2006-12-05 2-B Submittals"Encouraging the everyday use of the bicycle in and around Alameda"
PO Box 2732
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 595 -4690
www. bikealameda. org
A 501(c)(3) organization
December 5, 2006
Good evening, Mayor Johnson, members of the city council, and staff. I am Lucy Gigli, president of
BikeAlameda. Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you tonight.
Tonight I am speaking as a representative of the estuary crossing coalition. Our coalition includes
Pedestrian Friendly Alameda, the Sierra Club, Alameda Point Collaborative, East Bay Bicycle
Coalition, the Alameda Sun, and other organizations. We support the approval of the Alameda
Landing development documents that are before you tonight.
We are very pleased about the bicycle and pedestrian facilities featured in the Alameda Landing
project. We have been working with Catellus (now Prologis) since the beginning of this year to refine
a set of bicycle paths, lanes, and bicycle - friendly streets that will complement Alameda's current
network. Their proposal will extend the northern waterfront path beyond Marina Village toward
Alameda point and connect west Alameda residential neighborhoods with the waterfront --
something that doesn't exist now.
The Estuary Crossing Coalition is extremely excited that Prologis is proposing an Estuary Water
On the screen, you can see a map of the area that includes Alameda Landing, the Posey and ,
Webster tubes, and various commercial, retail, and residential centers in both Oakland and
Submitted by Jeff Cambra
At the 12 -5 -06 Joint Meeting
Re: Agenda Item #2 -B
"Encouraging the everyday use of the bicycle in and around Alameda"
PO Box 2732 "
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 595 -4690
wz w. bikealameda. org
A 501(c)(3) organization
As you know, the area west of Grand Street represents more than one third of the population of
Alameda. That population is growing with existing and planned developments such as this one. Yet
the only direct connection with Oakland and the rest of the east bay for bicyclists and pedestrians is
the Posey Tube walkway. This walkway is narrow, noisy and noxious. Most people who try it once
never do it again. Many people, understandably, opt to drive instead. In fact, in our recent counts
comparing the Posey Tube with the Park Street Bridge, five times as many cyclists and pedestrians
used the Park Street Bridge. We need to make the alternatives for bicyclists and pedestrians more
attractive in this area, so biking or walking truly *are* alternatives.
The City of Alameda Bicycle Master Plan has identified the Posey Tube crossing between Alameda
and Oakland as the number one priority for improvements. The Alameda landing project proposes a
good solution with the Estuary Water Shuttle (EWS).
With on- demand service, a boat that will fit at least 10 bikes and pedestrians and a cost under $1, it
will bridge this intolerable transportation gap for Alamedans on the west end. The proposed water
shuttle may not be ideal, but we need to ensure that it will be well implemented.
The Estuary Crossing Coalition is proposing several additions to the Conditions of Approval and
. Development Agreement that are before you tonight. We believe they will ensure the smooth and
successful implementation of the Estuary Water Shuttle and Alameda Landing's TDM program. We
realize that there is a lot of information in the documents that is still being analyzed, and we have
continued to work with Catellus to answer outstanding questions. We'd like to suggest the following
additions to the agreements hoping that we can capture the spirit of these suggestions in the final
The next Estuary Crossing Coalition speaker, Jeff Cambra, will address these additions and changes
in more detail. Thank you very much for your time in considering these changes.
4 "Encouraging the everyday use of the bicycle in and around Alameda"
PO Box 2732
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 595 -4690
A 501(c)(3) organization
BikeAlameda and its coalition partners, recognize that the components of the Transportation
Demand Management (TDM) program as described in the Development Agreement and Conditions
of Approval and especially the estuary water shuttle will provide a valuable public benefit to the
residents of the western half of the City of Alameda by creating an alternate to bicycling or walking
through the Posey Tube.
In recognition of this public benefit, the Coalition requests the Council to add the Transportation
Commission to Section 11, [subsection d. vi.] of the Conditions of Approval in order to allow for
public comment and input.
Additionally, in consideration of all the factors that can affect the implementation date of Phase I of
' the TDM program, which includes the estuary water shuttle, the Coalition requests that the Council
include the following language in the Conditions for Approval:
Any delay in the initiation of estuary water shuttle service beyond the
implementation date of the first phase of the. TDM program, as provided for in
this subsection, shall be reviewed and approved by the Transportation
Commission or other public body as determined by the City Council.
Notwithstanding the above, Applicant will initiate estuary water shuttle service
no later than the initiation of construction of Phase 2 of the project and provide
on- demand service for one year.
Finally, the Coalition requests the addition of a provision to the Development Agreement [, Section
3.12.1 a.] providing for the following:
In the event the estuary water shuttle service is terminated after the guaranteed
full year of on . demand service as provided for in the Master Plan, Development
Agreement, and Conditions of Approval, the money allocated to funding the
estuary water shuttle would be reallocated to other cross estuary bike /ped
"Encouraging the everyday use of the bicycle in and around Alameda"
PO Box 032.
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 595 -4690
A 501(c)(3) organization
projects. The reallocated budget shall be reviewed and approved as provided for
in the Conditions of Approval [, Section 11 d. vi.].
The Coalition would like to take this opportunity to thank the developer, Catellus, especially its
representatives Dan Marcus and Bruce Knopf for their willingness to attend meetings, acknowledge
cyclist and pedestrian needs, design a project that addresses those needs, and implement a
meaningful TDM program that will serve all of the City of Alameda.
While the Coalition's comments and advocacy are limited to the bicycle and pedestrian portions of
the Alameda Landing Master Plan, on this basis, BikeAlameda and its coalition partners' support the
project and ask you to approve it tonight. Thank you.
Catellus Development Group
West Alameda Business Association
Pour )se: The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to document the parties'
ong, ing mutual commitment to the redevelopment of Webster Street, the Fleet Industrial
Sup ly Center and West Alameda and continued mutual support for one another's efforts
tow 'd these ends.
The bllowing are areas where the West Alameda Business Association (WABA) and
Cat lus, as developer on the Alameda Landing project, are committed to work together
and upport one another.
Phy .cal Connections
• Catellus and WABA agree to take all reasonable steps to have Alameda Landing
be contiguous to retail on Webster Street, including asking the City of Alameda
o develop and implement a specific plan to extend retail at Alameda
Landing to Webster Street and
o reach an agreement with the Peralta Board that would allow retail
consistent with the College of Alameda's mission to be located along
Webster Street frontage.
• Create bike and walking connections between Webster Street and Alameda
• Initiate a shuttle link between Webster Street and Alameda Landing.
• WABA and Catellus will work with the City of Alameda on roadway alignments
to ensure traffic is encouraged to visit Webster Street. For example, lanes from
the Tube moving toward Webster and express from Tinker extension to include
right turn lanes to Webster and extending Mosley to Webster Street
Vis II Connections
• Alameda Landing retail buildings near Webster Street will be integrated
physically with the Webster Business District
• Alameda Landing landscaping shall incorporate the new Webster Street
streetscape features (street lights, benches, bus stops, etc.) within Alameda
Landing to create consistent feeling amongst both shopping districts.
• Create consistent street banner programs promoting "Shop West Alameda"
within both shopping districts.
Submitted by Ed Clark
At the 12 -5 -06 Joint Meeting
Re: Agenda Item #2 -B
Page 2 of 3
Bus less District
Alameda Landing office and retail businesses will join the Webster Street
Business Improvement Area (BIA).
Alameda Landing will join the Webster Street Landscape Lighting District
( "LLD ") and support the creation of a Property Based Improvement District that
includes Alameda Landing.
Catellus will continue to support WABA by sponsoring WABA events, such as
Concerts at the Cove and Peanut Butter Jam Festival (PBJ) and encouraging
employees and businesses to volunteer for WABA activities.
Catellus commits to building marketing events in collaboration with WABA and
agrees not to have a Farmers' Market as long as WABA sponsors one and further
agrees not to have public activities at Alameda Landing that may negatively affect
WABA's Concerts at the Cove, PBJ or other activities.
f Catellus will continue to provide technical assistance and support to WABA for a
"catalyst" project.
Catellus will support WABA's request for City funds for its catalyst project, a
revolving loan fund to support new businesses, a retail recruiter or other projects
suggested by the WABA Board.
Mai eting
Initiate "Shop West Alameda" marketing campaign
Incorporate advertisements for WABA, Webster Street and specific Webster
Street businesses within Catellus' Alameda Landing marketing materials and
Promote Webster Street businesses within Alameda Landing (i.e., advertisements
at bus shelters, flyers, welcome baskets for new home owners and offices).
Catellus will promote Webster Street on any pylon sign or Alameda gateway
Trai mortation
Catellus and WABA commit to establishing a shuttle between Alameda Landing
and Webster Street. The shuttle will likely link to BART at 12th Street. The
parties will encourage further collaboration amongst large, West End entities
(i.e., APCP, Summer House, City College of Alameda, Marina Village,
Independence Plaza) on the shuttle system.
Catellus will encourage WABA's participation in TDM programs being created
for Alameda Landing (such as car pooling).
H:\B) lopt\Alameda landing \WABA\MEMORANDUM_OF UNDERSTANDING _revision 2 with sign.doc
Ret lers
Vic, P
Page 3 of 3
Catellus commits to having no more than 76,000 square feet retail with floor
plates less than 5000 square feet. Of this, 76,000 square feet, no more than
36,000 square feet of retail shall have floor plates less than 2500 square feet.
Catellus agrees not to have a traditional grocery store in order to enable WABA
to have one for its catalyst project if so desired. Catellus agrees to provide
technical assistance • WABA in this ego
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C lus Development Group
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Ed Clark, President Date
West Alameda Business Association
H:\BM iopflAlameda Landing \WABA\MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDENG revision_2 with sign.doc
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I would like to let
you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working with the community to create a
project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the
West End. The planned mixed -use project will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and
give residents access to the waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
The Members of ariner Square Athlet�c�Clluub
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Submitted by Kathy Wagner
At the 12 -5 -06 Joint Meeting
Re: Agenda Item #2 -B
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I would like to let
you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working with the community to create a
project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the
West End. The planned mixed -use project will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and
give residents access to the waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
T e Members of Mariner Square Athletic
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Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I would like to let
you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working with the community to create a
project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the
West End. The planned mixed -use project will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and
give residents access to the waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
The Members of Mariner Square Athletic Club
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Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I would like to let
you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working with the community to create a
project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the
West End. The planned mixed -use project will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and
give residents access to the waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
The Members of Mariner Square Athletic Club
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Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I would like to let
you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working with the community to create a
project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the
West End. The planned mixed -use project will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and
give residents access to the waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
The Members of Mariner Square Athletic Club
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Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I would like to let
you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working with the community to create a
project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the
West End. The planned mixed -use project will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and
give residents access to the waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
The Members of Mariner Square Athletic Club
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Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I would like to let
you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working with the community to create a
project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the
West End. The planned mixed -use project will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and
give residents access to the waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
The Members of Mariner Square Athletic Club
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Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
3 U szrvms s RRep s- -e.0. 0° �t-
Submitted by Nick Cabral
At the 12 -5 -06 Joint Meeting
Re: Agenda Item #2 -B
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
)CR145-raS 1, gr-3
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Sf £4r � l lens`e
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
?)4,:)i t, v
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Sincerely, Q b +�� ,ia_ ,.\ !3�
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Sincerely, 7 't4'4-,-
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
2-r-(/ Mai,' kg Of
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
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Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
\i(lak(k-cDiApj S�C�
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
30-7 0-oc i n Dr- or
alco`e- ot, C - 9115-6
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
3( v3 licp,(v-cfk
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
61..6' (L . i /R y ou∎io.
1633 ecl L two (Jac \i tC _
19cat -1 FaD6a, CIS .
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
2� Y/ AK/NP, Dg-
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
1i0(_ctL 4_3 ,_00‘,
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
December 5, 2006
Subject: Approval of Proposed Catellus Alameda Landing Mixed -Use Project
Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council,
The Council will review the proposal for Alameda Landing on December 5, 2006. I
would like to let you know that I feel that Catellus has done an outstanding job working
with the community to create a project that will both integrate the former Fleet Industrial
Supply Center into Alameda and enhance the West End. The planned mixed -use project
will take a blighted area and make it a part of Alameda and give residents access to the
waterfront there for the first time in sixty years.
I encourage the Council to approve this project.
Yage 1 of 1
Barbara Price
From: Victor Jin, CRB [victor @ISelIRE.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2006 2:35 PM
To: Barbara Price; Iry Hamilton
Subject: Alameda Landing
To Whom It May Concern:
The purpose of this memo is to convey my support for the propose changes to the Alameda
Landing Master Plan.
As the past President of the West Alameda Business Association (WABA) I have some
familiarity with the original approved plan and have reviewed the proposal and believe the
proposed changes to the plan make more sense in the changing real estate market today.
Technology and Outsourcing has minimized the need for more office space, especially in the
City of Alameda, where by the need for housing and retail makes more economic sense by
providing a better tax base for real estate and retail sales tax income for the City of Alameda
Furthermore, Catellius since the beginning of the talks with WABA has indicated support for
doing simultaneous development of Webster Street and the Alameda Landing which is
extremely important for both entities.
I highly recommend those who care for the City of Alameda support the proposal.
Unfortunately, I am out of town but wanted to communicate my support to the approval of the
proposed plan.
Thank you for your time and interest.
Victor Jin
David Kirwin
1416 Seminary Ave
Alameda, CA 94502
Mayor, Members of the City Council, CIC et al,
Dec. 5, 2006
I object to the misleading information presented in the Alameda Journal regarding the redevelopment
project on tonight's agenda. I fear city staff is not offering the correct information in a clear manner to our
local newspapers.
I object that the information I requested at the last CC meeting concerning all of the meetings and the
existing commitments to this project the CC/ CIC / City Staff has entered into already was not included in
the information made available to the public as was agreed.
I object to this body making decisions without waiting for the reports on elements of the project that would
make clear the impacts of the decisions, such as the "Big Box" Studies the CC requested about 6 months
I object to this body giving so much authority to one person, the Executive Director. The CIC itself has too
much authority to act independently of the public, and giving this authority to the E.D. removes the public
completely. These are still our public funds being manipulated.
I object to the fact that City Staff has wilfully failed to provide easy access to the information concerning
this project, the information has not been in circulation long enough, and tonight the public is not able to
comment on the project, with full understanding.
As an example of the lack of understand this is an excerpt of a local blog, written by numerous individuals
which clearly show the lack of understanding, although all of them are trying to understand this project.
I urge you to delay a decision until you get the missing reports, provide the information promised at the last
CC meeting, hold public informational meetings to enable the public to understand and come back here
when the public has been enable to fully understand the complicated issues.
-David Kin
1. RE: Alameda landing Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA)
Cost to city as reported in Alex Lopez's article on the Journal's front page = $27 million, and in return City
will see revenues of $1.2 in annual sales tax. Sounds like we could recoup costs in 25 years but to me it
appears there are some grievous errors in the math, and did he look at the Staff report?
1) $1.2 million in sales tax to city requires $120 Million in new gross taxable sales without a loss of sales
from present businesses on the island. Is this remotely possible?
Submitted by David Kerwin
At the 12 -5 -06 Joint Meeting
Re: Agenda Item #2 -B
2) There is a 21 page report explaining the Alameda Landing Agreements from the City Manager to the
Mayor And City Council on the web at;
http: / /www. ci. alameda. ca.us/city_clerk/2006/attachments/2b%2Orept_l 3 81. pdf
While the local press has promoted the idea that the City will be responsible for $27 Million dollars for this
project, understand that is just part of the financial obligation. On page 18 of this report, under the heading
"FISCAL IMPACT", it says there is a total capped commitment by the CIC of $40.5 Million, however, in
an earlier portion of the same document, (page 16), under the heading "CIC'S FINANCIAL
OBLIGATIONS ", it says; `In addition to reinvesting land sale proceeds, the CIC is committing... The CIC's
obligation ...capped at $40.5 MILLION"
What is the value of the Land Sales? Under the heading; "Land Purchase Price" ...minimum prices for land
sales are explained; $11.29 /sq ft for office space; $12.01 for retail space and $30/ sq ft residential land" An
acre is 43,560 sq ft, what is the value of the land sale which we also must contribute? (My ballpark estimate;
77 acres x Min $11.29 for office space = $35 Nfillion PLUS the $40.5 Million = City cost >$75 MILLION) p ))
Jko c,(47 If 16Z
Minimum Cos to us, the city = $75 - $80 Million!!?
We don't yet know the value of the land we are selling to the developer. It depends on the use of the land. It
is well above the low -ball $35 Million I used to make a point and could be easily twice that much. But the
DDA commits use to re- investing that money to the Developer's project. That is the City putting the money
in although you can argue that it is the same as the Developer putting the money in and we give the 77 acres
to the Developer free. Either way it is a Zero net gain for the City coffers.
Further the CIC would be committing not only tax increments for the AL project but also more of the tax
increments from Bayport. (Without ever seeing tax increments from Bayport that development is a liability
to public service costs, and no benefit to money going to general fund to pay for services, thus a financial
loss to the city. AL is likely to pan out the same way, but create more traffic problems the city will have to
pay for.
The big box retail plan will likely create a net loss of retail jobs as our city's present retailers who we should
be bolster and protect, are eliminated. How do you think Pagano's would fare with an OSH down the street?
The CC ordered a study on Big Box Retail, why are they making decisions without waiting for the facts?
Investing on hopes and dreams and potentially empty promises is not a sound investing scheme, not matter
how well or lengthy the wording. Look what happened with the promises of APT, look at the upscale
shopping and fine dining we were told was coming to Bridge Side Center.
Also more money will have to be kicked because we are GUARANTEEING a 12% return on the
Developer's investment.
This is cited several times in the documents, including page 16 of
http:// www. ci. alameda.ca.us /city__clerk/2006/ attachments /2b %20rept_1381.pdf) and also page 23 of the
DDA where the "TINKER IN LIEU Payment" is discussed.
The city will also write off for the Developer the first $700,000. plus any negative money in the
Transportation accounts against any fees they may have to pay for the Tinker extension, (so don't think the
Ferry budget of TDM budget is coming from the developer's pocket) The City has already put in $850,000
just to study the Tinker extension.
All costs get passed to the consumer – and who do you think the consumer is? Don't you wish you could get
guaranteed 12% returns on your investments? As a taxpaying member of the city, I don't like being on the
end making that guarantee, especially since we have to raise $ to save the Electric Dept.
I'm just struggling to understand the documentation. So many docs, so little time.
-Dave Kirwin
Comment by D.Kirwin — December 5, 2006 @ 12:24 pm
1. DK,
The Alameda Landing development is projected to require $103 million in infrastructure in order for it to be
developable (I think I'm making up words here).
The developer is required to front all of that that infrastructure cost up front.
This includes: Demolition of exisitng roads and structures, Waterfront Park, Streets (including Tinker Ave
extension to the project) undergrounding of high - voltage lines, Storm sewers, etc.
Under the existing agreement, the city is responsible for the infrastructure improvements.
At the end of the project, the developer will receive a minimum 12% return on investment and will retain all
profits up to 18 %, at which time, the CIC will collect 50% of the profits over 18% (it sounds like this is
The infrastructure, which needs to be in place to sell the land, will be reimbursed through money raised by
the project itself. (sales tax increment and land sale).
Here's how the reimbursements pencil out:
$27.5M - Tax increment bonds
$5M in Bayport profit sharing bonds
$12M in CFD Bonds (issued by the developer)
$4M in STIP (transportation funding mechanism) funds for Tinker Ave Ext. (these go away if Tinker is not
$60.3M (pro-rated land value based on the infrastructure improvements being made).
If the 12% profit guarantee is not hit then an additional $8M in bonds will be issued to cover the shortfall.
At the end of the day, no funds from the city's general fund are used, nor is existing tax increment. All funds
that are used are those created by the project itself.
My understanding, from other development discussions, is that 18% is a standard profit used in large -scale
development. The fact that the developer is fronting all the money /risk and accepting as low as 12% is not
the norm.
Currently, the land is pretty much worthless, except for some very small leases. Without the infrastructure
improvements, it can't be sold at any meaningful rate.
The only assumptions in the above numbers are the value of the land (which is probably a bit conservative,
meaning that the $8M in additional bonds will not be necessary to raise for the project (making them
available to the city in other ways). They are not so conservative that city staff feels that the 18% profit
sharing minimum will be hit.
Comment by John Knox White — December 5, 2006 @ 4:43 pm
2. Sorry Dave,
I have to agree with John on this one. The City is not making or loosing any money on this one just as the
same as Bayport. It is just a reconveyance. Probably through a shortfall loan same as Bayport.
Comment by Joe — December 5, 2006 @ 4:53 pm
3. JKW –
So at the end of the day; by selling the land in the manner presented, instead of a windfall to help finance
the city, we the city, or rather the CIC - the body representing the city for redevelopment will trade this
public asset for massive bond liability, our present retailers become jeopardized, and west island
intersections may become gridlocked. I don't see how this is hard to pass up. However I do thank you for
your direct response.
I would like to learn more about this deal for development there, but the more difficult it is made, the more
frustrated I become. When it seems the truth is intentionally buried I become more suspicious and doubtful.
I do like the plan the way it was drawn by the artists, but my quest to understand the practicality of the plan
leaves me frustrated and doubtful. I hope that the CIC can slow down, examine the other studies they called
for, and interact more with the public. I have tried very hard to understand, but staff has failed to organize
the information in a way which allows meaningful input at tonight's meeting.
-Dave Kirwin
Comment by D.Kirwin — December 5, 2006 @ 5:13 pm
4. Who is the ultimate obligor of all these various bond issues? Any that fall abck to the city
are a city subsidy.
And for f —'s sake, how many times do I have to explain that redevelopment bonds are city funds?
And what makes you think the land is worthless? What planet did that idea come from?
Comment by dave — December 5, 2006 @ 5:37 pm
5. And a guaranteed profit margin? Talk about a subsidy, and a most improper one at that.
Last I checked, businesses took risk to earn their profits. What in the Wide World of Sports is going on?
Comment by dave — December 5, 2006 @ 5:43 pm
I am here to push for limited retail along with research and development at Alameda
Landing because it will be easier to stagger the start times to give everyone a chance to
get through the tube at rush hour. Tinker is critical to this project and if it is not built,
Then it will severely hamper development at Alameda Point. Also, Research and
development brings real jobs for people to allow them to live in Alameda. Big box stores
bring low paying jobs that tax or social services. Please vote for R & D.
I think the housing idea is risky because it is being built on 21.8 acres of land that has
been found to be toxic with cadmium, Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls- (PCBs), Poly
Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and a benzene plume that stretches all the way from the
College of Alameda to Main Street. The clean-up of which will begin about 2008 at
which time they will have about 50 biospargers slowly injecting air into the benzene
plume for the next 8 years. The clean up of the surface soil will be on another timeline.
I don't understand how Catellus can have the housing in Phase 1 without liners under the
units and a venting system like they plan for the Veteran's housing project.
I find this project to be too expensive for the city of Alameda for what we get in return.
I tried to determine some of the up front costs for Catellus but they are vague about what
they will and will not pay for. Even on the pages that they have set out a formula for
rental properties, they are coy about disclosing the "net acreage of land" that intend to
purchase. The paper says that they plan to pay about $30 million for the land. Using
their formulas it looks like more than that.
Catellus also pays for demolition of buildings that can't be reused and they will pay for a
Union Pacific right of way.
They will pay for the clean-up of the residential land because the Navy will only clean up
to the stated uses in the Reuse plan and this was designated R &D in that plan.
The DDA is very clear on what the city and CIC will pay. 2,,t J -41 D vw-
CIC Pays: p.42
1. All Proceeds Bayport $14.5 -15.5
2. All interest on BP Proceeds $5.
3. All Tax increments at Bay Port $9.5
4. All Alameda Landing Tax Increments27.5
5. Additional tax increment 8
65.5 Million
The city has to also maintain the waterfront park and provide the liability insurance for
Catellus and everyone else. P.8
The city is responsible for the cost of terminating leases 43
Catellus reserves the right to establish a Municipal Services District. p.40
Catellus wants a credit of 97.5% of the city wide developer fees because of the
considerable contribution they are making to the infrastructure. P49
The city is responsible for maintaining the piers. P. 52
Submitted by Jean Sweeney
At the 12 -5 -06 Joint Meeting
Re: Agenda Item #2 -B
This is my attempt to come to a purchase price for Catellus.
On p.9 -16
Developer pays:
1. If retail is 50,000 sq ft then purchase 15.66 x 227,273 sq. ft. = $3,559,095.10
(This is a formula giving the CIC a percentage of rental income.)
Then 227,273 sq ft. X $13.15 per sq ft = $2,988,639.90
2. If retail is 300,000 sq ft then purchase is 15.66 x = 4,548,000.00
(This is a formula giving the CIC a percentage of rental income.)
Then they pay for the net acreage x $13.15 per sq ft =
(does it include parking lots? Are parking lots infrastructure ?)
3. If R and D then purchase is 370,000 sq ft x $11.29 = $4,177,300
(This is a formula giving the CIC a percentage of rental income.)
Then the appraised value for the net amount of land x $13.15 =
4. Office is 400,000 sq ft then purchase is $11.29 x 870,000 sq ft = $9,822,300.
(This is a formula giving the CIC a percentage of rental income )
Then 870,000 sq ft acreage x $13.15 per sq ft.= $11,440,500.00
5. Health Club is 20,000 sq ft but is it part of the office or retail?
8. The residential is 21.8 acres of toxic land with parts of it with
PAH/PCBs /Cadmium and a Benzene plume.
The DDA says on page 9 that the purchase price is $1 for the subsidized units
and the appraised value for the rest of the land. They will buy the land for that
amount then turn the land over to the housing department for development. They
will also provide the necessary subsidy to complete the project. P.53
9. The paper said that Catellus is paying $30,000,000.00 for the land.
10. They will also pay for the cleanup of the designated housing areas.p.3 & p 20
11. They will pay for the demolition and backbone infrastructure costs.p 20
12. They will pay upwards of $700,000, in Lieu fees for Tinker if they determine the
project is not feasible. P. 23
13. Catellus will pay for the Union Pacific Right of way.