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2006-06-07 CIC 2-A Submittal
City of Alameda: EFMHome HELP Case Details Print Close https://clients.comcate.com/reps/caseDetail.php Case Number: 15416 Status: Resolved Customer: Lindsey, Location of Request: a 1255 Sherman Street Alameda CA 94501 suzlindsey ©earthlink. net (map) Preferred Contact Method: Email Submitted By: Lindsey, customer Mayor /City Council > Topic: E -mail the Mayor and Councilmembers Request Type: Suggestion Primary Owner: Weisiger, Lara Date/Time Created: 06/06/2006 17:29 Date /Time Closed: 06/06/2006 18:50 Original Request Do not negotiate with the lowest bidder on the garage for the theater work. Yes, I want a theater. No I do not like what has happened re: bidding, developer, and the way the whole project has been handled. Please, vote for option 5 in the staff report, which is NOT online, BTW. Let's be realistic and get this out of the battlefield and on to a successful project. Don't make any more mistakes, please. Option 5 • It will allow the City to get out of a lopsided agreement, in which the financial risks seriously outweigh the benefits • It will free up almost $4 million in loans and grants currently committed to the cineplex portion of the prioject —which can then be used on restoration of the theater • It will allow alternatives for a more responsible project to be explored freely, without the constraints of a prior agreement • costs will continue to rise even as prices are negotiated This new system hopefully is great and all council members and mayon will get this email before June 7. Thanks for reading, Suzanne Lindsey Customer Communications Date From Text 06/06/2006 Baines, Details » Dear Suzanne, Your comments and have been forwarded 17:55 Christina to the City Clerk, and she will provide the Council a copy. Thank you for using the City of Alameda's Alameda Access Program. Christina Internal Activity Internal Notes Date From Note 06/06/06 Weisiger, Details » Change status from: Pending to: Resolved 18:50 Lara 1 of 2 Re: Agenda Item #2 -A 06 -07 -06 CIC Meeting City of Alameda: EFMHome 06/06/06 Baines, Details » Change status from: New to: Pending 17:55 Christina https://clients.comcate.com/reps/caseDetail.php Tasks Complete Due Subject Assigned By Assigned To Status Case Contacts Role Name Email Phone Primary Owner Secondary Owner Past Owner Past Owner Weisiger, Lara Stoker, Lana Baines, Christina Weisiger, Lara lweisige@ci.alameda.ca.us Istoker @ci.alameda.ca.us cbaines©ci.alameda.ca.us Iweisige @ci.alameda.ca.us 747 -4801 510 - 747 -4701 747 -4801 Attachments No attachments found Activity History Date Event Description 06/06/2006 18:50 Change Status Change status from: Pending to: Resolved 06/06/2006 17:55 Change Status Change status from: New to: Pending 06/06/2006 17:52 Reassign Primary Owner reassigned 2 of 2 6/6/2006 6:59 PM City of Alameda: EFMHome HELP Case Details Print Close Case Number: 15418 Customer: hinkle, peggy 1312 regent street Alameda CA 94501 510.521.4775 peggyhinkle @alamedanet.net (map) Preferred Contact Method: Email [.1 In Submitted By: hinkle, peggy customer Mayor /City Council > E -mail Topic: the Mayor and Councilmembers https://chents.comcate.com/reps/caseDetail.php Status: Resolved Location of Request: Request Type: Suggestion Primary Owner: Weisiger, Lara Date /Time Created: 06/06/2006 17:45 Date /Time Closed: 06/06/2006 18:43 Original Request I am unable to attend the June 7 meeting. I urge you all to please choose Option 5 - —"reject the bid, terminate the agreement with the developer, and evaluate other options for reuse of the theater." I am absolutely opposed to the megaplex and parking garage. Customer Communications Date From Text 06/06/2006 Baines, Details » Your comments and have been forwarded to the City 18:04 Christina Clerk, and she will provide the Council a copy. Thank you for using the City of Alameda's Alameda Access Program. Christina Internal Activity Internal Notes Date From Note 06/06/06 Weisiger, Details » Change status from: Pending to: Resolved 18:43 Lara Tasks Complete Due Subject Assigned By Assigned To Status Case Contacts Role Name Email Phone Primary Owner Secondary Owner Past Owner 1 of 2 Weisiger, Lara Stoker, Lana Baines, Christina Iweisige @ci.alameda.ca.us (stoker @ci.alameda.ca.us cbaines @ci.alameda.ca.us 747 -4801 510 - 747 -4701 6/6/2006 6:58 PM City of Alameda: EFMHome Past Owner https://clients.comcate.com/reps/caseDetail.php Weisiger, Lara Iweisige @ci.alameda.ca.us 747 -4801 Attachments No attachments found Activity History Date Event Description 06/06/2006 18:43 Change Status Change status from: Pending to: Resolved 06/06/2006 18:04 Change Status status change during log communication 06/06/2006 18:03 Reassign Primary Owner reassigned 2 of 2 6/6/2006 6:58 PM City of Alameda: EFMHome HELP Case Details Print Close Case Number: 15420 Customer: Lenhardt, Arthur 1321 Weber ST Alameda CA 94501 510 - 522 -0163 awlenhardt @aol.com (map) Preferred Contact Method: Email G�. Submitted By: Lenhardt, Arthur customer Mayor /City Council Topic: > E -mail the Mayor and Councilmembers https://clients.comcate.com/reps/caseDetail.php Status: Resolved Location of Request: Request Type: Primary Owner: Date /Time Created: Date/Time Closed: Suggestion Baines, Christina 06/06/2006 18:45 06/06/2006 19:00 Original Request Hi there. I left voicemails for all but Tony, as he doesn't have that set up. Fm not too good about this, but the theatre and garage complex is turning into an embarrassing nightmare. Dump them both. Then freeze development until the Harsch folks and the rest of them can propose, plan, and PAY FOR a new tube or bridge. What are we leaving our children but something that looks like Fremont, if this keeps up? Even that increased traffic, without offsetting access, will be a nightmare. That's it. Yeah, there's a lot more, but you folks are busy. Thanks. Art Customer Communications Date From Text 06/06/2006 Weisiger, Details » Mr. Lenhardt, Your comments will be provided to the City 19:00 Lara Council. Thank you for using the City's Alameda Access Program. Lara Weisiger City Clerk Internal Activity Internal Notes No records for internal activities found Tasks Complete Due Subject Assigned By Assigned To Status Case Contacts Role Name Email Phone 1 of 2 6/6/2006 7:09 PM City of Alameda: EFMHome Primary Owner Secondary Owner Attachments No attachments found Activity History Baines, Christina Weisiger, Lara https://clients.comcate.com/reps/caseDetail.php cbaines @ci.alameda.ca.us 510 - 747 -4701 Iweisige @ci.alameda.ca.us 747 -4801 Date Event Description 06/06/2006 19:00 Change Status status change during send email 2 of 2 6/6/2006 7:09 PM City of Alameda: EFMHome Page 1 of 2 HELP Case Details Print Close Case Number: 15414 Status: Resolved Customer: Ruma, Valerie Location of Request: valerie @inkgraphics.com Preferred Contact Method: Email Submitted By: Ruma, Valerie customer Mayor /City Council > E- Topic: mail the Mayor and Councilmembers Request Type: Suggestion Primary Owner: Baines, Christina Date /Time Created: 06/06/2006 09:08 Date /Time Closed: 06/06/2006 09:27 Original Request To City Council acting as CIC. Re: Construction bids for theater and parking structure at Oak and Central. I strongly urge you to accept option 5 in your staff report dated 6/7/06 which states "reject the bid, terminate the agreement with the developer, and evaluate other options for reuse of the theater" this is the only fiscally responsible solution for the project. Please do not throw good taxpayer dollars after bad to continue with this project which has spun rediculously out of control. Thank you for your consideration. Valerie Ruma Customer Communications Date From Text 06/06/2006 Baines, Details » Dear Valerie, The City Council has been provided 09:27 Christina a copy of your comments. Thank you for using the City of Alameda's Alameda Access Program. Christina Internal Activity Internal Notes No records for internal activities found Tasks Complete Due Subject Assigned By Assigned To Status Case Contacts Role Name' Email Phone Primary Owner Baines, Christina cbaines @ci.alameda.ca.us 510 - 747 -4701 Secondary Owner Weisiger, Lara Iweisige @ci.alameda.ca.us 747 -4801 https: / /clients. comcate. com /reps /caseD etail.php Re: Agenda Item #2 -A 06 -07 -06 CIC Meeting City of Alameda: EFMHome Page 2 of 2 Attachments No attachments found Activity History Date Event Description 06/06/2006 09:27 Change Status status change during log communication https: // clients. comcate.com /reps /caseDetail.php 6/6/2006 City of Alameda: EFMHome Page 1 of 2 HELP Case Details Print Close Case Number: 15415 Customer: Baumgartner, Lici a 1054 San Antonio Ave Alameda CA 94501 2bears@alamedanet.net (map). r.� e. Preferred Contact Method: Email Status: Resolved Location of Request: Request Type: Suggestion Submitted By: Baumgartner, Lici Baines, customer Primary Owner: Christina Date /Time Created: 06/06/2006 Mayor /City Council > E- 10:48 Topic: mail the Mayor and Councilmembers Date /Time Closed: 06/06/2006 10:59 Original Request Re: Megaplex Theater & Monster Garage Dear Councilmember, As a voter, property owner and life -long citizen of this city, I strongly urge you to vote for Option 5 of the staff report — "reject the bid, terminate the agreement with the developer, and evaluate other options for reuse of the theater." I am amongst many citizens who oppose this ill- conceived plan to build an inappropriately large movie theater and garage at the site on Oak Street and Central Avenue. I urge you to use the cost overrun issue to abandon this project at the meeting on June 18. Thank you. Sincerely, Lici Baumgartner Edgar Cagawan Tisa Baumgartner Dorothea Baumgartner Customer Communications Date From Text 06/06/2006 Baines, Details » The City Council has been provided a copy of 10:59 Christina your comments. Thank you for using the City of Alameda's Alameda Access Program. Christina https:// clients. comcate.comlreps /caseDetail.php 6/6/2006 City of Alameda: EFMHome Page 2 of 2 Internal Activity Internal Notes No records for internal activities found Tasks Complete Due Subject Assigned By Assigned To Status Case Contacts Role Name Email Phone Primary Owner Baines, Christina cbaines @ci.alameda.ca.us 510 - 747 -4701 Secondary Owner Weisiger, Lara Iweisige @ci.alameda.ca.us 747 -4801 Attachments No attachments found Activity History Date Event Description 06/06/2006 10:59 Change Status status change during log communication https: // clients. comcate.com /reps /caseDetail.php 6/6/2006 Lara Weisiger - Theater construction bid Page 1 From: Ani Dimusheva <antzv @earthlink.net> To: <bjohnson @ci.alameda.ca.us >, <fmatarrese @ci.alameda.ca.us >, <tdaysog @aol.com >, <ddehaan @ci.alameda.ca.us >, <mgilmore @ci.alameda.ca.us> Date: 6/6/2006 3:45:58 PM Subject: Theater construction bid Mayor and Councilmembers, I am writing to urge you to reject the recommendation by staff for agenda item 2 -A tomorrow night regarding the theater construction bid and to seriously consider option 5 of the staff report, terminating the DDA and rescoping the entire project. Proceeding as recommended by staff only paves the road with uncertainties. Consider the following: • There are no guarantees that any of the negotiations will be successful and yet they will drag out the process, even as hard costs continue to rise. The price of the project has risen by $10 million in just one year. You would be continuing to chase the horizon on the price if you prolong the process. • Depriving the project of contingencies will place its extensively discussed quality in jeopardy, as compromises will inevitably have to be made in order to stick to a tight budget. What could be worse than a project that falls short of its intention or is halted midway for lack of funds? • There will be an ongoing pressure to complete the project, yet circumstances that control its feasibility, such as fuel and material costs will be beyond your power, with the end results uncertain at best. Terminating the agreement now, as recommended in option 5, makes sense for the following reasons: It will allow you to get out of a lopsided agreement in which the financial risks seriously outweigh the benefits. • It will result in the freeing up of nearly $4 million in funds now slated for the cineplex, and will allow you to apply these funds to the historic theater construction budget, the original goal behind this entire project. • Most importantly, terminating the agreement will give you the breathing room you need to evaluate other, less costly alternatives, which the present circumstances don't allow you to explore. I strongly believe that there is no better time than now to show fiscal prudence and change the scope of the project, and I urge you to do so. Sincerely, Ani Dimusheva 2911 Calhoun Street 522 -3753 CC: <manager @ci.alameda.ca.us >, <clerk @ci.alameda.ca.us> Lara Weisiger 6/7/06 Special CIC Meeting aae From: "Monica Pena" <MPENA @bkjf.com> To: <Iweisige @ci.alameda.ca.us> Date: 6/6/2006 4:10:32 PM Subject: 6/7/06 Special CIC Meeting Dear Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission: I wish to reiterate the Cineplex Theater /Garage Project remains out of compliance with CEQA and that an EIR is needed prior to consideration of bid approval or negotiation. Thank you for your consideration, Monica Pena 1361 Regent Street Alameda, CA 94501 CIC meeting, June 7, 2006 Item 2 -A FOR THE RECORD Mayor and Councilmembers, In light of the construction bid for the theater which exceeded the expected cost by more than 50 %, it is time to step back and take a careful look at the entire project. The cost of it, as currently proposed, has ballooned by $10 million in just one year and is now a mind - boggling $33 million. Continuing on the same track is not fiscally responsible. You can get off the madness train! When considering the proposed options tonight, I urge you to think of what you would accomplish by continuing negotiations with construction companies: More expenses will be incurred while hard costs will continue to rise even as you try to talk prices down. If successful in lowering the cost and scraping some more funds, the result will likely be a project of severely compromised quality in order to save money —and this is not what you promised the people of Alameda. Finally, the entire house of cards may come tumbling down as soon as a court ruling on the EIR is issued in the next month and a half. Option five is the one to choose. Terminating the DDA will allow you the breathing room you need to reevaluate both the scope of the project and it's original purpose. There are alternatives, which may seem impossible to you right now because of the pressures of the agreement you've made. Consider this: revising the project to focus on the theater will free up almost $4 million in funds currently committed to the cineplex —and you can put this money where it rightfully belongs, in the restoration of the historic theater. Parking need will change dramatically if the project is rescoped, resulting in less costly and better parking alternatives. Most importantly, you will show the people of Alameda that you can reassess a situation as circumstances change, which is the main reason people trust a leader. Do not proceed with negotiations, rather choose the responsible and reasonable option of terminating the agreement, and give yourselves the clear mind and clean start that will allow the right solution to emerge. Ani Dimusheva 2911 Calhoun Street Alameda Submitted by Ani Dimusheva at the 06 -07 -06 CIC Meeting Re: Agenda Item #2 -A Comparison for Theater /Parking Complex (Estimated /Actual) Use of Funds 6/7/06 Revised Estimated Total Estimate /Actual Budget 2/21/06 Bids 5/14/06 Difference Parking Garage Land Acquisition $811,000 $811,000 $0 Construction Costs $8,300,000 $9,104,000 (1) - $804,000 Contingency (10 %) $830,000 $910,400 - $80,400 Other Costs (6) $1,366,000 $1,366,000 $0 Sub Total $11,307,000 $12,191,400 - $884,400 -7.8% Cineplex Public Contribution $2,800,000 $2,800,000 $0 Hazardous Material Clean -up $200,000 $200,000 $0 Theater Connections $675,000 $675,000 $0 Sub Total $3,675,000 $3,675,000 $0 0.0% Alameda Theater Rehabilitation Land Acquisition & Relocation $2,500,000 $3,285,000 (3) - $785,000 Rehabilitation Costs $7,373,600 $11,187,000 (2) - $3,813,400 Contingency (15 %) $1,106,040 $1,678,050 - $572,010 Other Costs (5)(7) $1,869,960 $1,869,960 $0 Sub Total $12,849,600 $18,020,010 - $5,170,410 - 40.2% TOTAL $27,831,600 (4) $33,886,410 - $6,054,810 - 21.8% Bids as of 5/14106 PROJECT BID DIFFERENCE (1) Parking Garage Overaa Construction $9,104,000 - $804,000 (2) Alameda Theater Rehab SJ Amorose $11,187,000 - $3,813,400 TOTAL DIFF 44,617,400 Adjusted June 7,2006 (3) Additional Land Acquisition & Relocation (4) Additional available funds (Library) (5) Project Oversight t 12% ($1,342,440) (increased from 7% to12%) Separated Based on Contingency % (6) Parking Garage Combined Contingency /Other Cost (7) Theater Rehabitatlon Combined Contingency /Other Cost $785,500 $1,000,000 - $2,196,000 - $2,976,000 Submitted by Commissioner deHaan at the 06 -07 -06 CIC Meeting Re: Agenda Item #2 -A cn w 1 co W 0 M / 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LO N-- 0 0 0 0 o Lo N....- 0 0 o o o 10 L 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 10 0) 0) c4 a w March 23, 2006 PARKING STRUCTURE COMPARISION City Date of bid No. of Space Cost per Space Watsonville 18 months 460 $20,600 San Francisco (very basic) 2 years $18,000 Campbell completed 2002 301 $19,600 Claremont 1 year $18,000 San Rosa just bid 350 $30,000 (1 level underground) Alameda Parking Structure Estimate 350 parking space (7 levels) 2002 - $18,000 /space Present- $23,700 /space STATEMENTS: 1. Including displaced spaces; $32,000 per space 2. Not including; Property Acquisition, and Demolition 3. Price of concrete has increased over the last year from $90 to $130, change in world economy 4. Height increase not number of level, only increase in level height due to Air Space requirements and equipment 5. Everyday cost goes up!! t 6. Would need to support Historical Theater anyway: serves ADA requirements ramps and life safety issues 7. Net available funds were $40 M Bond Breakdown (Redevelopment Property Tax Increment); 2004 Million ($) INITIAL BOND $46.5 EXPENDITURES 1. Mariana Village Homeowners $13.0 2. BEWSP Fund Loan, General Fund $2.2 3. Streetscape Projects $2.3 4. Uncommitted $4.0 TOTAL $21.5 Balance of Available Funds $25.0 Excludes; Bridgeside an additional Streetscape Original Estimate Million ($) Theater $7.5 Parking $10.3 $3.8M for Escalators (2), Elevator, and Staircase 0 to m a.] csi 0 o a o co 0 0 0 0 0) co co CV 69 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N- 0 CO ■-• 0 CD CO CO CO N 00. 0 0 0 .4 000 o 0 0 0 13 0 = 0 LO Cs! 0 03 CO CO CO O) 0 CO 7a sr: 69 64 1- 0) • ar sl m •‘; History of Cost Es Use of Funds o o O o a o o c5 CV CD CO CO CD CD CV 4063 0 csi 41.4 0 0 0 40 0 a 0) 41; 0 0 0 o 000 c5 co a CO DC CCD oi 69 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 O0 0 Lci o o CO DJ CO 0 0 cri tO 40 0 1., 44 CO 0000 a c . 0 0 8C:I. 17: 49' 0 CO CO 0-0�D 63 6t3:- ;Ps 0000 0 0000 OW 03 tO (0 0) N 0 CO a)00 C■1 N. oi 404040.- o o co o L6 co CD N. tO 0 03. CN" 03 69 69 o 0 CD 0 o 000 0 o a o d of of 0 0 03 CO CI 03 NI Is-- .4 CN- 0 s- 64 63 69 69 o 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 o 00 '1 (0 (0 01 0) 00 68 40 0. 7 00 713 0 a) 0 42 2 E x a) 0 o ,11 N .0 D CO .0 a. (0 Alameda Theater o>" o et 0, cr, oiS co .2 0 0 5 0 0 2 81 c -0 2 0 c ce 3 cc o to co co 04 00 .ct 10 kft 'Cr CO 44 CR. 0) CO 1.0 CO CO co C■I 44 $22,000,000 (4) 13 0 0 CD 00 0 CI 0 0 00 R 0 6 ri 0 CZ 0 a N 0 CO 0 < 60 6: C°... 2 co sa. cl i Cd tco tr... 03 ‘,... ILI 4 -69 e ,..) cl S' 8 21 a a CD <4 CO 1 in 46,.. <1 o "Z' a, 0 0 2 te o .4 .... 4.9. 1 •I a, o 8 P) a t E 71 co or . u- ea 2 16 1 w .= •r, ;,) 2 E o ir 5 i)" C 263, 1.66. I Let Ged, o m IE 0 LI C c, 43 il g ‘3 '4 g g .1 2 c o 0 la X Q. O r o Nt 0 IC) 0 x 0 0 r r I0 (d O N 0 0 0 N 0 N 0 0 N N N 0) o 0) 0 CO 0 LO 0 0) 0 0 orn 0) LO d o o- o 4 6 N o o c i N d o o O M O c) 00000 O M CO LO CO f- N. 0 I` Lc) CO N. 0 O 0 P- (Q E N r N N e N. N F ti Ni: N r co to to N r 69- *A- N N N 2002 BWIP N C U_ U) H C C O ,F CO a) L .as 0) L as • •- m as El.) C N re Q LL • "6 W • a) H a) mc o Z z N C (a 0 LL M O C J O O D J g O O J Q m N N CO �OW Y C p E H f6 0 E a L o ns a) c cc acoD c:iw 2002 BWIP 0) 0 CO N 0 Q ▪ LL a) c E a) O co M i' O 0 p a)+, U O) N C Y o am 1. SHORT TERM 2. POTENTIAL LONG TERM Contingency: ure by Source of Funds October 27, 2005 Current Project Expend °c' w -0 Y S LL V N o o O ` p N m N O O N 0 O m °sueo°°v. 0 0 f69 ft 40 r O CO C9 EA d LC) '1 • CO 60) O CV Ci3 CC O M f• te- �e91Eq 0 0 0)000r r r 0 0 CO CA 0 0 CO CO O O CO CO 0) In cc) m N- r-(Or 0 co u) CO C3V Nt0 ✓ fA v- 69. 0 w a eo L IX iz 41 co X CO cD C y 20 E1- 0 a Additional non - construction expenditures from the annual tax increment fund are $68,800 as of October 27, 2005. Table 3 Expenditure Status Report on Updated Budget for Downtown Theater Project Use of Funds Total Budget Total Expended Percent 3/21/2006 As of 5/31/206 Expended Parking Garage Land Acquisition $811,000 $811,000 100% Construction Costs $8,300,000 $0 0% Other Costs /Contingency $2,196,000 $396,000 18% Sub Total $11,307,000 $1,207,000 11% Cineplex Public Contribution $2,800,000 $0 0% Hazardous Material Clean -up $200,000 $0 0% Theater Connections $675,000 $0 0% Sub Total $3,675,000 $0 0% Alameda Theater Land Acquisition & Relocation $2,500,000 $1,585,500 63% Rehabilitation Costs $7,373,600 $0 0% Other Costs /Contingency $2,976,000 $586,000 20% Sub Total $12,849,600 $2,171,500 17% TOTAL USE of FUNDS $27,831,600 $3,378,500 12% 6/7/2006 TD a) c a. a) a) 1- c.) cr) 06 10(1) co 70- X o. w - J a. 0- 2 = O 49 O m (pc to O 7. co O a. z E o a. uJ 5 LU 2 ,C33 ox 2 - N s- 0- CI ca o o .0 co coa. •E co N e., Ize 0 0 CD— ° LID CO - 1,0 1 C° T e- N CO CO 4 0 76 Csi L° 0 1 '4' CO N C> 0 o'n gum to. co N c- O (5 Project Specifications Present Proposal 1- 0 V' 0 N 0 (0 N CO 4 (1) 0 . in o co a, a) o_ 0 P2 CD cn a (1) . 0 . co co )Q) c u) c (ll — 0) L. -0) n cD co •-•,,, 0 eL (T) u) co 2 co 1. 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