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2006-05-30 Power Point
City of Alameda Budget Overview 2006 -2008 G TY OF\ 'L O�F•0,2 • /1TC/ Agenda I. Financial Overview II. 2005 -2006 Accomplishments III. 2006 -2008 Total Budget IV. 2006 -2008 General Fund Overview V. 2006 -2008 Capital Improvement Program VI. Opportunities and Challenges VII. Issue Bin Review 1 State Budget Impacts Millions 60 50 40 301 20 10'. 0 1992/93- 2002/031992/93- 2003/04 1992/93 - 2004105 1992/93 - 2005/06 • ERAF Shift Gen Fund • ERAF Shift Redevelopment 0 Other Net 'Take Aways' 14 Year Cumulative Impact - $69.5 Million 2 Budget Stabilization Factors Proposition IA Restructuring of Retirement System State Economy 3 Redevelopment of Former Navy Property Bayport Project > Residential project with 437 single family market rate homes, 58 affordable townhomes, and 52 units of affordable rental housing — final phase complete June 2008 > New community park — Summer 2006 > New Ruby Bridges Elementary School — Sept. 2006 4 Alameda Landing Mixed use development with - 300 housing units (75 affordable units) - 300,000 square foot retail center - 400,000 square foot office complex Next Steps: Public Hearings in Summer and Fall 2006 Alameda Point Preliminary Design Concept for 700 -acre portion accepted on February 1, 2006 Negotiations with Navy for conveyance continue 5 Infrastructure Improvements Total of $4.9 million in additional appropriations for capital improvements Sidewalk improvements - $1.4 million Street resurfacing - $2.8 million Fire Station No. 3 acquisition - $400,000 Recreation field improvements - $300,000 Park Street Streetscape Improvements Streetscape redesign with historic street lights, sidewalk improvements, street furniture and trees $1.5 million of City and $1 million in Transit Funds Completion ceremony - November 2005 $700,000 Grant for 2006 -2007 6 Webster Streetscape Improvements New streetlights, landscaping, street furniture and transit plazas $2 million of City funds $1 million in Transit Funds Completion celebration November 4, 2005 Facilities Improvements Mastick Senior Center Fire Alarm System Veterans' Building Teen Center Floor Replacement 7 Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Improvements In- Pavement Crosswalk Lights Safe Route to School Crossings Pole Mounted. Radar Speed Monitors Spartina Eradication Project Bay Farm Island Seawall Repair 8 Park Improvements Upgrades to three parks and playground structures .wee... Leydecker Park Franklin Park Ensure City's Economic Health Peet's Coffee - relocation of 134,000 sq. ft. roasting facility to Waterfront at Harbor Bay Business Park Generates 80 -100 jobs Groundbreaking May 2006, Opening January 2007 9 Ettore — Opened February 2006 89,000 Square Foot Facility Approximately 80 employees Ensure City's Economic Health Bridgeside Shopping Center - 104,000 square feet of retail with Nob Hill Market as primary tenant Groundbreaking November 14, 2005, completion scheduled for Fall 2006 10 Ensure City's Economic Health Doumitt Shoes opened December 2005 Robeks Juice opened April 2006 Youth and Teen Programs Shuttle Service — Bay Farm Island to. Teen Center and Alameda Point Fitness Programs — Alameda Point Gym Expansion of After- School Programs 11 Senior Programs Expansion of programs for seniors- ar 4 increased physically challenging activities and expanded travel opportunities. _— — Safety Service Operation Enhancements Instituted ASSET Team Expanded School Resource Officer Program to middle schools 12 Safety Service Operation Enhancements Live -fire simulator trailer Upgraded medical response team equipment, including heart monitoring equipment and new ambulance Ferry Service • MTC funding requires 40 percent operating costs to be generated by fares • Campaign to increase Harbor Bay ridership began July 2005 • Harbor Bay Farebox recovery at 46.5 percent for 9 months 13 Alameda Power and Telecom • 85% of power used by AP&T is generated from renewable resources • In April the telecommunications subscriber count reached 16,000 Internal Systems Improvements Installed new Fire Records Management System System improvements to purchasing and managed vehicle replacement processes. 14 Internal Systems Improvements Implementation of "Alameda Access" Cable studio system upgrade Streaming video capabilities Alameda Access CIrline 1stctnPt Sercii P _'Fiit.PY Alameda. Film Commission Established an eleven- member panel to work for the advancement of economic development by encouraging film and video production in Alameda 15 ,TY Or 0 1 O 'ORATO/ City of Alameda 2006 -2008 Total Budget Total Budget Appropriations $305 Million Capital Improvement 6% Enterprise ARRA 5% 4% General Fund 25% Other Funds - 11% Housing Authority 9% CIC 18% `AP &T 22% Community Improvement Commission Budget $Millions 70 50 30 10 -10 $56.7 $54.0 ' $16.9 FY 07 FY08 • Revenue • Expense Community Improvement Commission Budget Assumptions Tax Increment increases of 2 -3% Bond Proceeds for Historic Theater Project in 2006 -2007 Commercial Rehabilitation PSBA, WABA Allocation 2 "d Year Retail Recruitment Amend Redevelopment Plans $ 200,000 $ 90,000 $ 30,000 $ 50,000 17 City of Alameda 2006 -2008 General Fund Overview 2006 - 2007 General Fund Revenue Sources General Fund Revenue Sources FY 2OO6 -2007- $ 77 %4 M Revenue from Other Agencies 9% Fines and Forfeitures 1% Current Sery ices 9% Cont. from other funds 9% Equipment Replacement Depr. 1% Use of Money & Property 2% Licenses and Permits 6% Other Taxes 36% Property Taxes 27% General Fund Top Five Revenue Sources $45. 7M Sales Tax $4,716,314 Property Transfer Tax $5,582,504 Motor Vehicle in Lieu $6,323,003 Property Tax $20,883,496 Utility Users i Tax 1 $8,177,170 19 Millions 30 General Fund Revenue Property Tax History 1979 1984 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 General Fund Revenue Motor Vehicle In -Lieu Fee History Millions 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 - 2 1 - J $6 3 $6.71 1$3.9 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 20 General Fund Revenue Sales Tax History Millions 10 8 H$6.7 6 4 2 0 1999 2001 2003 2005 $5.5 $5.3 $5.4 2007 2006 - 2007 General Fund Appropriations 21 • City Council o City Clerk • Info Tech • City Atty • City Mgr • HR • Finance General Fuml Appropriations FY2006- 2007 - $7&6M Planning & Building 5% ec & Parks Public Safety 1079182 Pension 4% Police 30% Other 10% Public Works 10% Fire 27% Public Works Annual Maintenance Program $2.5 Million Beach Sand Bus Shelters Storm Drains Doolittle Landfill Graffiti Abatement 22 Sanitary Sewer Signs Street Striping Traffic Signals - Regent - Public Works Annual Maintenance Programs $2.5 Mil lion > Median Landscaping > Street Trees > Parking Meters > Potholes 23 • City Council ❑ City Clerk • In Tech • City Atty • City Mgr • FIR • Finance General Fund Appropriations FY 2006-2007 - $78.6 M Planning & Building 5% ec & Parks Public Safety 10791 82 Pension 4% Police 30% Other 10% Public Works 10% Fire 27% Library Revenues Total: $ 3.8 Million Fees, Grants & Donations 4% Property Tax es 41% Trsf from Gen Fund 55% 24 New Main Library Total Project Budget: $27 Million ➢ 47,500 square feet of energy efficient building ➢ Expanded Children's and Teen Facilities and Programs ➢ Friend's Cafe ➢ Computer Lab and 68 public access computers ➢ Grand opening November 2, 2006 2006-2007 Library Budget Proposed Workforce Changes Restore one previously unfunded Supervising Librarian position Restore one previously unfunded Library Technician position Add one Computer Services Coordinator 25 • City Council ❑ City Clerk • Into Tech ® City Atty • City Mgr • HR • Finance General Fund .Appropriations FY2006- 2007 - $78.6 M Public Safety 1079182 Planning & Building Pension 5% � 4/n ec & Parks Public Works 10% Recreation and Parks Park tree pruning transferred from CIP to Park Maintenance - $50,000 annually Turf Management Plan - $30,000 annually 26 m City Council o City Clerk • Inb Tech City Atty ■ City Mgr ■ HR • Finance General Fund Appropriations FY2006 -2007- $78.6 M Planning & Building 5% Public Safety 1079182 Pension 4% ec & Parks Police 30% Other 10% Public Works 10% Fire 27% Proposed Workforce Changes 27 2006-2008 Budget Proposed Workforce Changes 2006 -2007 AP &T (11) Library 3 General Departments 5 2007 -2008 Maintenance 3 General Departments 3 Net Change +3 Workforce H sto,y Full-time authorized positions 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 11111111111111111 11111.111111101 11111,11111111! 111111111111111 111111111111111 0111111111111111 FY94 FY96 - FY98 FY00 • City • AP &T FY02 FY04 FY06 FY08 • Hsng Auth 28 OTV Or 2006-2008 Capital Improvement Program 2006 - 2098 CIP.Pro.cess Overview Departments identify Projects Public Input Three public workshops Website Press release to newspapers Presentation to Council 29 2006 - 2008 Capital Improvement Program 2006 -2007 2007 -2008 Sewer $4,873,000 $1,766,000 Golf $4,500,000 Streets $2,844,000 $1,200,000 General City Facilities $1,922,000 $1,070,000 Drainage & Marine $748,000 $558,000 Traffic $515,000 $744,000 Bike /Pedestrian $100,000 $50,000 Parks $765,000 TOTAL $15,502,000 $6,153,000 2 -Year TOTAL $21,655,000 Capital Improvement Program $22 Million Drainage & Marine 6% Traffic 6% General City Facilities 14% Parks 4% 1 Bike /Ped 1 % Streets & Sidewalks 19% Sewer 30% Golf 20% 30 Two -Year Revenue Sources $22 Million Dwelling Unit Tax Construction 2% Community Developer Improvement Tax u r Development Fund 2% 2% 2% Other Allocations Gas Tax 3% 3% General Fund 5% Urban Runoff Fund 6% Grants 7% Measure B 9% 1` Golf 14% Sewer Fund 31% Other Financing 14% CIP 2006 - 2008 Grant and Allocation Funds $700,000 Transportation/Treasury Appropriations BiII/TCSP Account $624,000 Highway Bridge Rehabilitation $550,000 Congestion Management Authority $77,000 Coastal Conservancy $67,000 State Office of Transportation Safety $57,000 CMAQ (Congestion Management and Air Quality) 31 O 2006 2008 Capital Improvement Projects Drainage Projects Lagoon gates, HBI Storm Drain Upgrades General City Facilities Fire Station #3 replacement — Property and design Renovation of Interim Library space 32 City Building Renovations Revolving Fund 06 -07 > Animal Shelter Roof Repair Rec and Parks Offices Windows and Security > Maintenance Garage — Roof Replacement, Fire Suppression System, and Gas & Gate Card Reader System > Fire Station # 2 Rear Apparatus Room Door > Fire Station # 4 - Roof Repair & Repainting > Harrison Center in Lincoln Park — HVAC Replacement > Lower Washington Park Restrooms > Generators — City Hall West and Fire Station 5 City Building Renovations Revolving Fund 07 -08 Veteran's Building — Hardwood Floors, Stairs, Railings, Walls City Maintenance Garage - Corp Yard and, Clarifier Mastick Senior Center Reroofing 33 Marine • Spartina control Parks • Lincoln Park improvements Pedestrian and Bike Facilities Central Avenue Bike Lanes (Walnut to Oak) Sidewalk Repair, Annual Accessibility (ADA) Upgrades 34 Sewer Projects > Cyclic Sewer Repairs > Sanitary Pump Station Generators (various locations) > Sewer and Storm Pump Station Upgrades > Video - assessment City Sewer Mains Street Projects > Ballena Bridge Seismic Upgrade - Construction > Lincoln Avenue Parking Striping > Park Street Reconfiguration at Oakland Triangle > Park Street Streetscape, Phase II > Tinker Extension (Design) > Annual Resurfacing 35 Traffic Signals Traffic Signal Improvements > Pedestrian Audible Signals > Pedestrian Countdown Signals > Controller Replacement > LED Replacement New Traffic Signals Traffic Signal Coordination Proposed Capital Improvement Projects 36 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR WEST ALAMEDA GENERAL COT EACILIrIES A Lily Hulleeng Reneyttlans Fire. Skck.) No. 2, Rear Apparp s'Reon Door Lower iangtan Park, Renovation of Restroons CM, Hall West, Generator Flee Staten 5' Generator n sWing 2, e Teton noi c Senon C en er Rercaf:ng PEB BIKE Accessaallity (ADA) upgeOdes - d :tyr :tle 4',-R .•• Sanitoey PunP Etct :nr. Emengenty Gentrn.nr Assesses, ee Soon,- . STR ETS !Q1 BClleno Bridge Seisn, Retrofit ®Resurracing Phase 26 Sidewalk Repair, Annual (4000 locations - see paper Lot) ©Ti ker _w;enson • FRAM Pedestelar. Coontda.n Signals (:0 r ans ) O 10 1p o a s ans) • S,6nel5COr 2 (2 Intersections, Tepees S,gnal Controller Reoiaceneat (I5 0:241,051 7�ofr;c Elen•l LED Replacement (75 in rsect:ono) Troer, Blond - Locator, yet in 'nn dn.err.nrd CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR EAST ALAMEDA 6,1EPAL -cnr r.c)uncs rine -.. Stevan ` R r Sppce • CenO al Garage. f RepLacenent ens Tee Sue ones �a er. oPSCtG s -Gt Ca eeSYten eM Replace ®Ve Hull p� Re nard.pod rlaO's. 6540 L Rolinps, C44 1,e,, Wall Reppl )19tH r ._. c- v.r_r.n PEg BIKE © e E a B:Ne_ L ne Strp ' ',deco., uppr4,44 - ONYelde • mn ,tin A 7 : .ay vsed Accesseynt •o( O., Se. Roos STREETS Par6 Rec n1gu- at•Ealle . Rla PAr N Street Phase. 26 S ee cop e, Phose II See•pll. R o Anna u000 loco on. - see Caper list) TRe TIC ©l,, synineo •Pe nR °gna O uaSion. (15 `n- ns) •Signal eCoo-Knott,. n s xc) 74444,4 Sipryl Cen r Repot (75 of • - ,dons) T- c Sips Hi ReF even c(]5 nN r .i n .^a. of - Lo.ucs Yet to be.de(enn.netlz) 37 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR BAY FARM ISLAND GENERAL C•.TV FACILITIES • Cty Bultcang Renovetlons QF,re Stator p4. Roof Repair & Repainting PED BIKE Accessib'A'ity :ABA) upgrades d :ywlde S =:tr_R -.San. ey P,se ...c -..... .n .. �a. c...rc STREETS ®Resurfocing Phase 25 Stiewolk Repa-r, Annual ;0000 locations - see paper esti TRAFFIC • 9gna1 Cooecanc.lon (2 Intersec_ICns) Teareio 519151 Controller Rettoce -ent • Troffic Signet LED Replacement 'raffle S,gncl - _oct:,on yet to he deterninei 38 Opportunities State Budget Proposal > $300,000 for Infrastructure $ 30,000 for Library Operations $ 50,000 for Mandate Reimbursements Ballot Measures > Library Bond > Infrastructure Bond > $2.4 million for local streets and roads Grants 39 Challenges Strategic Planning efforts to maintain a balanced budget Impacts of changes in federal funding for Community Development and Housing Authority > Impacts of changes on redevelopment law and funds by the State Legislature > Recurring capital improvement projects to bring the infrastructure to "good condition" and maintaining that condition Challenges > Unfunded administrative, police and fire positions > County -wide Safety Services Interoperability System > Potential acquisition and improvement of the Alameda Beltline property Addressing the unfunded capital improvement projects > Branch library upgrades 40 Challenges Alameda Point Facilities and Transit Improvements Webster Street Garage (planning, design and construction) Park and Ride lot Estuary Park acquisition and construction Joint Corporation Yard City of Alameda Budget Overview 2006 -2008 41 42