2006-04-04 5-D Submittal1047 S. Tracy Boulevard Tracy, CA 95379 Phone; (209) 835 -9956 Fax : (209) 835 -9554 Goodland Landscape Construction, Inc. Laney College Adt_Suildpnrt Project Project No. 2 15.U;2 PCICD GLC Job No 23 -141 Field Office : Phone (510) 834 -0[3t3 F cc : 1(5110 8134 -8217 PA ArED 13Y: ate' 5i cc; 930 <o° 710 _Yro<" Tat Doug Cale, Redevelopment Manager, From Wayne Tolman City of Aiamada (510) 749.5808 Palo.= 2' (Including Cover) Phone (610) 749-5800 tea Nurrber. (209) 321 -2848 Mate: 03.31 -06 Rw Bid Protest, Bayport Alameda Community CC: Building and ark Project Ms Lore Weisiger FAX: (610) 747 -4805 Ms Dena Wortham, GLG Tracy Office (209) 8335-9554 )0(XX Urgent D For Review X70110 Please Comment MOO( Plus Reply We are responding to your letter defied March 29, 2000, received by mail today. Note: the letter Is dated Marc/ 29, 2005; mailed yesterday with the notation "deliver by March 31, 2008." 1, Please provide 15 minutes on the Council Agenda, Agenda Item 5-D, April 4, 2006, for our presentation on the subject of our Bid Protest logically, toaaowing Staff presentation, but BEFORE Council discussion on the merits of your Recommendation to Award, Please note; our Bid Protest Letter was received by your City Clerk, the office that received Bid Proposals. on March 9.2006; receipt by the City of Alameda is acknowledged in your fetters of March 16 and March 29, 2008 (see Page 2 of the Staff Recommendation, Paragraph 1: »On March 13, 2006, foul days after bids were opened, The City Clerk's Office received a formal bid protest from GoodLanD Landscape Construction, Inc.--we believe the Bid Protest Period to be Five (5) days.) 2. Our letter of March 26, 2006 requested that the information packet to Counctt Members for their review should include our Bid Protest Letter and subsequent correspondence. Can you tell us Re: Agenda Item #5 -D 4 -4 -06 2'T'd BC BSGiL :01 L.T207280TS 3dUOSONU1 00U1000D:4O 14 daE;50 9002-T2 -mod March 31, 2008 whether this information had been made avaf3ebte to Council Members for use in their deliberations? 3. GoodLanD Landscape Construction, Inc. is disappointed that you failed to respond to any of the information provided In our fetter of March 2a, 2008, in our continued Interest to assist your evaluation of Bid Proposals, in terms of the preparation of your Staff Recommendation to Award. We believe it only just that the effort that we have put into our attempt to ensure that this process results in the best possible outcome; in the public's interest We have diligently tried to provide information that would look at our concerns for ALL bidding contractors, as It relates to a "level playing field" expectation and a balanced methodology for analysis of bid proposals. We will convey this view to the Council; our efforts having thus far. 4. Our attorney Is out of the local area and cannot attend the Coursed Meeting with us. We w1Ei examine the need for further activity upon his return and upon review of results of our presentation before Council Members. Please emelt your response to this FAX, and FAX your response a so, today, In order that we can uat&ty prepare for our presentation before the Council. Goodt -arse Landscape Construction, Inc. recommends that you reoonsider your Recommendation for Award, and that your recommend to your Council the rejection of ALL bid proposal$; re- advertise the park construction contract, as you have the Community Building. We repeat tins recommendation because we believe it the light thing to do. Thank you for your consideration. Very truiy yours, GoodLanD Landscape Constriction, Inc. A. Dena Wortham, President W Cc: Ms Cara Weislger, City Clerk, FAX (510) 747 -4a05 John W. Busby, Attorney - at-Law 7 41&frAerve * °f r /174 ht. C ( �. % ? s'- .2 /._.._ a page 2 2/2'd 800S6t L :01 LT295COOTS 0 3dHaSahki7 aNH10oos:w021.H d22:SO 9002 -12 -6J • Tel.: 209.835.9956 Fax: 209.835.9554 GoodLanD Landscape Construction, Inc. 11S L is /�/1-- C .it 6lt.t4te„ City of Alameda City Council Meeting April 4, 2006 Subject: Bayport Alameda Community Building and Park Project Letter of Bid Protest Presentation to City Council in Protest of Recommendation of Award of Contract GoodLanD Landscape Construction, Inc. Wayne Tolman, Estimator /Project Manager Tom Wortham, Vice President Submitted by Wayne Tolman at the 4 -4 -06 Council Meeting Re: Agenda Item #5 -D • 1047 S. Tracy Blvd. Tracy, CA 95376 Page 1 of 3 In a message dated 4/4/06 5:30:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time, PacificToo writes: In a message dated 4/4/06 5:22:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time, PacificToo writes: In a message dated 4/4/06 4:30:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time, PacificToo writes: G'Evening Madam Mayor and City Council Members. My name is Wayne.Tolman. I am a project manager and estimator for GoodLanD Landscape Construction, Inc., 1047 South Tracy Blvd., Tracy, Calif. For more than these past eleven years, we have specialized in the construction of public works park projects and school athletic stadium projects. My personal experience comprises estimator and project management positions in public works projects in the value range of $100k to $5 million and is almost fifty years (YOUNG) in the making. The construction industry is a challenging but rewarding experience; you start with a plot of ground and you build a community park for the benefit of the public. We submitted a proposal for the construction of your Bayport Alameda Community Building Park Project, which resulted in our Bid Protest Letter. I wish to describe the seriousness of the Bid Protest and our position against the Staff Recommendation to award, with a hint of humor: But, before I begin, let us make a recommendation to your Council deliberations: exercise your prerogative; reject all bids; deny the staff recommendation to award, and instruct the Staff to re- advertise construction of the park project (just like they did the Community Building portion of the project, last Friday). This recommendation will result in a cleansing effect and remove the City from any need for continuing activity about the evaluation and decision making process to award a contract for this project. p� 1)1 ttk "The ' ma before you tonite, is that you are to decide the appropriateness of a City Staff recommendation that in the interest of ensuring "economic advantage" for the City, declares a bid proposal that is fraught with irregularities to be in "substantial compliance" by permitting the bidder to "revise his bid proposal after a public opening," by his use of a declaration of "inadvertent clerical error." This contradicts the California Public Contract Act provisions, which are designed to protect the public interest in the bidding and the contracting of public works projects. (insert tab one) original bid proposal (hi -lite in yellow, the trouble spots involved in our Bid Protest Letter; include the failure to note ALL five addenda). The City may relieve the bidder of its error, provided the error is not the result of judgment or carelessness. Such a declaration of "clerical error" relieves the bidder from possible economic loss and allows protection of the bidder's bond; it does not permit the bidder to "revise his bid proposal;" and the mistake made the bid materially different from what the bidder intended (Pub. Cont. Code, Section 5103). A bidder may substitute out a listed subcontractor because of an "inadvertent clerical error" on the subcontractor list if it notifies in wirting within two (2) days and the public agency holds the required hearing (Pub. Cont. Code Section 4107.5). This situation requires notification to a "listed subcontractor" on the original bid; it does not apply in the event that NO Subcontractor is "listed," in our opinion. It would be inappropriate for the City of Alameda to permit the revision of the bidder's proposal in order to correct the "inadvertent clerical error' after the proposal has been opened in public. Such an event would surely provide "economic advantage" to the City of Alameda and to the bidder that does not apply to other bidders. (Valley Crest Landscape Inc. v. City Council (City of Davis), 1996, 41 Cal. App. 4th 1432). (Ghilotti Construction Co. v. City of Richmond (1996) 45 Cal.App.45h 897.) file: / /A: \Update of presentation outline, 04- 04- 06.html 4/4/2006 Page 2 of 3 (insert tab two: original subcontractor's list; revised subcontractor's list; hi -lited in yellow) "Inadvertent clerical error"...the term sounds like an oxy -moron does it not? he rejection of our Bid Protest Letter, in essence, is that the bidder's proposal is determined o be in "substantial compliance." at then was the necessity for the bidder to REVISE his bid proposal; this is the flaw in the process that makes it necessary to "reserve your right to reject all bids.. ", and we recommend hat you do. insert tab three: Doug Cole rejection letter March 16) 'Responses to Questions in our Bid Protest Letter of March 9, 2006" 1. Database requirement for contacts of subcontractor insert tab four: Note the emphasis in "italics;" a bidder's requirement: "[the bidder's] neglect o fill out the form for City's collected information was not a material requirement of the bid •ackage, but was submitted...upon request by the City... ") . "[the bidder's] neglect to spell out its prices in the bid documentation is not a aterial deviation from the bid package requirements." Note: bid proposal requires he filling out of all information in order to be complete and responsive. insert the appropriate wording from the bid proposal form instructions to bidders) . "[the bidder's] list of subcontractors to be used in the performance of the contract has not hanged...[the bidder] has provided clarification of the specific scopes of work to be performed y each subcontractor listed in their bid proposal..." insert tab 5...original subcontractor list and revised subcontractor list) . "[the bidder] has clarified that its subcontractor, MCE Corporation, which was listed in their •id proposal to perform asphalt, will perform grading and paving, concrete and utilities..." insert tab 6...Section 4109, Pub Cont Code) "[the bidder's) neglect to list the entire scope of work for their electrical subcontractor was a lerical omission. The electrical subcontractor...listed in [the] bid proposal for the community uilding would also be the subcontractor for the electrical scope of work in the park..." insert tab 7....original subcontractor's list; revised subcontractor's list) [the bidder's neglect to acknowledge ALL addenda. insert tab 8....copy acknowledgement of four addenda; date difference; insert copy of ddenda 5). ity Staff has permitted the "correction and or revision" of elements included in the GoodLanD andscape Construction, Inc. Bid Protest Letter. In doing so, in our opinion (and the opinion of ur Attorney, who is out of the State and cannot be here tonite), the City of Alameda has ...created a competitive advantage..." for itself, and "...for one bidder over another." (see revious legal citations). ontracting is not analagous to a poker game. In one, you purchase chips for a right to sit at file: / /A: \Update of presentation outline, 04- 04- 06.html 4/4/2006 Page 3 of 3 the gaming table, where you can suffer Toss through competition and bluff. In contracting, every contractor has the right to expect that the Public Contract Act provisions will be utilized by public agencies in the public works bidding process; that analysis and evaluation of bid proposal forms will not provide advantage to one bidder over another; that a level playing field will be field will exist and that the contractor's investment of resources in the preparing of his bid estimate and bid proposal, will every time have the same possibilities of award. The existence of bid irregularities should result in the bidder's proposal being declared as non- responsive. This bidder has claimed "inadvertent clerical error" in the preparation of their bid proposal. The City of Alameda Staff has permitted this claim, but rather than relieving the bidder of his burden and releasing his bidder's bond, they have allowed corrections and revision to the proposal AFTER public opening and reading of the bid proposals. It is likely that other interested bidders are NOT aware of these machinations, which in our opinion create economic advantage. (insert tab 9...PCC Section 4105, which says that the claim of error prevents the bidder from re- bidding the project.) Is it logical for a bidder that claims "inadvertent clerical error" to use that claim to "secure" the contract; rather than to relieve his responsibility for the risk of having to perform it? GoodLanD Landscape Construction, Inc. believes that the City of Alameda staff activities, in permitting the bidder to "revise and extend" his bid proposal form, exceeds their prerogative and creates economic advantage. We, therefore, recommend that the best resolution is that the Council exercises its right to reject all bids and direct the staff to re -bid the project. The re- configuration of the scope of work in the bid documents, by bidding the Community Building as a separate contract (re- advertised last week), will encourage a larger and perhaps more competititve bidder pool. We recommend the following for your consideration is a constructive resolution of this issue: include in the Muncipal Code a process for Bid Protests. Provide a Statement of Experience in every bid proposal form for the benefit of analysis and evaluation of and decision making for award for the most responsible bidder determination. Provide an ongoing educational effort for staff about the public bid process and the requirements of the Public Contract Code. Our Bid Protest is a logical conclusion to our investment decision to spend resources. We believe, however, that in providing the special circumstances for the correction and revision of this bid proposal, that the decision is as much a decision FOR one contractor, as it is AGAINST other contractors. It is for this reason that we recommend that the Council reject all proposals and re -bid the project. Thank you for your attention and consideration. Wayne Tolman file: / /A: \Update of presentation outline, 04- 04- 06.html 4/4/2006 Page 1 of 1 Public Contract Code §5103 requires a bidder within five days after the opening of bids to submit a written notice to the agency specifying in detail how the mistake occurred. Contractor's letter did not comply with this requirement. Although the primary purpose of the Public Contract Code is to protect taxpayers and to ensure fairness in the bidding process, the Legislature also intended for mistaken bidders to be relieved of liability on mistakenly low bids resulting from clerical error. file: / /A: \PURPOSE OF PUBLIC CONTRACT ACT.html 4/4/2006 CA Codes (pcc:4100 -4114) Page 1 of 6 PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECTION 4100 -4114 4100. This chapter may be cited as the "Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act." 4101. The Legislature finds that the practices of bid shopping and bid peddling in connection with the construction, alteration, and repair of public improvements often result in poor quality of material and workmanship to the detriment of the public, deprive the public of the full benefits of fair competition among prime contractors and subcontractors, and lead to insolvencies, loss of wages to employees, and other evils. 4103. Nothing in this chapter limits or diminishes any rights or remedies, either legal or equitable, which: (a) An original or substituted subcontractor may have against the prime contractor, his or her successors or assigns. (b) The state or any county, city, body politic, or public agency may have against the prime contractor, his or her successors or assigns, including the right to take over and complete the contract. 4104. Any officer, department, board or commission taking bids for the construction of any public work or improvement shall provide in the specifications prepared for the work or improvement or in the general conditions under which bids will be received for the doing of the work incident to the public work or improvement that any person making a bid or offer to perform the work, shall, in his or her bid or offer, set forth: (a) (1) The name and the location of the place of business of each subcontractor who will perform work or labor or render service to the prime contractor in or about the construction of the work or improvement, or a subcontractor licensed by the State of California who, under subcontract to the prime contractor, specially fabricates and installs a portion of the work or improvement according to detailed drawings contained in the plans and specifications, in an amount in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the prime contractor's total bid or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the prime contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater. (2) (A) Subject to subparagraph (B), any information requested by the officer, department, board, or commission concerning any subcontractor who the prime contractor is required to list under this subdivision, other than the subcontractor's name and location of business, may be submitted by the prime contractor up to 24 hours after the deadline established by the officer, department, board, or commission for receipt of bids by prime contractors. (B) A state or local agency may implement subparagraph (A) at its option. (b) The portion of the work that will be done by each file: / /A: \CA Codes (pcc4100- 4114), Pub Contract Act.htm 3/24/2006 BIDDING PRIVATE AND PUBLIC WORK § 2.02[F] from the specifications must be rejected.85 Responsiveness is evaluated on a case -by -case basis. Typically, the material terms of a bid are those that affect price, quantity, quality, or delivery and those terms that the bid package clearly identifies as mandatory.86 Moreover, an agency cannot reject a bid on the basis of arbitrary or unwritten policies.87 A bid fails to comply materially with the bid package if it gives the bidder a substantial economic advantage or benefit not enjoyed by other bidders.88 A substantially conforming bid, although not strictly responsive, may be accepted if the variants cannot have affected the amount of the bid or given a bidder an advantage or benefit not allowed other bidders.89 However, a local agency is not required to waive insubstantial deviations from bid requirements because the power to waive immaterial bid deviations is dis- cretionary, not mandatory.90 A bid may be rejected as nonresponsive without a hearing.91 The case of Menefee v. County of Fresno92 illustrates the application of the rules concerning responsiveness and waiver of immaterial deviations. In Mene- fee, the low bid was challenged because the bidder failed to sign the appropriate line on the proposal sheet of its bid form, although the form was signed in other places and was accompanied by a signed bid bond. The court upheld the award of the contract to the low bidder. It did not matter where the bid was signed, as long as it was signed by the appropriate parties. The court concluded that because the bidder gained no advantage, the public agency could waive the immaterial defect. Under the facts presented in Menefee, the court held that the low bidder could not refuse to enter a contract based upon its failure to sign the bid form, and thus affirmed the trial court's ruling validating the county's decision not to consider the unsigned bid as nonresponsive. The court in Valley Crest Landscape, Inc. v. City Council ofDavis93 applied the analysis set forth in Menefee to overturn award of a contract to a bidder that was permitted to recalculate the amount of work to be performed by the con- tractor's own forces. The court concluded that the low bidder in the Valley Crest case had an unfair advantage because it could have withdrawn its bid. Misstat- ing the correct percentage of work to be done by a subcontractor is in the nature of a typographical or arithmetic error. It makes the bid materially different and is a mistake in filling out the bid; therefore, under California Public Contract 85 Stimson v. Hanley, 151 Cal. 379 (1907). 86 Pozar v. Department of Transp., 145 Cal. App. 3d 269 (1983). 37 See, e.g., Monterey Mechanical Co. v. Sacramento Reg'l County Sanitation Dist., 44 Cal. App. 4th 1391 (1996). 88 Menefee v. County of Fresno, 163 Cal. App. 3d 1175 (1985); 471 Op. Cal. Att'y. Gen. 54 (1949). 39 See Universal By- Products v. Modesto, 43 Cal. App. 3d 145 (1974). 90 MCM Constr., Inc. v. City & County of S.F., 66 Cal. App. 4th 359 (1998), req. for depubli- cation denied. 91 See, e.g., Educational & Recreational Servs., Inc. v. Pasadena Unified Sch. Dist., 65 Cal. App. 3d 775 (1977). 92 163 Cal. App. 3d 1175 (1985). 93 41 Cal. App. 4th 1432 (1996). 87 r § 2.02[F] CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION LAW Code § 5103, the low bidder could have sought relief by giving the city notice of the mistake within five days of the bid opening. The fact that the low bidder did not seek such relief was irrelevant. The key point was that such relief was available and the low bidder thus had a benefit not available to the other bidders since it could have backed out of its bid. Therefore, its mistake could not be waived as an immaterial irregularity. Valley Crest is also noteworthy because, by the time the case was decided, the contractor who received the award had sub- stantially performed its contract. The court of appeal declined to consider whether the contractor was entitled to the reasonable value of the work performed notwithstanding the fact that the court had declared the contract void.94 [2] Bidder Responsibility In addition to submitting a responsive bid, the contractor must be "respon- sible." The term "responsible bidder" has been held to refer not only to trust- worthiness but also to the quality, fitness, and capacity of the bidder to perform the particular requirements of the proposed work satisfactorily.95 A bidder is responsible if it can perform the contract as promised. A determination that a bid- der is responsible is a complex matter depending, often, on information received outside the bidding process.96 The factors that determine responsibility depend upon the particular project; however, in general, they are those factors used as pre - qualification criteria discussed in § 2.02[C][2], i.e., financial resources, surety and insurance capacity, construction experience, personnel, and many others. For exam- ple, a state agency may reject a bidder who has been disqualified from bidding on other projects because of a violation of law or safety ordinance.97 Although public agencies have discretion to determine which bidders are responsible, they may not, if they determine that more than one bidder is respon- sible, make the award on the basis of relative superiority.98 To permit the award- ing authority to reject the lowest qualified bid and award the contract to a more qualified bidder would frustrate the purpose of competitive bidding by promot- ing favoritism.99 Nevertheless, an awarding authority is given a great deal of dis- cretion in determining whether a bidder is even minimally responsible. m° 94 A case decided shortly after Valley Crest involved strikingly similar circumstances but reached a different result. See Ghilotti Constr. Co. v. City of Richmond, 45 Cal. App. 4th 897 (1996), review denied. 95 See West v. City of Oakland, 30 Cal. App. 566 (1916); Boydston v. Napa Sanitation Dist., 222 Cal. App. 3d 1362 (1990). 96 Taylor Bus Serv., Inc. v. San Diego Bd. of Educ., 195 Cal. App. 3d 1331 (1987). 97 Cal. Pub. Cont. Code § 10162. 98 City of Inglewood -Los Angeles County Civic Ctr. Auth. v. Superior Court, 7 Cal. 3d 861 (1972); Boydston v. Napa Sanitation Dist., 222 Cal. App. 3d 1362 (1990). 99 City of Inglewood -Los Angeles County Civic Ctr. Auth. v. Superior Court, 7 Cal. 3d 861 (1972). 19° See Raymond v. Fresno City Unified Sch. Dist., 123 Cal. App. 2d 626 (1954); R. & A. Vending Serv., Inc. v. City of L.A., 172 Cal. App. 3d 1188 (1985). 88 BIDI must der a mit a or de tract ects, perce base in lis der p For lc and it impo; as a n the us ificati right 1 lowest nature award have c allegir tity of the bid the lov V the op] be bal agency upon p Thus, t cient tc Courts tracts, 1 101 Ci. (1972). 102 se, (1984). 103 We rior Cour § 2.02[F] CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION LAW Failure to comply with the notice requirements constitutes a sufficient ground, standing alone, to deny relief to a bidder.77 Although a bidder may not change its bid, if the agency refuses to allow the contractor to withdraw its bid, the contractor must perform the work at the price bid or forfeit its bid security. If the contractor accepts award of the contract in spite of a mistake in its bid, it may not thereafter seek to rescind or reform the contract.78 The contractor may file suit against the public agency to recover the amount of any forfeited security, without interest or costs, within 90 days after the open- ing of the bid. Actual forfeiture is not a prerequisite to filing suit.79 If the bidder fails to recover judgment, it must pay all costs incurred by the public agency in the suit, including attorneys' fees.80 [F] Evaluation of Bids In order to provide all qualified bidders with a fair opportunity to enter the bidding process, public agencies utilize standard forms, receive sealed bids within a published deadline, and refrain from ex parte or private communications with bidders. To maintain fairness during the evaluation process, bids must be rejected if they are not responsive to the invitation and specifications or if a bid- der is not responsible to perform the work. An awarding agency has a high degree of discretion in determining the responsiveness of a bid or the responsibility of a bidder. Moreover, the awarding agency always has the discretion to reject all bids and readvertise or to abandon the project.81 Practical considerations, such as delay to the project and the cost of rebidding, may be among the many fac- tors considered in determining whether to reject all bids and rebid the project. [1] Bid Responsiveness To be responsive, a bid must conform to the material terms of the bid pack - age.82 Usually, whether a bid is responsive can be determined from the face of the bid without outside investigation or information.83 Properly worded perfor- mance specifications, however, permit the agency to exercise discretion in deter- mining whether a bid meets the specifications. An agency may require the bidder to demonstrate proposed systems or submit additional information in order to determine whether the bid meets the specifications.84 A bid that varies materially 77 See A &A Elec., Inc. v. City of King, 54 Cal. App. 3d 457 (1976). 78 See Lemorge Elec. v. County of San Mateo, 46 Cal. 2d 659 (1956). 79 Ballret Bros. Constr. v. Regents of the Univ. of Cal., 80 Cal. App. 3d 321 (1978). 80 Cal. Pub. Cont. Code §§ 5101, 5102. 81 Charles L. Harney, Inc. v. Durkee, 107 Cal. App. 2d 803 (1962). 82 Menefee v. County of Fresno, 163 Cal. App. 3d 1175 (1985); Southern Check Exch. v. San Diego, 5 Cal. App. 3d 81 (1970). 83 MCM Constr., Inc. v. City & County of S.F., 66 Cal. App. 4th 359 (1998), req. for depubli- cation denied. 84 See, e.g., National Identification Sys., Inc. v. State Bd. of Control, 11 Cal. App. 4th 1446 (1992). 86 WAIS Document Retrieval CALIFORNIA CODES PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECTION 5100 -5110 Page 1 of 3 5100. (a) "Public entity" means the state, Regents of the University of California, a county, city and county, city, district, public authority, public agency, and any other political subdivision or public corporation in the state. (b) "Bid" means any proposal submitted to a public entity in competitive bidding for the construction, alteration, repair, or improvement of any structure, building, road or other improvement of any kind. 5101. (a) A bidder shall not be relieved of the bid unless by consent of the awarding authority nor shall any change be made in the bid because of mistake, but the bidder may bring an action against the public entity in a court of competent jurisdiction in the county in which the bids were opened for the recovery of the amount forfeited, without interest or costs. If the plaintiff fails to recover judgment, the plaintiff shall pay all costs incurred by the public entity in the suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court. (b) If an awarding authority for the state consents to relieve a bidder of a bid because of mistake, the authority shall prepare a report in writing to document the facts establishing the existence of each element required by Section 5103. The report shall be available for inspection as a public record. In the case of the University of California or a California State University, the report shall be filed with the regents and the trustees, respectively, and shall be available as a public record. 5102. The complaint shall be filed, and summons served on the director of the department or the chief of the division or other head of the public entity under which the work is to be performed or an appearance made, within 90 days after the opening of the bid; otherwise, the action shall be dismissed. 5103. The bidder shall establish to the satisfaction of the court that: (a) A mistake was made. (b) He or she gave the public entity written notice within five working days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and state holidays, after the opening of the bids of the mistake, specifying in the notice in detail how the mistake occurred. (c) The mistake made the bid materially different than he or she intended it to be. (d) The mistake was made in filling out the bid and not due to error in judgment or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the work, or in reading the plans or specifications. ge, http : / /www. leginfo . ca. gov /cgi- bin/wai sgate? WAI S do cID= 0002 9 818 65 9 +0 +0 +0 & W AI S ac ... 1/11/2006 0 e1IL 0y. 0000 L-1-11111-/ LfJ VvI ,11 ..1.1,0, City of Alameda California March 16, 2006 Ms. Dena Wortham, President Goodland Landscape Construction, Inc. 1047 S. Tracy Blvd. Tracy, CA 95376 Subject: Bid Protest - Bayport Alameda Community Building and Park Project Dear Ms. Wortham: The City Clerk has Forwarded to me your letters dated March 9th and March 13'x' regarding the above referenced bid protest. As one of the three bidders you are aware that the bid opening date for the Bayport Alameda Community Building and Park Project was March 9, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. We would like to thank you for your interest in bidding on the project. We have thoroughly reviewed Goodland's bid protest against its proposal, the proposal of the apparent lowest bidder. past Bay Construction Company, and the City's requirements set forth in the bid package. This letter will also respond to the matters set forth in your bid. protest. Responses to Questions in your Letter of March 9, 2006: 1. Although there are no federal or state funds involved in this project which would trigger the DBE requirement, the City collected DBE information through its Bid procedure by requiring each contractor to fill out a form, supplied by the City, listing the name, address and phone number of the prime contractor and any subcontractors, and circling "Yes" or "No" on the form as to whether the identified party was certified as DBE. Filling out the form did not require any additional efforts by the prime contractor, as the name, address and phone numbers for each subcontractor was already known to the prime contractor, and each subcontractor could easily identify whether or not they were certified as DBE. While Goodland filled out the form for itself and each of its subcontractors, East Bay Construction Company filled out the form for itself only. It is notable that none of the primes or subcontractors for either Goodland or East Bay Construction Company arc certified DBE. East Bay Construction's neglect to fill out the form for City's collected information was not a material requirement of the Development Services Department Alameda Point Main Office 950 West Mali Square., Alameda, CA 94591.755 510 749.5800 • ±qx1 749.5809 • TDD 510 522.7538 0 bent by: UouuLHNU L/ IVb1 .1P , GV =OJJSJJ,, IVICI I C.--t vv 1 ...r v. .v., Ms. Dena Worsham ..1► arch 16, 2006 Page 2 of 3 bid package, but was submitted by East Bay Constriction upon request by : the City. And the minimal effort used by either bidder to fill out t ie form does not create a competitive advantage for one bidder over a eother 2. East Bay Construction Company's neglect to spell out its prices=in:the bitl documents is not a material deviation from the bid package r uirements. The prices set forth in its bid were internally consistent and rated so that. there is no error in the bid, The lump sum amounts listed on MO 9 of 21 to 10 of 21 matched exactly the lump sum amounts, which werealso written out on pages 13 of 21 through 15 of 21. The omission: as a clerical error and the deviation from the form requirements does:not create a competitive advantage for one bidder over another. 3. Concerning your question about the listing of trade specialties Bas Construction Company's list of subcontractors to be used in the performance of the contract has not changed. Bast Bay Conatradtton Company has provided clarification of the specific scopes of*Ott to:be performed by each subcontractor listed in their bid proposal; East Bay Construction Company is in substantial compliance of *rebid documents. 4. Regarding the appropriate license classification for, this project i te:b riding requirements specified either a class A or class B license. 1 'ad:.Gdodland or any bidder wished to take issue or seek clarification about :bcconrns of the class "B" license it could have addressed this mattcr prior to tl March 19` cut -off for questions as stated in Addendum No 4.whlch: Was . issued on February 24t. Staff had not received questions from fro060.01and or any other bidder regarding this matter prior to the cut-offil*,..14ast Bay Construction Company's has clarified that its subcontractor, Mme.:.: Corporation, which was listed in their bid proposal to perforrnasp alt; will perform grading and paving, concrete and utilities. MCE holds Oheis: "A ", "C -8" and "C-I2" Licenses. Pursuant to California State Licensing Board, class "A" license contractors are allowed to install Utilities.. As=a: r ult, this clarification does not constitute a material change from the bidding requirements. Response to your Letter of March 13. 2006: 1. .East Bay Construction Company's neglect to list the entire scope:oofwork for their electrical subcontractor was a dental omission. 'fire elrical subcontractor that East Bay Construction Company listed in:thef.bid.. .7eFIL 6y. UUUULHIVU L!A IUIVAI .lIV1�, • Ms. Delta Wortham Page 3 of 3 lurch 15; 2 proposal for the eomrnunity building would also be the subeOntra0orlor the electrical scope of work in the park. East Bay Constructi0fl con Y's electrical subcontractor, Livermore's Electric, has a class "C410". ieense. In summary, and after review with the City Attorney Office, we have eon cluded that the apparent lowest bidder's bid proposal is in substantial comph .e= Because you requested a copy of the apparent lowest bidder's bid prOPOial, Which was faxed to your office on March 13th, I am attaching a copy of the::**Ferti lowest bidder's March 13th follow-up information. M a result of ont firodoo, . . staff will be going to City Council on April 4th, to recommend awardefthe:prp3ect to East Bay Construction Company, as the apparent lowest bidder. The location of the April 4th City of Alameda City Council Meeting"is 63:.Santa: Clara Avenue. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. and will be held :in:' ity.:: Council Chambers in City Hall. if you wish to present your bid prot:,before the City Council, please advise immediately so that the City Clerk may wwlieditle a hearing for this purpose on April If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at (510:M-5921 . Sinc ouglas H. * le Redevelopment Manager Cc: Lara Weisiger, City Clerk's Office Teresa Highsmith, City Attorney's Office Leslie Little, Development Services Director Dale Lillard, Recreation and Parks Director CITY OF ALAMEDA BIDDERS LIST All bidders /proposers are required to provide the following information for all DBE and non- DBE contractors, who provided a proposal, bid, quote, or were contacted by the proposed prime. This information is also required from the proposed prime contractor, and must be submitted with their bid/proposal. The City of Alameda will use this information to maintain and update a Bidders List to assist in the overall annual goal setting process. Firm Name: Address: Phone: Fax: Contact Person: No. of Years in Business: Is the firm currently certified as DBE under the new regulations (49 CFR Part 26)? Yes No Type of work/services /materials provided by firm: What was your firm's Gross Annual receipts for last year? Less than $1 Million Less than $5 Million Less than $10 Million Less than $15 Million More than $15 Million This form can be duplicated if necessary to report all bidders (DBE's and non - DBE's) information. Page 20 of 21 Bayport Alameda Community Building and Park Project ,odes (pcc:4100 -4114) Page 2 of 6 subcontractor under this act. The prime contractor shall list only one subcontractor for each portion as is defined by the contractor in his or her bid. nikLYPIDni3y: at e: 4104.5. (a) The officer, department, board, or commission taking bids for construction of any public work or improvement shall specify in the bid invitation and public notice the place the bids of the prime contractors are to be received and the time by which they shall be received. The date and time shall be extended by no less than 72 hours if the officer, department, board, or commission issues any material changes, additions, or deletions to the invitation later than 72 hours prior to the bid closing. Any bids received after the time specified in the notice or any extension due to material changes shall be returned unopened. (b) As used in this section, the term "material change" means a change with a substantial cost impact on the total bid as determined by the awarding agency. (c) As used in this section, the term "bid invitation" shall include any documents issued to prime contractors that contain descriptions of the work to be bid or the content, form, or manner of submission of bids by bidders. 4105. Circumvention by a general contractor who bids as a prime contractor of the requirement under Section 4104 for him or her to list his or her subcontractors, by the device of listing another contractor who will in turn sublet portions constituting the majority of the work covered by the prime contract, shall be considered a violation of this chapter and shall subject that prime contractor to the penalties set forth in Sections 4110 and 4111. If a prime contractor fails to specify a subcontractor or if a prime contractor specifies more than one subcontractor for the same portion of work to be performed under the contract in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the prime contractor's total bid, the prime contractor agrees that he or she is fully qualified to perform that portion himself or herself, and that the prime contractor shall perform that portion himself or herself. If after award of contract, the prime contractor subcontracts, except as provided for in Sections 4107 or 4109, any such portion of the work, the prime contractor shall be subject to the penalties named in Section 4111. 4107. A prime contractor whose bid is accepted may not: (a) Substitute a person as subcontractor in place of the subcontractor listed in the original bid, except that the awarding authority, or its duly authorized officer, may, except as otherwise provided in Section 4107.5, consent to the substitution of another person as a subcontractor in any of the following situations: (1) When the subcontractor listed in the bid, after having had a reasonable opportunity to do so, fails or refuses to execute a written contract for the scope of work specified in the subcontractor' s bid and at the price specified in the subcontractor's bid, when that written contract, based upon the general terms, conditions, file: / /A: \CA Codes (ncc4 1 00- 4 1 1 41. Pub Contract Act.htm 3 /24/2006 ben': by: UUUULMIJU LIO • MAR-13-2006 MON 0200 PM CITY OF ALAMEDA DSD FAX NO. 510 749 5808. N erne 6,40 444".4 „i•tr. Recriatirecr,Ihr. `4. e• Sa.-41i4 Address WorktobePerforrati,,, sr 1.4tvel:),.Ast ciroz;s4iLk. usliftetout lifm r..4.0411 pipiroviocAorat. 6p6S- ZAPS 1° A 4rrb4 rafra4114 1:110/0 rvioges C-rnrryi Ave 5.44,5 • 240 C4u4sitin s+. ) LAVIEf elkOrt, 11 14.44de t _ tt.). 13- Vrefickfrso 2464elso" GIL 41#4,2' R etabet;,dvid.da. So. OW i4437 6315' rri..i•14/ ct p. o. SOK 5207 I & •■••■■•••■•••••••11+.111.11••••••••-■•••• As. 12115Mv0004.4.. A Pig 90411tie mr■•■■••••••■■■•■■■•.....■■■■•■■ TO ■IIMIN••••••••••• Pagc 17 pf AlArn.xis Cerumuniry null...fr.:1 and AM. Pte)u..2 Addendum No, 4 7>s. 3z-7-6066 ,des (pcc:4100 -4114) Page 5 of 6 4 (commencing with Section 3179) of Title 15 of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code. 4108. (a) It shall be the responsibility of each subcontractor submitting bids to a prime contractor to be prepared to submit a faithful performance and payment bond or bonds if so requested by the prime contractor. (b) In the event any subcontractor submitting a bid to a prime contractor does not, upon the request of the prime contractor and at the expense of the prime contractor at the established charge or premium therefor, furnish to the prime contractor a bond or bonds issued by an admitted surety wherein the prime contractor shall be named the obligee, guaranteeing prompt and faithful performance of the subcontract and the payment of all claims for labor and materials furnished or used in and about the work to be done and performed under the subcontract, the prime contractor may reject the bid and make a substitution of another subcontractor subject to Section 4107. (c) (1) The bond or bonds may be required under this section only if the prime contractor in his or her written or published request for subbids clearly specifies the amount and requirements of the bond or bonds. (2) If the expense of the bond or bonds required under this section is to be borne by the subcontractor, that requirement shall also be specified in the prime contractor's written or published request for subbids. (3) The prime contractor's failure to specify bond requirements, in accordance with this subdivision, in the written or published request for subbids shall preclude the prime contractor from imposing bond requirements under this section. 4109. Subletting or subcontracting of any portion of the work in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the prime contractor's total bid as to which no subcontractor was designated in the original bid shall only be permitted in cases of public emergency or necessity, and then only after a finding reduced to writing as a public record of the awarding authority setting forth the facts constituting the emergency or necessity. 4110. A prime contractor violating any of the provisions of this chapter violates his or her contract and the awarding authority may exercise the option, in its own discretion, of (1) canceling his or her contract or (2) assessing the prime contractor a penalty in an amount of not more than 10 percent of the amount of the subcontract involved, and this penalty shall be deposited in the fund out of which the prime contract is awarded. In any proceedings under this section the prime contractor shall be entitled to a public hearing and to five days' notice of the time and place thereof. 4111. Violation of this chapter by a licensee under Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code constitutes grounds for disciplinary action by the file: / /A: \CA Codes (pcc4100- 4114), Pub Contract Act.htm 3/24/2006 ORMIIWIFKOPPP.MIRIV.ffeamovralavialearrinatamempligewonlin ■ 11 - IntN.; yt•OPSfer RAIIVIRION RASO RD, sunE H UVEnmone, GA 94350 'FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET ream 34441&110 FAX (92) 243a9ail Cole FROM: Sixia Hughey oacaANY. • . City <if .4.1544.ie<la RedpreloPment Mgr. DAM' 03/13/06 tvtniesii.■ (51() 749,5 man NUMWERI e510) 7494309 TOTAL NO. OF FACES INCLUDLNO 001/!i (14) SENDtieS EMAIL ADORES: SitigetanbaYa0StraeriorlaCt *sweat Manse& CoixatturnIty Buildinik-Park Tsrvu-sv.eastbityconstructica_aer XttROENT OR REVIEW 0 PLEASE C0144MIT 0 PLEASE REPLY Doug, • . • Folicesmtp:pgplur discussion on 3/10/06 please find attached omissions 1 assure you, ix was a clericl .error pn, my part. The bids on file clearly state scope of w-ork to be performed and 1 havecogisOettpage 17 of 21 to reflect work to be done by suh,contractors. I have also attadaeci • page.!:, XEIith the a.mount spelled out aim with page 20 for each sub-routractor. Sincerely, . SLoa c. thoey, ahRA !volot? P - - Jew t'Qq9C.:P.F16(7. !ONT'ISNO0 3/1 ONV10009 :A9 :tun `, • lin.."Ell=rilmogeNi•••■•• •••■•■.... • ". • •r:••r"-.D;71.71* • • ! • carATinv- • ik Aaldress Work to im Ptrfo " stmt 4.h44.11 • akaft. &AA U.1 kakaligaglelqa "am readikiiPlays4".80. j°64 „ kgr earfrorto4 Lhufge • tstow 0 .revontA 4w0s4 onwArda " Am.° dirowq mut, saiLs cer.seinc,4,„ as4vor,-rAvikik-h46, .131;w 2.10 C44tritim 1 a .0 e 2 itVIS Th41 C't Rae 5207 - 4_ co P1(544'1% 481 ; • Cook - _ wit 2E- RO. 8»' 437 Lti 4E04 iit4t(1(.49 ko4 r I 7 .0N=.4 rilegang eklan4i-raogavaito, Buildian - Pork Finivo AddrtNitan • . Pege [7f 21 riNvioon9 :As illas Codes (pcc:4100 -4114) Page 5 of 6 4 (commencing with Section 3179) of Title 15 of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code. 4108. (a) It shall be the responsibility of each subcontractor submitting bids to a prime contractor to be prepared to submit a faithful performance and payment bond or bonds if so requested by the prime contractor. (b) In the event any subcontractor submitting a bid to a prime contractor does not, upon the request of the prime contractor and at the expense of the prime contractor at the established charge or premium therefor, furnish to the prime contractor a bond or bonds issued by an admitted surety wherein the prime contractor shall be named the obligee, guaranteeing prompt and faithful performance of the subcontract and the payment of all claims for labor and materials furnished or used in and about the work to be done and performed under the subcontract, the prime contractor may reject the bid and make a substitution of another subcontractor subject to Section 4107. (c) (1) The bond or bonds may be required under this section only if the prime contractor in his or her written or published request for subbids clearly specifies the amount and requirements of the bond or bonds. (2) If the expense of the bond or bonds required under this section is to be borne by the subcontractor, that requirement shall also be specified in the prime contractor's written or published request for subbids. (3) The prime contractor's failure to specify bond requirements, in accordance with this subdivision, in the written or published request for subbids shall preclude the prime contractor from imposing bond requirements under this section. 4109. Subletting or subcontracting of any portion of the work in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the prime contractor's total bid as to which no subcontractor was designated in the original bid shall only be permitted in cases of public emergency or necessity, and then only after a finding reduced to writing as a public record of the awarding authority setting forth the facts constituting the emergency or necessity. 4110. A prime contractor violating any of the provisions of this chapter violates his or her contract and the awarding authority may exercise the option, in its own discretion, of (1) canceling his or her contract or (2) assessing the prime contractor a penalty in an amount of not more than 10 percent of the amount of the subcontract involved, and this penalty shall be deposited in the fund out of which the prime contract is awarded. In any proceedings under this section the prime contractor shall be entitled to a public hearing and to five days' notice of the time and place thereof. 4111. Violation of this chapter by a licensee under Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code constitutes grounds for disciplinary action by the file: / /A: \CA Codes (pcc4100- 4114), Pub Contract Act.htm 3/24/2006 )ot y an the lade the Lary the le da a. ra xl a le 3t Lg 1, d k' contract, the City Clerk will return the proposal guaranties accompanying the proposals which are not to be considered in making the award. All other proposal guaranties will be held until the contract has been finally executed, after which they will be returned to the respective bidders whose proposals they accompany. ES. Bids I. SUBCONTRAC Subcontracting Fair P California. A copy made a part of t shall accom Subcon st include all State and Federal taxes applicable to the transaction. ORS. All contractors shall comply with the State Subletting and actices Act, found in Section 4100 through 4112, Government Code of f said Act is available in the office of the City Engineer. Said Act is hereby specifications on the above - mentioned job and all contractors submitting bids y the bid with information regarding subcontractors as therein provided. All tors shall have a current City of Alameda business license. J. REJECTION OR RETURN OF PROPOSALS. Proposals may be rejected if they show any alterations of form, additions not called for, conditional or alternative bids, uncompleted bids, erasures or irregularities of any kind. The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals. The City reserves the right to return bids unopened. K. AWARD OF CONTRACT. The award of contract, if it is to be awarded, will be to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest and best bid and whose proposal complies with all requirements described. The award, if made, will be made within sixty (60) days after the opening of the bids. All bids will be compared on the basis of the Engineer's estimate of quantities of work to be done. This contract may be mutually extended on a year -by -year basis, for up to four (4) additional years, based on satisfactory performance of all aspects of this contract. The Public Works Director shall, on or before April 1, submit written notice that the contract is to be extended at the same terms and costs (plus an annual increase to consumer price index for the San Francisco Bay Area appropriate to the trades associated with the work for the previous calendar year) as the existing contract. e s L. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. The contract, in form and content satisfactory to the City, 1 shall be executed by the successful bidder and returned, together with the contract bonds and s compensation and public liability policies or certificates, within two (2) days, not including Sundays f and legal holidays, after the Bidder has received notice that the contract has been awarded. No 1 proposal shall be considered binding upon the City until the execution of the contract. 1 In order to assure that the contractor has adequate time to obtain the relevant bonds and insurances, the apparent low bidder will be notified about the intent to award one week prior to award of contract by the City Council. Failure to execute a contract and file acceptable bonds as provided herein within two (2) days, not including Sundays and legal holidays, after the Bidder has received notice that the contract has been awarded, shall be just cause for the annulment of the award and the forfeiture guaranty. ure of the BAYPORT ALAMEDA COMMUNITY BUILDING AND PARK Category I Page # 7 of 46 - Bid Issue 2/1/06 1 1 § 2.02[D] CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION LAW [D] Submission of Bids Under competitive bidding rules, regardless of whether prequalification is used, the bid or price proposal must be delivered, under seal, on time, to the exact location listed in the bid package. Under most statutory, code, and charter pro- visions, the public entity cannot receive or consider any late bids.55 [1] Security Most bids for public works contracts must include bid security, either in the form of cash, cashier's check, certified check, or a bid bond issued by an ap- proved surety in the amount of 10 percent of the bid.56 The bond guarantees that the bidder will sign the contract for the amount stated in its bid. Failure to pro- vide bid security may result in rejection of the bid for nonresponsiveness. [2] Subcontractor Listing Law The Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act (the "Act ") requires prime contractors to designate, in their bids, the names and addresses of each subcontractor who will perform work the value of which exceeds one -half of 1 percent of the prime contractor's total bid or, in the cases of construction of streets/highways and bridges, work the value of which exceeds one -half of 1 per- cent of the total bid or $10,000, whichever is greater. The Act is designed to pre- vent bid shopping and bid peddling that take place after award of the prime contract. In implementing the Act, a variety of local agencies have required prime contractors to provide additional information at the time of bid, not expressly required by the statute. Such information includes the subcontractor's address, telephone and fax number(s), contact person, license number, license expiration date, etc. The detailed bid information required by the Act, coupled with the com- mon practice of local agencies to require additional detailed information about subcontractors, often creates confusion at the hectic bid deadline. Not surpris- ingly, the statutory and local agency requirements have fueled countless bid protests over the years.57 In response to increasingly complicated local requirements and case law, California Public Contract Code § 4104 was amended in 1998 to provide that a public entity, at its option, may permit any subcontractor information, other than the name and location of the business, to be submitted up to 24 hours after the deadline for bids.58 If the public entity makes a material change in the bid spec- ifications (i.e., a change with substantial cost impact) less than 72 hours before 5' See, e.g., Cal. Pub. Cont. Code §§ 10167, 10168. 56 See, e.g., id. §§ 10167, 20129. 57 See, e.g., MCM Constr., Inc. v. City & County of S.F., 66 Cal. App. 4th 359 (1998), req. for depublication denied; Valley Crest Landscape, Inc. v. City Council, 41 Cal. App. 4th 1432 (1996); Ghilotti Constr. Co. v. City of Richmond, 45 Cal. App. 4th 897 (1996). 5s See Cal. Pub. Cont. Code § 4104(a)(2)(A). 82 BID the the trac sub: on g enti recei conti obj must five pros subc 59 60 61 62 a 414 A BIDDING PRIVATE AND PUBLIC WORK § 2.02[D] the bid deadline, the deadline must be extended to no less than 72 hours from the original or current approved deadline for bid submitta1.59 The prime con- tractor whose bid is accepted by the public entity is ordinarily prohibited from substituting any person or entity as a subcontractor in place of those listed in its original bid. However, there are eight specific instances in which the awarding entity may consent to the substitution of a subcontractor: (1) (2) (3) when the subcontractor listed in the bid, after having had a reasonable opportunity to do so, fails or refuses to execute a written contract, when that written contract, based upon the general terms, conditions, plans and specifications for the project involved or the terms of that subcontractor's written bid, is presented to the subcontractor by the prime contractor; when the listed subcontractor becomes bankrupt or insolvent; when the listed subcontractor fails or refuses to perform his or her sub- contract; (4) when the listed subcontractor fails or refuses to meet the bond require- ments of the prime contractor as set forth in section 4108; when the subcontractor was listed as the result of an inadvertent cleri- cal error; (6) when the listed subcontractor is not licensed pursuant to the Contrac- tor's License law; when the awarding authority, or its duly authorized officer, determines that the work performed by the listed subcontractor is substantially unsatisfactory and not in substantial accordance with the plans and specifications, or that the subcontractor is substantially delaying or dis- rupting the progress of the work; and when the listed subcontractor is ineligible to work on public works proj- ects pursuant to § 1777.1 or 1777.7 of the Labor Code (dealing with subcontractors who have defrauded their apprentices with respect to wages).6° (5) (7) (8) If such a substitution is proposed, the listed subcontractor is entitled to receive notice of the requested substitution and the reasons for it. If the listed sub- contractor objects to the substitution, it has five working days to submit written objections. Failure to file written objections shall constitute the listed subcon- tractor's consent to the substitution. If written objections are filed, the authority must hold a hearing and provide the listed subcontractor written notice at least five working days prior to the hearing.61 The courts have identified an implied procedure requiring the agency not only to consent to substitution of the listed subcontractor but also to approve the replacement subcontractor.62 S9 See id. § 4104.5. GO Id. § 4107(a)(1) —(8). G! Id. § 4107(a). 62 E. F. Brady Co. v. M. H. Golden Co., 58 Cal. App. 4th 182 (1997). 83 § 2.02[D] CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION LAW If a prime contractor asserts a claim of inadvertent clerical error, it must give, within two days after the bid opening, written notice of its claim to the awarding public entity, with copies to the subcontractor involved. Courts have permitted contractors to substantially comply with the notice by alternate means.63 The subcontractor then has six working days from the opening of the prime bids within which to submit to the awarding public entity any written objection to the prime contractor's claim of clerical error.64 In Cal -Air Conditioning, Inc. v. M.P. Allen General Contractors,65 the court of appeal applied the doctrine of sub- stantial compliance to a prime contractor's obligation, under California Public Contract Code § 4107.5, to provide written notice to a subcontractor of the prime contractor's claim of inadvertent clerical error in listing that subcontractor in a successful bid on a public works project. A listed subcontractor has a cause of action against the prime contractor for any damages (including lost profits) resulting when the prime contractor unlawfully substitutes a subcontractor.66 Moreover, an illegally substituted subcontract is itself unenforceable. Thus, a prime contractor who has unlawfully substituted a subcontractor may not there- after file suit against the substituted subcontractor.67 Any failure to specify a subcontractor will be interpreted to indicate the prime contractor's intent to perform the work with its own forces.68 A prime con- tractor does not breach the statute and is not required to request permission from the awarding agency to perform work itself when a listed subcontractor refuses to perform the work after having a reasonable opportunity to do so.69 If a bidding prime contractor fails to comply with the subcontractor listing law, the awarding public entity may either cancel its contract or assess a monetary penalty not exceeding 10 percent of the subcontract price.70 Moreover, any violation of the subcontractor listing law may be cause for disciplinary action by the Contractors State License Board.71 [3] Non - collusion Affidavit Each public works contract must include a non - collusion affidavit signed and submitted with the bid swearing, among other things, that the bid is not made on behalf of any undisclosed person, that the bid is not collusive or sham, that the bidder has not solicited or conspired with any other bidder to submit a false 63 Cal -Air Conditioning, Inc. v. Auburn Union Sch. Dist., 21 Cal. App. 4th 65 (1993). 64 Cal. Pub. Cont. Code § 4107.5. 65 21 Cal. App. 4th 655 (1993). 66 See Southern Cal. Acoustics Co. v. C.V. Holder, Inc., 71 Cal. 2d 719 (1969); Coast Pump Ass'n v. Stephen Tyler Corp., 62 Cal. App. 3d 421 (1976); C.L. Smith Co. v. Roger Ducharme, Inc., 65 Cal. App. 3d 735 (1977); Interior Sys., Inc. v. Del E. Webb Corp., 121 Cal. App. 3d 312 (1981). 67 See Kiely Corp. v. H.C. Gibson, 231 Cal. App. 2d 39 (1964). 68 See Cal. Pub. Cont. Code § 4106. 69W. J. Lewis Corp. v. Harper Constr. Co., 116 Cal. App. 3d 27 (1981). 70 See Cal. Pub. Cont. Code § 4111. 71 See id. § 4107. 84 BID bid ing tame in m4 ment disad subm [E] .1 lic ent a bid passed contra( A have be Histori, becaust the groi of resci. to be re 2. 3. 4. 72 Cal. Pt 73 See, e.l 74 Id. § 5 75 M. F. IC v. Kastorf, 5. 76 Cal. Pu ent by : UOUULANU LIi ON6 I .1N; 2U9tiiit)Ub4 ; tIVAT a/ 4.14U 111 V111 vr muintum (4) Apr-d-uo 12:4drIVI; NiX NU, 510 749 580a. The teaming applies to "Section XVI, BIDDER'S PROPOSAL • Attached is the revised Bidder's Proposal, which supercodes outtroly REMIT BIDDERS PROPOSAL FORA pages 19 through 22 or 67. Bidders are to attached Revised Bidder's Proposal (�r their Bid. Do agt use Bidder's Proposal Winded in the Preect 0 Face /f19 P;*08 Reocipt is hereby acknowledged of 4 ol dated Feb 20, 2006, Addend401140. 2 dated Feb 22, 2006, Addendum No. 3 dated Fc .17 006, and Addendum No. 4 dated- el, 24. 2006 No for the Bayport Alameda Corm:amity Building and Park Project. 5 M '415c.A.,g41 By sipting below, it is hereby acknowledged that all subcontraciots and •SOPpliezcs acknowledged receipt of the entire bid package including drawings, specifications? . aad ali addenda. It is the bidder's responsibility to asame that all drawings, specifications, . have been received whether reviewed in segments or in total and/or if viewed electronically at the City's website, in hard copy form, or by any other means. ‘esrl' fiew Company Name/Contractor By: Date: 3ierg° 41111"Aimilio. NOTE: TiUS SHEET ADDENDUP4 RECIEPT CONFIRMATION r MUST -DE SIGNED, DATED, MUST BE RETURNED WITh YOUR RID. • . Attachments cc: City Cklic B o o m C o g e n o n l t y B u l i d i r s o a t P C 0 Alanders 144A, %* b24 21164 Page 13 all. • : • • • •■ 1 (f T befit by: UUUULAIVU L/b UUIVbI .1Nl,j CV�tldUU3U4� March 3, 2006 TO All Bidders FROM LPA, Inc. PROJECT Bayport Alameda Communit Alameda Unified School Districct Tiding &Park PROJECT NO. 23042 72 £ SA NO. 01- 107709 FILE NO, 1 -1 SUBJECT Addendum No. 5 This Addendum forms a part of the Contract and modifies the original bidding documents dated 02 FebrWary . 2006. It Is intended that ail work affected by the following modifications shall conform to related provisions and General Conditions of the Contract of the original drawings and specifications. Modify the following !terns wherever appearing in any drawings or sections of the specifications; all Other items shall remain the' same. Contractor must acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provide on the Bid Form. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.. In case of any conflict between Drawings, Project Manual, and this Addendum, this Addendum shall govern. PROJECT MANIA SECTION 02730— Replace entire section SECTION 02881 A. ADD Specification "Playground Equipment and Structures" DRAWINGS Sheet L2.1 Detail 11 Refer to SKL -9 for addition of manufacturer and model number, ALIA,mgui landicapeArak. stlytal $ketch SKL -9 END OF ADDENDUM NO. 4 Pt,r1(1 \ /.\) o - '`- - -'il •+:120031E3042721FIle ]8- AcidendalAddenda Rau OE NOVM NO 5.dQt Ales (pcc:4100 -4114) subcontractor under this act. The prime contractor shall list only one subcontractor for each portion as is defined by the prime contractor in his or her bid. 4104.5. (a) The officer, department, board, or commission taking bids for construction of any public work or improvement shall specify in the bid invitation and public notice the place the bids of the prime contractors are to be received and the time by which they shall be received. The date and time shall be extended by no less than 72 hours if the officer, department, board, or commission issues any material changes, additions, or deletions to the invitation later than 72 hours prior to the bid closing. Any bids received after the time specified in the notice or any extension due to material changes shall be returned unopened. (b) As used in this section, the term "material change" means a change with a substantial cost impact on the total bid as determined by the awarding agency. (c) As used in this section, the term "bid invitation" shall include any documents issued to prime contractors that contain descriptions of the work to be bid or the content, form, or manner of submission of bids by bidders. 4105. Circumvention by a general contractor who bids as a prime contractor of the requirement under Section 4104 for him or her to list his or her subcontractors, by the device of listing another contractor who will in turn sublet portions constituting the majority of the work covered by the prime contract, shall be considered a violation of this chapter and shall subject that prime contractor to the penalties set forth in Sections 4110 and 4111. 4106. If a prime contractor fails to specify a subcontractor or if a prime contractor specifies more than one subcontractor for the same portion of work to be performed under the contract in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the prime contractor's total bid, the prime contractor agrees that he or she is fully qualified to perform that portion himself or herself, and that the prime contractor shall perform that portion himself or herself. If after award of contract, the prime contractor subcontracts, except as provided for in Sections 4107 or 4109, any such portion of the work, the prime contractor shall be subject to the penalties named in Section 4111. 4107. A prime contractor whose bid is accepted may not: (a) Substitute a person as subcontractor in place of the subcontractor listed in the original bid, except that the awarding authority, or its duly authorized officer, may, except as otherwise provided in Section 4107.5, consent to the substitution of another person as a subcontractor in any of the following situations: (1) When the subcontractor listed in the bid, after having had a reasonable opportunity to do so, fails or refuses to execute a written contract for the scope of work specified in the subcontractor' s bid and at the price specified in the subcontractor's bid, when that written contract, based upon the general terms, conditions, Page 2 of 6 file: / /A: \CA Codes (pcc4100- 4114), Pub Contract Act.htm 3/24/2006 G V..Ua]J JJJY , G0OdL4IID Landscape Construction, Inc. N'JI - - t./ I . J'f IYI F t1 ye 1 EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES GoodLanD Landscape Construction, Inc. has a vast experience in Site Development and Landscape Construction for Commercial, Industrial, and Residential Projects, working as both General Contractor, and Subcontractor. Our Construction Experience includes Public Works Projects, such as Community Parks, Sports Fields, and School Athletic Fields. The following is a list of various completed projects_ PRQJECT ,A TORY Project Name: Woodward Park Owner: City of Manteca Representative: Jim Podesta (209) 239 -8462 Contract Amount: $3,275,000.00 Scope of-Work: Construction of 22 acre Park, Concrete, Irrigation, Landscape, Site Furnishings, Electrical, Asphalt and Underground Utilities, Project Name: Burberry Park Owner: City of Sacramento Representative: Roy Tatman (916) 808 -5326 Contract Amount: $ 1,120,000.00 Scope of Work: Construction of New Park, Concrete, Irrigation, Landscape, Site Furnishings, Electrical, Asphalt, and Underground Utilities. Project Name: Freedom Soccer Fields Owner: City of Oakley Representative' Nancy Kaiser (925) 625 -7030 Contract Amount: $ 807,500.00 Scope of Work: Construction of Soccer Fields, Irrigation, Fencing, Landscape_ Project Name: Detention Basin #5- 2OAcre Sodded Soccer Fields Owner: City of Tracy Representative: Paul Verma (209) 831 -4460 Contract Amount: $1,400,000.00 Scope of Work: Construction of Sodded Soccer Fields, Irrigation, Fencing, Landscape, Top Soil Import, Parking Lot Construction. Project Name: Garrigan Park Owner: City of Stockton Representative: Victor Macltaco (209) 937 -8899 Tel: 209.835.4959 Fax: 209.835.9554 • 1047 8. Tracy Blvd. Tracy, CA 95376 ucn uy. . UUVULniry cvou uv U,J.J -r, rip? Y VlJ L. • V 11 m, I aljG u/ U Project Name: Walden Park, Phase 1 and Phase 11 Owner City of Walnut Creek Representative: Joe Sadiri, Senior Engineer, (925) 943 -5834 Contract Amount: $ 467,253,00, and $ 330,000.00 respectively Scope of Work: Construction ofNew Community Park including a RestrooriBuilding, Site Furnishings, Children Play Areas, and Landscape Improvements Landscape Anhftects; Callendar & Associates Contact: Ben Woodside Phone #: (916) 631 -1312 Rose Associates Contact: Don Rose Phone #: (925) 945 -1112 Royston, Hanamoto, Alley, & Abbey Contact: James angles Phone #: (415) 383 -7900 City Agencies City of Walnut Creek Contact: Joe Sadri Phone #: (925) 943 -5834 City of Pleasanton Contact: Mike Afford Phone #: (925) 931 -5672 City of Union City Contact: Phil Sachs Phone #: (510) 675 -535:5 Standard Pacific of Northern California Contact: Clay Adams (925) 847 -8700 REFERENCES Callendar Associates Contract: Shawn Sekppi Phone #: (650) 3754313 Thomas Bank Associates Contact: Tom .Baak Phone #: (925) 933 -25. The Beals Group Contact: Devin Conway, P.E. Phone #: (408) 2874202 City of Tracy Contact: Paul Verna Phone #: (209) 831 -4460 City of Manteca Contact: Jim Podesta. (209) 239 -8462 City of Stockton Contact: Victor Machado: Phone # (209) 937 4899 Bright Development Contact: Brian Sarantos (209) 571-9451 Pedestrian/Bicycle Pathways with Lights, Scorekeepers ..: reice�epers Boettr, and Improvements_ Project Name: Arroyo Park Owner city of Union City Representative: Phil Sachs, Superintended Public Works, (510) 675-5355.: . Contract Amount: $ 202,500.00 Scpro ts, : Construction ofNew Community Park with Play A a Project Name: Oakland Museum Renovation, Phase 1L Owe': City of Oakland Representative: Al Bunyi, (510) 238 -1279 Contract Amount: $ 633,000.00 Scope of Work: Tree Demolition, Metal Trellis, and Landscape Ira n Pte:: Project Name: Ygnstelo Valley Road Soundwslt — The Living Waif Owner: City of Walnut Creek Representative: Gary Gullen, (925) 943-5834 Contract Amount: $ 600,000.00 Scope of Work: Construction of a New Living Retaining Wall with Conerete, . n Fencing and Landscape Improvements. Project Name: Old A1varade/C Chaves PM* Owner: City of Union City Representative: Phil Sachs, Supc ntendent, Public Works, (510) 675 -5355 Contract Amount: $ 270,340.00 Scope of Work: Cron of a New Community Park with Site Furnishinga d Landscape 'ova d Project Name: Arholado Pub Owner: City of %hint Creek Representative: Joe Satlri, Senior Engineer, (925) 943 -5834 Contract Amount: $ 353,000.00 Scope of Work: Conitruction of a New Community Park with Play AreakS4 Furnishings, and Landscape Improvements. Project Name: Pleyground. Renovation, Three Parks Owner: City of Walnut Creek Representative: Reza Mohanmredy, Engineer, (925) 943 -5834 Contract Amount: $ 489,807.00 Scope of Work: Renovation of Existing Parks with Children Play Areas, SitePtirm islumgs, Landscape Improvements. Project Name: Valuer 'Tralb Park Renovation Owner. City of Pleasanton Representative: Mike Fulford, Landscape Architect, (925) 931 -5672 Contract Amount: $ 489,500.00 Scope of Work: Renovation of an Existing Park bent by. UUUUL,-\wu L/O uU1401.114.,, Project Name: Mee Valley Park, Phase I Owner: City of Walnut Creek Representative: Chris Erdle, (925) 943 -5834 Contract Amount: $ 659,436.00 Scope of Work: Renovation and New Construction of a Community Park with extensive Boulder Relocation work, in order to construct new Park Features, Children Play Areas, Picnic Areas and Landscape hnprovements. Project Nance: Owens Park Owner: City of Pleasanton Representative: Mike Fulford, Landscape Architect, (925) 931- 5672 Contract Amount: $ 539,337.00 Scope of Work: Construction of a New 3 Acre Community Park with Craze*v ;. Play Areas, Picnic Areas, Multi- Purpose Grass Sports Field, and Landscape lrovements. Project Name: Credraide Park Owner: City of Pleasanton Representative: Mike Fulford, Landscape Architect, (925) 931 -5672 Contract Amount: $ 1,057,000,00 Scope of Work: Construction of a New 6 Acre Community Park with Restioorn ilding, Children Play Areas, Basketball Court, Play Wall, Multi- Purpose Grass Spdrts Field, Pedestrian Pathway Lighting, Concrete with Metal Arbor Structures, and Landseitpe Improvements. Project Name: Bancroft Median 1mpravements, Phase 1f Owner City of Oakland Representative: Danny Lau, Project Manager, (510) 238 -7211 Contract Arnount: $1,231,060.00 Scope of Work: Renovation of Existing Median Islands with New MasoiuyPaving, Pedestrian Ling and Landscape Improvements. Project Name: Ddb Commnnity College Owner: Delta Community College, Stockton Representative: Dan Watts, (209) 954 -5580 Contract Amount: $ 290,000,00 Scope of Work: Construction of New Sand Based Soccer, Football and Baseball Fields and Landscape Improvements Project Name: Highland Park Phase 11 Owner: City of San Carlos Representative: Bob Eppler, .Project Manager, (650) 802 -4397 Contract Amount: $ 626,222.00 Scope of Work: Renovation of Existing Soccer Fields, and Landscape Impto ements. Project Nanne:.Bayside Park, Phase 1 Owner: City ofiitu1ingame Representative: Frank Erbacher, PE, Assistant Director of Public Works, -(650) 558 -7230 Contract Amount: $ 1,816,339.00 Scope of Work: Construction ofNew Community Park including completion of (I) Sand Baseball Field with Sports Field Lights and Bermuda Sod, Dog Park Area, .. Jerti by; UVVULHIVU L/b I' I .IN GVJU UJ.ii JJT � Area. Sports Field Lighting and Landscape Improvements_ Project Name; Tracy Sports Park Owner_ City of Tracy Client Standard Pacific of Northern California Representative: Norm Soares, Project Manager (925) 847 -8700 Contract Amount: $ 3,538,187.00 Scope of Work: Construction of a New 20 Acre Sports Park with (4) Softball-Fields, (4) Sorer Fields, RestrooJIConcian Building, Maintenance Building, try Areas, Sports Field Lighting, and Landscape Improvements Project Name: Santa Clara High School Athletic Field Improveulent.. Owner: Santa Clara Unified School District Representative: Larry Adams, (408) 983 -2055 Contract Amount: $ 3,369,000.00 Scope of Work: Complete Renovation of Existing Athletic Fields, includhlga Sand .Base Football/Soccer Field with Special Sand Channel Drainage SystenisentOtrinede Sod, Girls Softball Field with Special Infield Mix and Drainage, Boys Bathe Field with Special Meld Mix and Drainage, Tennis Courts, Play Courts for Volleyball: kW Basketball, New All- Weather Running Track, Track and Field Elements; andLandscape Improvements. Project Name: Emerald Glen Park Owner. City of Dublin Representative: Don Salina, City of Dublin (925) 833 -6630 Contract Amount: $ 4,011,000.00 Scope of Work: Construction of a New 17 acre Community Park with (3)*Oleball Fields, (1) Soccer Field, (4) Tennis Courts, Basketball Courts, Skateboatd Nrk, Children's Water Play Area, .Restroom/Concessivn i dir Scorekeeper's Booths, Artificial Rock Play Area, and Landscape Improvements. Project Name: Muirfield Neighborhood Park Owner: City of Tracy Representative: John Best, Assistant City Engineer, (209) 831 -4450 Contract Amount: $ 873,238.70 Scope of Work: Construction of a New 6 Acre Community Park with a *air Play Area Basketball/Roller Hockey Court, Play Area, Concrete and Wood Arbor Pia& Structures, Multi - Purpose Grass Sports Field, and Landscape Improvements. Project Nance: Katzakian Park Improvements Owner: City of Lodi Representative: Wes Fujitani, Senior Civil Engineer (209) 333..4706 Contract Amount: $ 553,590.00 Scope of Work: Construction of a New 5 Acre Community Park with Rte: Court, Parking Lot, Pedestrian Lighting, Multi- Purpose Grass Sports Field, Rettrociin Building, Shade Structure, Picnic and Play Area, and Landscape .Improvements_ • sent !3y: ODUULANU L/6 UUNSI.iNU; CU�OJ:I�J:I•+, Contract Amount: $850,000.00 Scope of Work: Construction of a New Park, Landscape, Irrigation, Electrical, Skate Park, Site Furnishings, Concrete, Shade Structures and Miscellaneous Items. Project Name: Galli Family Park Owner: City of Tracy Representative: Paul Verma (209) 831 -4460 Contract Amount: $ 965,000.00 Scope of Work: Construction of a New Park, Landscape, irrigation, El cal, Restroom Binding, Site Furnishings, Concrete, and Miscellaneous Items. Project Name: Matt Equooia Park Owner: City of Stockton Representative: Victor Machado (209) 937 -8899 Contract Amount: $1,068,000.00 Scope of Work: Construction of a New Park, Landscape, irrigation, Ete t iea#, Restroom Building, Site Furnishings, Concrete and Miscellaneous Items. Project Name: Ustack Park Owner: City of Modesto Representative: Robert Snell (209) 577 -5452 Contract Amount: $1,038,900.00 Scope of Work: Construction of New Park, Landscape, Irrigation, Elm, Restroom Building, Concrete, Site Furnishings, and Miscellaneous Items Project Name: Cochran baton Parkway Owner: Southgate Park and Recreation Department Representative: Judy Robinson (916) 428-1171 Contract Amount: $1,250,000.00 Scope of Work: Construction of New Park, and Extension of Parkway, 'Landscape Irrigation, Drainage, Electrical, Site Furnishings, Concrete, etc. Project Name: Hawkins Park Owner: Elk Grove Community Park & Recreation Representative: Phil Hoffingshead (916) 685.3917 Contract Amount: $ 454,000.00 Scope of Work: Construction of 5 Acre Park with Play Equipment, Siteshings, Concrete, Electrical, Landscape and irrigation Project Name: Castlerock Field Restoration Owner: City of Walnut Creek Representative: Paul Causey (925) 778.4040 Contract Amount; $ 785,000.00 Scope of Work: Construction of a New Baseball Fields. Project Name: Nebon Park Owner: City of Stockton Representative: Kleinfelder & Associates -John Donat (209) 948 -1345 Contract Amount: $ 1,485,000.00 Scope of Work: Construction of a New 12 Acre Park with Restroom Building, Play uy • LA.11,1,1 1 .LIL 4L-1 0 L3 1111-i711-111111111101111111.111111111.1111111111111.11111.111.■11111- DC. C.15.2005 2:29PM CITY OF MODESTO ENGINEERING The Bidder sballiiiit the Anne ard address of each subcontractor to %A:m=4m aid40 rope= 'to subconreact potions of the work, as required bY the Provisions in "RoOotti Listing othoposed Subcoistmgtors". in Section 2.1.054 of the State Standard Specifications and Section 2-1.01 "Omani° of the Special Provisions. LIST OF SUBC°14TRACT°115 1 Apr-o-uo o:imm; rage I; P 10 OF P0111 IWO)* CM.VetrOtelL Rugratrerigfird 20.buiv est _ • - ctiaity*mat L%rti/mitook _ • CoLla Va4v.a. 7) IdatAi 1:par. Ve gsticarkant, Pf-7. . .... ....... , , • • „ . § 2.02[F] CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION LAW Failure to comply with the notice requirements constitutes a sufficient ground, standing alone, to deny relief to a bidder.77 Although a bidder may not change its bid, if the agency refuses to allow the contractor to withdraw its bid, the contractor must perform the work at the price bid or forfeit its bid security. If the contractor accepts award of the contract in spite of a mistake in its bid, it may not thereafter seek to rescind or reform the contract.78 The contractor may file suit against the public agency to recover the amount of any forfeited security, without interest or costs, within 90 days after the open- ing of the bid. Actual forfeiture is not a prerequisite to filing suit.79 If the bidder fails to recover judgment, it must pay all costs incurred by the public agency in the suit, including attorneys' fees.80 [F] Evaluation of Bids In order to provide all qualified bidders with a fair opportunity to enter the bidding process, public agencies utilize standard forms, receive sealed bids within a published deadline, and refrain from ex parte or private communications with bidders. To maintain fairness during the evaluation process, bids must be rejected if they are not responsive to the invitation and specifications or if a bid- der is not responsible to perform the work. An awarding agency has a high degree of discretion in determining the responsiveness of a bid or the responsibility of a bidder. Moreover, the awarding agency always has the discretion to reject all bids and readvertise or to abandon the project.81 Practical considerations, such as delay to the project and the cost of rebidding, may be among the many fac- tors considered in determining whether to reject all bids and rebid the project. VI] Bid Responsiveness To be responsive, a bid must conform to the material terms of the bid pack - age.82 Usually, whether a bid is responsive can be determined from the face of the bid without outside investigation or information.83 Properly worded perfor- mance specifications, however, permit the agency to exercise discretion in deter- mining whether a bid meets the specifications. An agency may require the bidder to demonstrate proposed systems or submit additional information in order to determine whether the bid meets the specifications.84 A bid that varies materially 77 See A &A Elec., Inc. v. City of King, 54 Cal. App. 3d 457 (1976). 78 See Lemorge Elec. v. County of San Mateo, 46 Cal. 2d 659 (1956). 79 Ballret Bros. Constr. v. Regents of the Univ. of Cal., 80 Cal. App. 3d 321 (1978). 80 Cal. Pub. Cont. Code §§ 5101, 5102. 81 Charles L. Harney, Inc. v. Durkee, 107 Cal. App. 2d 803 (1962). 82 Menefee v. County of Fresno, 163 Cal. App. 3d 1175 (1985); Southern Check Exch. v. San Diego, 5 Cal. App. 3d 81 (1970). 83 MCM Constr., Inc. v. City & County of S.F., 66 Cal. App. 4th 359 (1998), req. for depubli- cation denied. 84 See, e.g., National Identification Sys., Inc. v. State Bd. of Control, 11 Cal. App. 4th 1446 (1992). 86 • I WilliftlioNLIpted BIDDING PRIVATE AND PUBLIC WORK § 2.02[E] bid or refrain from bidding, that the bidder has made no agreements for price fix- ing or payment of fees in connection with the bid, and that all statements con- tained in the bid are true.72 [4] Affirmative Action Forms If the project is subject to one of the affirmative action programs discussed in more detail in § 2.02[F][3], bidders will be required to submit certain docu- mentation relating to participation levels of and good -faith outreach efforts to disadvantaged business enterprises or other designated classifications. Failure to submit the required documents will render a bid nonresponsive. [E] Bid Withdrawal and Mistake A bidder may withdraw its bid upon written request submitted to the pub- lic entity before the deadline for bid submissions. A bidder who has withdrawn a bid may submit a new bid if the bid submission deadline has not already passed.73 Once the bid is submitted, the bidder has made a binding offer for the contract work, which the public entity can accept upon bid opening. A bidder who discovers that it has made a mistake in its bid after the bids have been opened may seek relief from its mistake under certain circumstances.74 Historically, the only remedy available to a contractor seeking to withdraw a bid because of a mistake was to sue for rescission.75 In 1 97 1 the legislature codified the grounds for obtaining relief for mistakes in bids and eliminated the remedy of rescission for agencies bound by the California Public Contract Code. In order to be relieved from its bid, the bidder must establish: 1. a mistake was made; 2. the contractor gave the public entity written notice of the mistake within five days after the opening bids, specifying in the notice in detail how the mistake occurred; 3. the mistake made the bid materially different than the bidder intended it to be; and 4. the mistake was made in filling out the bid and not due to error in judg- ment or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the work, or in read- ing the plans or specifications.76 72 Cal. Pub. Cont. Code § 7106. 73 See, e.g., Cal. Pub. Cont. Code § 10167. 74 Id. § 5101. 75 M. F. Kemper Constr. Co. v. City of L.A., 37 Cal. 2d 696 (1951); Elsinore Union Sch. Dist. v. Kastorf, 54 Cal. 2d 380 (1960). 76 Cal. Pub. Cont. Code § 5103. 85