counties, cities or cities and countics for the nurpose of eta froyin q nOt to exceed one-half the cost of preparinq engineerinj fielu sarveys, anSineerin.,-, or urchitacLural aesijns, und uorkinZ und detailed uruwiaas and speoifications (hereinafter callea MaEs") required Yor post-uar puolic works projects aescrioad as "Specific projacts" in said act; and TLWE,j, the City 01: _Aiw�!�; da aesires to appl, to the aireator W.' Munce anu/or the ,tate Allocation Ward, as the case say oc, for aD ash. _Cs tmen't of the atate's share of Me asti"ated cost of preparinq the comnloteCard. plans hereinautermantioned, and there has been prephed and presented to this Le1islativa Auay for consideration an upplication !or auch Inurpose; uDd JV=v waia City has provided, or will .hike availuble urun approval of tho aforemantivaad an nlication, sufficiaht YuLds to Inrepare the cunuluted plana huruin nentiuned; --- A! 1T RAYA tint saia City sibmit the aforesuU C" " If 2 11 E.111�1'_'_`�\'_" 'M application to the Diructor of Zinance and/or the 3tate Allocation Ward, as the caso nuy be, requestinq allotment of ;1,000.00, Weing not more than one- half the cost of preparing snid con ' oloted plans, or for such amount as oey be approved by the Director of 2inaace 1( (;t_" Wate allocation joard, (suid allotnent to be uoed for the ournose of defraying the cost orpreparinS said compieted plans required) for a sPecific project to be unaartaken uy said City and described as kroject ho. 47-30-- Claaent venue MOM Wer, Ohestnut Most S to iroadway. .J_"�; If AWWOD) that the estimated cost of prepariag such plans is 2400.00, and that said jity has made provision ror naying onu-nalf or more of the oost of Preparin; such Vlans. that for the purposes of this anplication, the jitV Lanayer or We city of Alameda be, ana he is herauy, designated as the authorized a,nt of saia Uity ana is hereby authorized and airected tosign the auave mentioned applio9yion on uehalf of said City and submit the sane to the .1_I.1_ ect,tJ:(of Pinance and/or the 3tate Allocation Word tonethor with a certified. statunant of the estinated oost of oreparing such clans and such Mer information as may be required; and saiu authorized anent is further authorizad ana directed, as the repyesentaa. tiaa' u of said Oity, to conduct all nebutiations anu ounclude all arrangements, including submission to the Director of Tinance of apDiications for reLauursewant, wMah may oe necessary to secure reimbursemapt for the itate's share of the exnenditure made in, Preparing sain oompleted plans. I, the andersilned, heraby certify that &he fore:Cs inq nesulntion �cwt s auly and regularly introduced and adyted by We jouncil of the My of Aiumeua in regular meeting asse"bied on the 6th day of Larch, 1951, t:)1 the Vatei to -wit: KY13: JOULCilmen Anaersir n, jones, -soorn, Weeney ana Presivant vranschuiu, (5). K UT1.131 1 tiavo hereunto set my hana und afiixcu the offlcia,'L seal of sold jty this 7th day of laroh, 1951. i. K. Clurk KOK) I hereby certify that the foregoinZ is a fuji, true and correct copy of "Resolution No, 432ol AUTHUNIMIG CITY 0JAWAR I'() MPLICATIGh TO STAY,,; DIASMA W !IhADUE Gh U9 ALAVLDA 2OR STATE aMUTWE D`.i Dda. AYUG j3 UP i. 03 2CM jUASTRUCAM! 02 ULWEAT AN"M MW WIER) MsMUT wMAT TO 3RUADJAY (PROinCT 10. 47-30)," introduaed and adopted by the Coumil on the 6th day of larch, 1951. Im