Resolution 16026CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 16026 ADOPTING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO UPDATE THE MOBILITY ELEMENT STREET CLASSIFICATION APPENDIX WHEREAS, California Government Code section 65302(b) requires that the General Plan Mobility Element include "the general location and extent of existing and proposed major thoroughfares, transportation routes, terminals," and other public transportation facilities and that the facilities and maps should "correlate" to the Land Use and other elements of the General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda Transportation Commission prepared an update to the 2009 General Plan Mobility Element Street Classification Appendix in 2022 to address the requirements of Government Code section 65302(b); and WHEREAS, on December 12, 2022, the Planning Board considered the draft General Plan Amendment at a duly noticed public hearing and unanimously recommended that the City Council adopt the amendment; and WHEREAS, on January 17, 2023, the City Council conducted a duly noticed public hearing, reviewed the draft amendment and all pertinent maps, documents and exhibits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council makes the following findings pertaining to the General Plan Amendment to update the Mobility Element Appendix: 1. The proposed General Plan Mobility Element Appendix update is consistent with the policies and intent of the General Plan. The General Plan provides policy guidance for future public decision making regarding land use, transportation, open space, safety and other issues of general importance to the community. The General Plan Mobility Element Street Classifications Appendix provides an additional layer of policy guidance for decisions by City staff, the Transportation Commission, the Planning Board, and the City Council regarding the interpretation and implementation of General Plan Mobility Element policies. 2. The proposed General Plan amendment will have acceptable effects on the general welfare of the community. The draft amendment supports existing general plan policies to make the Alameda transportation system safer for all users, more equitable for all users and all modes of transportation, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation system. 3. The proposed General Plan amendment is in the public interest. Maintaining consistency with State law requirements ensures that the City General Plan is adequate for City decision making and preserves access to State funding sources. 4. California Environmental Quality Act. The City Council finds that, based on substantial evidence in the record, the potential environmental impacts of the project have been evaluated and disclosed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). On November 30, 2021, by Resolution No. 15841, the City Council certified a Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Alameda 2040 General Plan (State Clearinghouse No. 2021030563) in compliance with CEQA, and adopted written findings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the General Plan Amendment to update the Alameda General Plan (General Plan EIR), which evaluated the environmental impacts of 12,000 additional housing units in Alameda over 20 years, including 5,353 housing units to accommodate the RHNA between 2023 through 2031. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15163, none of the circumstances necessitating further CEQA review are present with respect to the General Plan EIR. Adoption of the Mobility Element appendix supports and helps implement the policies and goals of the Mobility Element and does not require major revisions to the General Plan EIR due to new significant impacts or due to a substantial increase in the severity of the significant environmental effects. There have been no substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the project would be undertaken that would require major revisions of the General Plan EIR due to new or substantially increased significant environmental effects. Further, there has been no discovery of new information of substantial importance that would trigger or require major revisions to the General Plan EIR due to new or substantially increased significant environmental effects. For these reasons, no further environmental review is required; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby adopts a General Plan Amendment to update the Mobility Element Appendix of the General Plan as shown in Exhibit A; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby directed to distribute copies of the General Plan amendment in the manner provided in Government Code section 65357. Genera! Pian Amend* City of Alameda Street Classifications Introduction In support of General Plan and Mobility Element goals, policies and actions, streets are classified according to their transportation and land use purposes. Every street in Alameda is classified as one of five street classifications MainStreet, Gateway Street, Business Commercial Street, Neighborhood Connector Street, or Neighborhood Local Street. These General Plan street classifications recognize that streets provide two primary purposes and that both purposes must be considered in the design and use of a public street: streets serve a circulation purpose (streets must support people's ability to get around town) and streets serve a land use purpose (streets must support the use of the adjacent private or public land). Each street classification is described below and shown on Figure 1 Alameda Street Classifications Map. In addition to a street classification, streets that provide for citywide circulation may also have a Truck Route or Transit Street designation. The truck route and transit street designations are described below and shown on Figure 2 Transit. Street Map and Figure 3 Truck Route Map. Many streets also play an important role in the citywide bikeway network. The designation and design of those streets are described in the Active Transportation Plan. Finally, every street also has a Caltrans State Department of Transportation functional classification, which is important for projects to be eligible for certain types of State infrastructure funding. Design Standards In support of each street's transportation and land use purposes, design standards are provided for each street classification. The design standards for each classification include: Target Maximum Design Speed. Controlling vehicle speed is essential to ensuring that a street fulfills its transportation and land use purpose. Higher speeds result in more severe and fatal collisions. Lower speeds are safer for people walking, bicycling, and driving cars, and improve neighborhood livability. Travel Lanes. Different street classifications require a different number of travel lanes. The number of travel lanes will affect the vehicle capacity of the street, the speed at which vehicles move on the street, and the width of the street that pedestrians must cross. The narrower the street, the easier it is to create safe pedestrian crossings. Lane Width. Different street classifications require different lane widths. Truck and transit streets must accommodate larger vehicles and require wider lanes. Narrower travel lanes serve to reduce automobile speed. Vehicle Volumes. Different street classifications must accommodate different volumes of automobiles. Streets that serve a citywide transportation purpose typically have higher automobile volumes; streets that service local circulation needs typically have lower automobile volumes. Maintaining a high level of bicycle and pedestrian safety on a higher volume street requires more significant improvements than may be needed on a streetwith lower volumes. Lower automobile volumes result in lower harmful emissions in the vicinity of the street. Volumes are measured as average daily traffic (ADT). Curb Uses. The use of curb space is different in different street classifications. The management of curb space can be critical to the proper operation of the street in certain land use conditions and locations. Curb uses are prioritized for each classification. Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities. For bicycle and pedestrian standards and guidelines by street segment, refer to the Active Transportation Plan. Pedestrian street types and design guidelines in the Active Transportation Plan correspond to General Plan street classifications. W Tos FIGURE 1 ALAMEDA STREET CLASSIFICATIONS Citywide Circulation Main Street Gateway Street — Business Commercial Street Neighborhood. Connector Street Local Access Neighborhood Local Street Pr F 4y Street Classifications Neighborhood Connector Street Neighborhood Connector Streets provide connections between neighborhoods and shopping areas, schools, parks, and other neighborhoods across the entire City for people walking, bicycling, taking the bus, or driving. The design of these streets must support citywide circulation needs for all modes of transportation, safe and efficient travel, and a comfortable neighborhood environment. Given the relatively high traffic volumes on Neighborhood Connector Streets, pedestrian crossings on Neighborhood Connector Streets must be carefully designed to ensure safety for children walking to school, seniors, and persons with disabilities. In some cases, a Neighborhood Connector may also serve as a transit street or a truck route. Prioritized curb uses on Neighborhood Connector Streets are: 1) bus stops on active transit routes, 2) bicycle facilities as recommended in the Active Transportation Plan, and 3) on -street parking. Typical Design Standards and Objectives Neighborhood Connector Street Caltrans Functional Classification Principal Arterial, Minor Arterial or Collector Travel Lanes per Direction 1 or 2 10 feet. If the street is a Truck Route or Transit Street, 11' feet with adequate turning radius at intersections. Lane Width :........................ Target Maximum Design Speed Traffic Volumes Neighborhood Local Street 25 mph 4,000-18,000 ADT' Neighborhood Local Streets support access for people walking, bicycling, and driving within residential neighborhoods. Since the design of a Neighborhood Local Street does not need to support citywide circulation, transit routes, or truck routes, the design of a Neighborhood Local Street should encourage and support low traffic volumes and slower vehicle speeds to create safe travel conditions for children on bicycles and pedestrians of all ages. Prioritized curb uses on Neighborhood Local Streets are: 1) bicycle facilities as recommended in the Active Transportation Plan, and 2) on -street parking. Typical Design Standards and Objectives Neighborhood Local Street Caltrans/FHWA Functional Class Local Travel Lanes per Direction 1 Lane Width 10 or less Some have no lane markings Target Maximum Design Speed 20mphwith traffic calming 10 < 00-4000 ADT; <l500 ADT on Neighborhood Traffic Volumes Greenway2 Main Street Main Streets serve Alameda's commercial business districts on Webster Street and Park Street and neighborhood "station" commercial areas such as those on Encinal Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. These streets serve citywide circulation needs, while supporting vibrant mixed-use shopping, dining, entertainment, service, and residential districts. Main Streets must accommodate and balance the need for high automobile volumes, high pedestrian volumes, and transit and truck travel, Sidewalks, crosswalks, and signal timing must support a vibrant and safe pedestrian environment. Transit signal prioritization can support transit service without compromising pedestrian crossing safety. Prioritized curb uses on Main Streets are: 1) bus stops, 2) bicycle facilities as recommended in the Active Transportation Plan, 3) accessible parking, 4) loading zones, and 5) on -street customer parking. Managing curb space is critical on these streets because curb space is limited and must accommodate bus stops, short term customer parking, accessible parking, and truck loading and. unloading. Typical Design Standards and Objectives Caltrans Functional Classification Travel Lanes per Direction Lane Width Target Maximum Design Speed Traffic Volumes Gateway Street Main Street Principal or Minor Arterial 1 or 11 125 mph._.. 4,000-20,000 ADT3 Gateway Streets are critical to citywide and regional circulation since they serve as the gateways to the City's tubes and bridges and the larger region. Gateway Streets are the entrances to Alameda for i`tietghttorh,)cyti tvl t L . <:;if n:. F, X ... ". f. P_. iir:, ri-.a t 1St r people driving, walking, bicycling, or riding transit. These streets are typically also truck routes and transit streets. The primary purpose of these streets is the movement of automobiles, buses, trucks, bicycles, and pedestrians. Gateway Streets play an important role in evacuation and emergency planning. Vehicle volumes are extremely high on Gateway Streets; therefore, the priority for curbside uses is: 1) bus stops, or 2) protected bicycle lanes. On -street parking and loading may not exist or be restricted to low volume periods during the day in order to prioritize multi -modal traffic. Typical Design Standards and Objectives Caltrans/FHWA Functional Class Travel Lanes per Direction Lane Widl.h Target Maximum Design Speed Traffic Volumes Business Commercial Street Gateway Street Principal or Minor Arterial 1or2 11' 25 mph with traffic calming 18,000-27,000 ADT Business Commercial Streets serve business parks, manufacturing and industrial areas, and shopping centers. The priority for these streets is vehicle travel and goods movement. These streets may also serve as truck routes or transit streets. Prioritized curb uses on Business Commercial Streets are: 1) bus stops, 2) loading zones, 3) protected bike lanes as indicated in the ATP, and 4) on street parking. Typical Design Standards and Objectives Business Commercial Street ....................... Caltrans Functional Classification Any Travel Lanesper Direction 1 or 2 Lane Width 11' Target Maximum Design Speed 25 mph Traffic Volumes 1,000-8,000 ADT Mode -Specific Routes Transit Streets Transit streets provide a network of streets to support an effective citywide transit network and rneet the mobility needs of residents and employees commuting, children going to school, and senior and lower income residents who do not have the option of driving or would prefer not to drive. Transit streets must also prioritize the safety of vulnerable roadway and transit users - people walking and bicycling, children; and seniors, who all depend on transit. Effective transit service also requires constant evaluation, adjustment, relocation, and expansion to effectively respond to changing community mobility needs and transit agency financial conditions. Transit streets must connect to major destinations like Alameda's bridges and tubes, ferry terminals, business and commercial locations, residential neighborhoods, schools, and senior centers. Therefore, transit streets are appropriate on Gateway, Main, Business Commercial, and Neighborhood Connector Streets. Transitis allowed to use local neighborhood streets if necessary to close a gap in transit service or tum around at the end of a line. Transit streets should provide 11 -foot travel lanes to accommodate full size buses. Bus stop facilities and the necessary sidewalk improvements are a higher priority than on street parking on transit streets with active, regular transit service provided by AC Transit. Transit streets with high-priority bus routes, including at Gateways and along a central spine like Santa Clara Avenue or Lincoln Avenue, should be considered for transit priority treatments like in -lane bus stops, signal upgrades, dedicated lades, queue Iunip lanes, and stop amenities. Figure 2 Transit Street Map shows the City's transit street network that supports existing service and potential future expansion or re-routing. Truck Routes Truck routes provide a network of streets for truck access to serve the delivery and material transportation needs of residents and businesses. The goal of the truck route network is to limit the number of streets on which truck traffic is allowed. Streets on truck routes facilitate truck movement by providing adequate lane widths and turning space. Truck traffic is allowed to use streets outside of the truck route when it is necessary to reach the destination. Truck routes often overlap with transit streets and Neighborhood Connectors and therefore must prioritize the safety of vulnerable roadway users, such as people walking and bicycling. Street design on truck routes must balance all these needs based on the frequency of the truck use and the overall goals and purpose of the street segment. Truck routes are shown on Figure 3 Truck Route Map. Bikeways Bikeways provide a network of streets to support the needs of residents, employees, and visitors bicycling to and from work, school, parks, weekend activities, daily errands, and for recreation. Like the transit network, an effective and complete bikeway network relieves traffic pressure and adds capacity to the rest of the streets if people feel safe and comfortable bicycling instead of driving. An effective bicycle network must be safe and low -stress and it must also provide convenient connections to the places that people need to go including schools, parks, commercial districts, the waterfront, th•e ferry terminals, the bridges and tubes, and the on -island business and employment centers. The bikeway network is shown in the Active Transportation Plan, Figures 6 (Bikeway Vision Network) and 10 (2030 Low Stress Backbone Network). ArialitCAV:61tie FIGURE 2 ALAMEDA TRANSIT STREETS Transit Street Non -Transit Street y ":errr fool Avenue, 4.1\ Eitrit Avelue :WW1 FIGURE 3 ALAMEDA TRUCK ROUTES Truck Route Temporary Truck Route - No Truck Route Oi kof 114.!7‘iftttp,v; I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 17th day of January 2023, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Daysog, Jensen, Vella and Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft — 4. NOES: Councilmember Herrera Spencer — 1. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the said City this 18th day of January 2023. Lara Weisiger, City Clerl City of Alameda APPROVED AS TO FORM: Yibin Shen, City Attorney City of Alameda