Resolution 043400 L T-IFIE'l 0 ' ' 0 ()
-WITT) 77M "7771 ITBASPIM M ?Ai -
t ]CLISA"T",
VETTEAS3 1 t has been detern! TMd by the City CW -A 1 07 00 City Of A! aMnda-
t4at ' t 1 a desirable that a Trnasurer ard Ax Collectcrlr cash differprce fund ir
the smo7rt of �100.00, for the use of tKe Trnasrrar and 7ax Collector of tho City
Ainnoda, bo n0ablished an& be mado avniinblo "or 71orer 3, Dallas . 7reasurer arO M, -
Collector of Oe City of Alanrda, Cap7ty of hianoda, Stnto of Cal!fnr&a.,
NA!, 7171�71, 741 77' RACTAT77 TYY T 7 COMM! C? TF7! TTY 0 " WATTEA that
a 7Imre surer W Ax Collector's Cash Diffeyorce 7und be, ard thp same is hereby,
cstablisted in t�e amount of Q00.00, available for Topnr 2. Dallas, Trqapurnr ard
MaK Tolloctor of the Sitj of la ,.,,u. Carrty cf Alanoda, Mtn cf 1911yorrin to bc
-srl by Mn solely for t�e pr-pcsos a -A t- acnordorc- WtK QP r-ors"wr7s ns here-
7vaftnr set fcTt47 a,",
gE y- m7yr,77y jyjIlC17ED 5 th-ot t"o ArMtor of Lho My uf Alaneda M9
!Ae "s Yoreby, aut4orlzod and dirnoled to draw his wnronnt in sn's our of 01oo,on !n
favcr of SM4 "47or h. AlInsp Trnasrrer no& 7axCollector of t�a NQ A Alanodn,
10--�y of Ma7eM, Meta o" ?aYPr-w'n, nnd na'4 7rnanurer qr! Tex CnIleconr bpi
zrd �n 's �ernby, ant"n-Una anf firectof to cash sold wnrrnrt; ard,
T32 7T '"T71-1777 17007=9 t�at thorn �n ord there !a honraby esWb7!s>o,,-,,
a City 7urt to be knowr an or Mrn7a Pvrd; nn"`!
1p"o P t4mt Pry noroor in thq offTcn no thp ?rnnnorpr
aqA Yax Collector, for whovn so a cash d! fferorce Pnn}? ! s ,y established, who
rocolvos nrO Usba-sen rcrny placod J- "is nnstnly as dlrectnO by Mu, or by MR -
Mal nuthority, stall re -Ur a written re"nrt to Wn 7rnasyrer nrd 7ax PoPector
at 0"m Yo - P PQ each Vus" ress "g`Ci snthlr7 fnrth the pvqct pnn nf pvy cash oppIc-t
or co,prg-, 1- 470 ncron-t for t4at day: nn-!
172 1 71 177171" 27"CIA-03 tVAt 1 " a cnsh deficit ! s repartnK to V�s Ann—
surrr nM Pox Polleotcn he rKal! lorrNnnPly W-burso Q- cosh chsrgPN to Via per
80n jr tho nncvrt Pf the wsk def"cit. YA relthyrre7ent stall not exceed the,
Rnovrt in tAP each Uffercneq funa PrInss 0421 land is rplpler�shpd b7 ti4s city
invroill: a,-�
711 17 7177770 :77510IV70 that if an overns orod o Oe TrPasirorgt
valinctor hn ON! !rTr&TnA&I Knonsit t�- vvpran; in in Werqgn Von& 1-
city t1wascry; or,-`
R t tp 70ra s one r a- 4 A 7 0 01 le C On r An 11 M
�O-Mnd nf t"M �70jtnr or �hls cAty C-111, gl-s ar noon-nt CT On CrSh "Marnice
f or V ! n
hhnt "f �n CzFh �A-ferercv Y-� WCOVS2
"Por.9"ror n -A ax Collector rM7 -MIM a Writter aig!"Intir- to W a M7 Mnr&'r
to "-ve It rerle-AWK a -d in tNS np7iocntior he shall ltn-�70 east CaS4 WMAt as
tn Rmornty data rT a,...,,...,yOrd YzP W -n of Vne -eronr Yneso ncnoyrt wns Win-
'rurred fro- tin furd: ardt
T "Ity 'P "i may re-,,
Oat U-nr aPjq!0ntjVI !�n
nl04 Or ORA 4177erernp fvrd by rPsQIYWn- Ornnt"r! the Wtv Auoltnr to
�!S p7royn 7 rnrya-t ror t`70 P-ryorn 0- Or MY cc -oral f7ri 0-2 t �Oayurer an -I
Pnx Collector Qail naV t�r warrart n -Q dopco"t tin -ovny 7- F"o P�ph difro pre7cc,
t"at t�v city 7or-01at nny M70, &Fco—
Vir-e the onQ difference TY"r^, and if t>y nan" 3!"fnrnqcn A -d "r
tho "reasurnr ard 7ax Gollectpr sholl lymottatply give an aonou-t theroof nri Se-
Drr't qrY b0inn' reralr!rg *q tvat fund into t�n City Wrnral ?rrd: ar,,I,
-A 0" ", TscRl Veer Or "rrasyrw.�, h2t at Q, 0
PY -ax Collector Poll transCer o -I -,7ny fr t6e ova7a-r onri to tpn !tj Icr7l
thnt 00 CA- ClaryYt: cy A>7eda
q -A �ri in herdlroctci to tronq71t ce7kifino cn-jer of t",_
WWYMOn to Oe kv&"�r P" t�v Yt of nvnvn�a W� t"c 7ar 70J_