2006-04-04 7-B SubmittalMayor Beverly Johnson Councilman Frank Matarrese Barbara Hawkins O6;nr; -`� i n!, 3 April 2006 Regarding the discussion with AC Transit about to deadhead bus -trips over the High Street bridge, we have found a significant discrepancy in the data collected by their people and by us. In our suggestion to AC to use Hegenberger rather than High Street for the trips between BFI and their Division 4 facility, we had already observed that while the physical distance of the Hegenberger route is larger, the actual transit time (as measured by us, driving the routes) is about the same, and in some cases less than the High Street route (by about 2 minutes). We asked AC to make the measurement themselves. As we saw in the meeting at AC Transit on 22 March 2006 they did make the measurements. We thank them for that and see that most of their conclusions match ours. However one result was out of line with our measurements, and that result constitutes the vast majority of the estimated costs ($12,648 of $18,972, or 67 %). In addition to being out of line with our prior measurements, we see that there is a non - logical time element in this particular trip description in the AC document.... The 5th trip , "Pull -out, Division 4 to Robert Davy Jr & Packet Landing" and the 6th trip , "Pull -out, Division 4 to Bayfair" differ in their route by only the last leg of Island Drive to Packet Landing. This applies to both the existing route and the proposed alternate route. To be clear, for both the 5th and the 6th trips, the ONLY difference is in the last leg, which while different for the two trips, is NOT DIFFERENT between the existing route and the alternate route. However, the AC document shows a 1 minute delta in trip time for the 6th trip and a 4 minute delta in trip time for the 5th trip. We think that one of these two measurements is wrong, or possibly there is another variable that is not shown in the AC document. We wondered if possibly the issue was time of day, and asked Sean Diest Lorgion, the AC man who presented the measurements. He said that the measurements were made at rush hours, 8 AM and 5 PM. As our previous measurements were made at noon -time, we re -drove the routes at 5 PM. The noon -time drives showed that the alternate route for trip 5 was actually slightly less than the original route. The evening drives showed the delta time between the original and alternate routes to be 1 minute. Giving AC the benefit of the doubt, and calling the delta 1 minute rather than zero (for just this one trip), reduces the estimated cost from $18,972 to $9,486. Note that this reduction applies to just this one trip, and further cost reductions might arise with the careful examination of the other trips. Additionally, on one of our 2 drives over the High Street route, we lost a little over 2 minutes waiting while the train blocked the path (we subtracted that lost time from the overall route Page 1 of 2 AC Transit Measurement Discrepancy Re: Council Communication #7 -B 4 -4 -06 timing to maintain validity). The alternate route does not have this or either of the two bridge crossings as statistical additions to the length of the trip. While we appreciate that AC did take the time to make the measurements, this large apparent discrepancy in the most significant trip of the batch causes us to want to re- examine their entire analysis. It is not our intention to embarrass AC, we just want reasonable decisions that are based on the true data. Capt. Ed Payne, Waterfront Homeowners Association Ron Valentine, Waterfront Homeowners Association Dave Needle, Fernside Homeowners Association Attached: ACbus.pdf. Spreadsheet with trip times. High Street Reroute Costs_Page 1.pdf. AC Transit document. High Street Reroute Costs_Page 2.pdf. AC Transit document. Page 2 of 2 AC Transit Measurement Discrepancy 3 April 2006 High Street Bridge Non - Service Trip Reroute Cost Summary Trip Type Deadhead WB From/ To Island Drive Park and Ride/ San Francisco Transbay Terminal Deadhead WO Island Drive Park and Ride/ San Francisco Transbay Terminal Deadhead WB Lincoln Middle School/ Center 8 Shattuck Deadhead ES San Francisco Transbay Terminal/ Robert Davy Jr & Packet Landing Pull -Out !Division 4/ Robert Davy Jr 8 Packet I Landing Pull -Out Division 4/ Baylair Way (opposlle Park and Ride Lot) Current Routing Alternate Routing Island Dr. L\Doditlle, into Otis. Re-kgh, L\ On -Ramp Hwy 880 NB, to Bay Bridge SF Terminal. Island Dr, L\DOOlihle, into Otis. RWigh. L \On -Ramp !Hwy 880 NB, to Bay Bridge !SF Terminal. Lincoln Middle, Femside, L\Encinal. RWigh, L \On- Ramp Hwy 880, continue to 980 Route Daily Change In Time Total Change In Change In Distance Total Change In Annual Cost Trips Per Trip Time (minutes) Per Trip distance (minutes) _ (miles) (miles) 2 0 0 -0.06 -0.12 00 i_ Island Dr, l\Doolime, into Otis, 631 .RWigh, L\Femslde, R\T6den to Way, across Miller Sweeney Badge. L \E.9th, Lento E.BIh, L\On -Ramp, Hwy 880 WB to Bay Bridge to SF Terminal Island Dr, L\Doolime, into Otis, OX 6 L A\High, L\Femsde, R\Tilden to I Way, across Miller Sweeney Bridge, L\E.9th, Lento 6.8111, 'L \ On-Ramp. Hwy 080 N/B t0 Bay Bridge to SF Terminal Hwy 880 SB, RWigh St Off- Ramp, RWigh SI, Mks, into Doolittle, R\Island, 6/6000,1 Davy Jr Way to Packet Landing LLSeminary Av. 6/San Leandro St. 18-1198 SI. \O85 Dr, crossing Bridge into Doolittle Dr, Rento Island Dn. RWoben Davy Jr Wy to Terminal LISemMary Av. Man Leandro St, Lhligh SI, L\Olis Dr, crossing Bridge into Doolittle Dr, Reno Island Dr, to Terminal Lincoln Middle, Femside, 631 L\Encinal, R\Broadway, R\Tllden Way. L\E.91h, Lento 10.81h, [ACM-Ramp HWY 880 I WB to Bay Bridge to SF. Terminal Hwy 880 SB, Exit fruiNale, OX R\Fruilvale across Miller Sweeney Bridge, L\Fernside. RHigh, LWI'is Into Doolittle. Resland, R\Roben Davy Jr Way to Packet Landing L\Seminary Av, Wen Leandro OX SI, Renlc Hegenberger 011 Ramp to Hegenberger Rd, Re)oolit6e Dr. Lesland Dr, Melva Davy Jr Wy to Terminal 'L\Seminary An, LL-San Leandro 631 SI, Renlo Hegenberger oil Ramp to Hegenberger Rd, I R/Doolittle Dr, L\Island Dr, to iTernanal 6 I 4 f 3 0 -0.06 0 4 24 3 -0.06 -0.05 2.05 2.05 -0.36 SO SO -0.2 52,108 12.3 512.648 6.15 51,581 High Street Bridge Non - Service Trip Reroute Cost Summary Trip Type PuII-0ul Pull -Out Put-In Pull -In Pull4n Pu114n Total From/ To Divison/ Lincoln Middle Scrod Division 4/ Wood Middle School Baylair Way/ Division 4 Bayfair Way/ Division 4 Baylae Way/ Division 4 Park and Endna0 Division 4 Current Routng L\Seminary Av. Aldan Leandro SI, LWigh 51. L\Otis Dr. crossing Bridge into Doolittle Dr. LlFemslde to Lincoln Middle School L\Seminary Av. R\San !Leandro SI, LWigh 51. RIOlIs Dr, L. Park SL R\Shoreline Dr, RIGran4 SI. to Wood Sol. Island Dr, L\Doolille Dr crossing bddge, into Otis Dr. R\High St, RLSan Leandro 51. LlSeminary Av. RUM Division 4. Island Dr. ISDOn1i1I1e M tossing bridge. info Otis Dr, RWigh St, R\San Leandro SI, LlSeminary Av. R\ into Division 4. Island Dr. L\Doolltle Dr crossing bridge. into Otis Dr, RHigh St. R\San Leandro SI. L\Seminaly Av. R\ into Division 4. Encino] Ave, LWigh St, R1.San Leandro Blvd, L\Seminary An to Division 4 Alternate Routing LlSenrinary Av. LlSan Leandro St, Rynto Hegenberger o11 Ramp to Hegenberger Rd, RIDooli0le Dr, R\Femslde to Lincoln Middle School Route 631 LlSeminary Av. L\Frullvale Ave. 632 across Miller Sweeney Bddge, into Tilden. L\Park St. LlShorellne Dr, R\Grand St to !Wood Sol. Island Dr, R\Doolihle, 631 LWegenberger, Exit San Leandro Blvd olt -ramp, L\ San Leandro Blvd, R\Seminary An, R\ into Division 4 Island Dr. 1410001400. LWegenberger, Exit San Leandro Blvd oil -ramp. L\ San Leandro Blvd. R\Seminary An, R\ Into Division 4 !island Dr, R \Doolittle LWegenberger, Exit San Leandro Blvd oll -ramp, L\ San 'Leandro Blvd. R\Seminary Av. R\ into Division 4 L\ Broadway, R\Tilden Wy, across Miller Sweeney Bridge. R\ San Leandro, L\Seminary, Rlinlo Division 4 Dally Trips 2 632 1 05 6 0 1 37 Change In Time Total Change In Per Trip Time (minutes) (minutes) 2 4 0 0 0 Change In Distance Total Change In Annual Cost Per Trip distance (miles) (miles) 2.57 5.14 52.100 -0.05 2.05 O 2.05 O 2.05 36 0.16 -0.05 16.4 S527 $0 SO SO 0.161 SO 95.51 576,972 2 31 March 2006 - Ed Payne, Dave Needle - Timing of routes for AC Alternates Trips measured at evening rush hour - Clock time in seconds Route Trip 6, Current Route Division 4 Right, San Leandro St. Left, High St. train train end Left, Otis Right, Island Dr. Left, Park &Drive Trip starts at: 5:38 0 49 228 247 385 740 810 847 Total Trip Time = 14:07 6:22 0 30 200 0 0 560 637 661 11:01 Remove train delay 138 709 Total Trip Time = 11:49 11:01 Trip 6, Alternate Route Division 4 Left, San Leandro St. Right, Hegenberger Right, Doolittle Left, Island Dr. Left, Park &Drive Trip starts at: Total Trip Time = 5:14 0 30 131 420 690 726 12:06 6:06 0 40 139 488 716 725 12:05 Best case for Current route = Best case for Alternate route = Average of 4 trips = Average, including train delay = 65 seconds less for High Street 16 seconds less for High Street 20 seconds less for High Street 14 seconds MORE for High Street Page 1 of 2 Route Measurement 3 April 2006 31 March 2006 - Ed Payne, Dave Needle - Timing of routes for AC Alternates Trips measured at evening rush hour - Clock time in seconds 5 Seconds per column, Ticks at 1 minute High St, at 5:38 PM, train delay removed - High St, at 6:22 PM - - - -- — Wait at light for right onto San Leandro St A San Leandro St to High St • High St to Otis Otis to Island Dr • 11111111 1 11111 1I1111111111111111111i111111 A A Island Dr to Park &Drive A A Hegenberger, at 5:14 PM --- - - - - -- Hegenberger, at 6:06 PM - - - - -- i 1 1 1 111 It 1 Wait at light for left onto San Leandro St San Leandro St to Hegenberger- A Hegenberger to Doolittle - Doolittle to Island Dr A A Island Dr to Park &Drive A Page 2 of 2 Route Measurement 3 April 2006