Resolution 04300RTSOLUTTU 72. 4300 POSVIC7 C7 QOCAYTVA-W"�' cy yinh nnn=" T7 �1177-""'� 7E TT 14SCIVED BY WE COW71T V TA7 371' C? ATALTIA as follows: Soctior 1, 5hpis Is 4ersby created anO estnbUshed the of0ce and pesi- tion of "Coordinatcr of Ovil Defense" in the Civil Defense Departmort of the of Alamoda. Section 2. "Ka dutins of !Me offl3n and, positior of Coo rKnator of OR'! Defenve far of the person holding saQ positior shall be qererally as Tn3lows: To coordinate ard direct the civil WC' +-srro7rnr of the City nf Alameda and to make plat s and supor-sise the exenution of all 001 defersp activities ir paid City. Soctlor 3. The salary f the nfrlco nrd 7nWHor of CoordSnator cf Civil Qfnrso is hereby fixed at 483.00 per Tnnth. A154"T: 7Wre. T7 0TUSS 7"AICTOPI T havp 'E7 P.'1'. set YTand and alf1W the ofri- Wal sea! of sale My VVs FrR day of Oanuary, 1053. �7 the City of Alameda 1 hereby oartifT that the foreqolnE is a fula, inve ani ccrront oapy rf Oepolutior 70, 43009 CPHAPT-0 74 CASIOn ACT POWTV CY WO1.ADT21TUR Cy STITT, 7TRIFT71 K JIMAK j,;W!!.WV On � V CHY LY LhAW04,Y, Intrcluced an(l adopted by the Conrail on the 2nd day of janya,, 1051. CA tj CQ W of the 0 kj of Alameds Im 447 is tundorrigned, hereby nertify that the foi"YoUg Acuol"tion _e w= d117 arl reCularly irtrnduced ard adnvtod by the Council oh the City of Alameda Ln nentlr7 nEsembled on the Pna day c jaryaaW, 1231, by thp - Pullanip vntn, V.wlt, A777: Comneilren Anderson jonec) Worn Suenrey and President Arorschela, (5). FTE A : A154"T: 7Wre. T7 0TUSS 7"AICTOPI T havp 'E7 P.'1'. set YTand and alf1W the ofri- Wal sea! of sale My VVs FrR day of Oanuary, 1053. �7 the City of Alameda 1 hereby oartifT that the foreqolnE is a fula, inve ani ccrront oapy rf Oepolutior 70, 43009 CPHAPT-0 74 CASIOn ACT POWTV CY WO1.ADT21TUR Cy STITT, 7TRIFT71 K JIMAK j,;W!!.WV On � V CHY LY LhAW04,Y, Intrcluced an(l adopted by the Conrail on the 2nd day of janya,, 1051. CA tj CQ W of the 0 kj of Alameds Im 447