Resolution 04301HASOIXTION 40. 4301 RRAIESTUG CIVIL SRAVICE WARD 07 TEA MIrr T OP ATAT?K-. 76 EXCEPT FUMM OF CCOADVaTCR CK ?TVTL DET211",' FROP 77V CAVIL, SAWME 11-7 !_07 uny 02,ATALIna "SYME110 17TIMUS9 the CouraTT of the M1 of Alameda has cynated the Mice and pnvitinn of "Coordinator n7 Civil Morse"; re he nald ncsitinr M Coordinator of Civil Defense is of n, 2or- Mert!al raturq and it is Mpossible to determine Munn; by competAtive oxnmina- tion: I rersons cf r-blic policy and the best interests of tho City of J T: Alameda require that sn.... position of Coordiratcr of Civil Defense be exceptod froin the Civil Service Systnn of the City H Alameda; 7219 711YIIAPOTBI BY 7T WMAID VVY THA COMM 07 TTY ST"m M ATAFFM that purruant to Scctior 3 of Ordinance Do. 02, Now Sorlps, entitlod, "An Ordinance Eshabli-shHE and Regulating the Civil Service SyVnn of the City of Alsmadn,fl adorted Ely 24, 193% the Courcil of the My of Alanoda does herob7 requovt the Civil Service Eonrd of the MU of Alameda to oxcept from the MH Service Systeri K the Cit-y of Alarneda thm yositior of Coordinator M Civil Deferso, such excep- Mon to en-Mrup rqtil revoked by Qe Civil Service Board. 11 the unKimigned, haroby certify t ... at the foregoing hes&Won was, Frly and reEularly introduced nrd ado.ntod by the Council of the Qtj of Alameoa in renlar c),,n t" -r,. Pnd day nf janyary, 1251, Q the fQTowTn,­-, V009 to -Wit: AMS: Cournilnen Anderson, 50res, Wern, Sweeney and Fresident 7ra-sche4A 10). h 70ye. ADMT: Tore. sot rj hard and arfixed tin offi- cial oral & SnAd GTt7 this W day of january, 1251. E77102V 7. 777110,; TQ M AlameWi T heimby certify that the foreZoing H a full, Urue and correct oopy pf "Posolutior W. 43012 W�IUSTTnG Uvin SWITCE 70APD U 77q 177 CO ATAPMA TO "OTM W57-701 cc WORDITTYCR UF civil DETETS71 Wen 7PI7, CT111 s7nVIS3 7ywnr c-,-:, -TE ITUY cy AM70A." introduced and adopted by the Council on Ve 2rd day n:,1' January, 1951. rut! SAVY/jArK of tM W�y cf Alareda M